When did I say I hated Detroit? I'd love to see that city revitalized. I'm in Ann Arbor and like it here, but I long for a bustling big city nearby. I've always been bummed it's a shithole. But the thing is, fixing problems begins with acknowledging that they exist. Detroit has HUGE issues that need some very drastic action to deal with. I feel sorry for the people that live there. They're poor and have to fight hard just to survive. It's a miserable place to live, and I strongly believe in the good in most people. But there are a lot of assholes on a rampage who are completely unchecked, and the things a big city should have and truly needs, Detroit lacks.
MMJ would've passed without Detroit. 3 million voted yes, 1.8 million voted no. That's a difference of 1.2 million. The population of Detroit is 700,000. You could've wiped Ann Arbor off the map too and it still would've passed. We owe gratitude to the entire state, though Detroit and Ann Arbor in particular. Detroiters know what it's like to get fucked by corporations and the government, as that's why that city is so fucked up right now. Usually leads to liberal perspectives...
The point stands that over 50% of Detroiters would leave tomorrow if they could afford it. A clear majority of Detroiters hate where they live. That says a lot. You're in the minority.
Regarding any possible increase in population from whites, it's probably because of the horrible economy and falling incomes - they're having to return to that dump because they can't afford to live anywhere else.
Honestly what has happened to Detroit makes my blood boil. It's on the same scale as what happened to New Orleans. It's completely inexcusable for a civilized society to let that shit happen. If I weren't able to laugh at things like that too, I would probably have lost my mind by now. I do care.