What's For Dinner Tonight?

Root canal about 3 hours ago, so when the novacaine wears off, I'll assess the situation and determine whether or not I'll finally be able to eat something yummy! Went in to the dentist to try and get a root canal on Thursday, only to find out I needed to see an endodontist, so I had to wait it out the 5 days, eating soft foods...I'm assuming it's gonna be another 2 days till I'm eating something that gives my jaw a workout...

ouch. i can feel it.

I have a crown that has a cavity 10yr old under it.

have not found a dentist that gives a fuck about the patient.

hope it feels better sooner than later.
Thanks...Now that it's done, I'm fine. I have a pretty high tolerance for dental pain, I just mainly hate the anticipation of having to see the dentist.
Thanks...Now that it's done, I'm fine. I have a pretty high tolerance for dental pain, I just mainly hate the anticipation of having to see the dentist.

I used to feel that way until I found a dentist that is a fanatic about using gas. I fucking love that gas! He puts it on my face and starts talking his ass off. Pretty soon I'm giggling like a pre-adolescent school girl (same pitch too). After that my give-a-shit shuts down and it's smooth sailing. :p
I got it - just seemed like a great place for a goofy animal pic. ;-)

I swear. These people who post goofy animal pics. cn


I used to feel that way until I found a dentist that is a fanatic about using gas. I fucking love that gas! He puts it on my face and starts talking his ass off. Pretty soon I'm giggling like a pre-adolescent school girl (same pitch too). After that my give-a-shit shuts down and it's smooth sailing. :p

So...not so funny story...A friend of mine used to have a nitrous tank, 20lb'er...We took it to this swimming hole, and we were sitting on the benches gasssing away via giant bouncy balloons full of Noz...I suddenly woke up with my face smooshed against the hard packed dirt, and as I pick my head up I already see the blood pooling on the ground under my face...No real permenant damage, I was mostly worried about my teeth, and they escaped without a chip...But it was a few years till could bring myself to buy whippets after that...lol...I can laugh about it now, but it stressed me out at the time. The thing that gets me is, I was sitting down...shoulda been facing the table instead of facing the other way...haha
Ouch. I can relate. I'm an accident magnet.

I tend to usually escape these sort of things...That was one of my most unfortunate physical blunders to date.

Anywho, novacaine is almost completely worn off, and so is the ibuprofen...Prognosis...Excellent! I'm thinking I'm gonna gulp down a couple more handfuls of painkillers, say 'screw you' to the root canal, and go out shopping in a little bit. My lack of appetite has led to a certain absence of food in the pantry, at least anything remeniscent of something palatable. I'm probably good to go on anything, short of salt water taffy and ribs. But I'm sooo hungry for real food, I might just make TWO dinners and decide which one deserves to be eaten first!
I tend to usually escape these sort of things

Thats a good thing.

It always seems if there is trouble around it always begs for my participation.
the problem with that is trouble always looks good to me, wish I could say the same for the next
morning when I look into the mirror.
Marinated shrimp over spanish rice, cucumber salad, roasted corn on the cob and breaded okra. Dessert was cherry/rhubarb pie and the beverage was Island Delight (orange juice, pineapple juice, grapefruit juice, mango nectar and sprite).