Why Republicans are effing morons by Jack Handy


New Member
The year is 2012, it continues..."Republicans" have been convinced for decades that you can have a free market and a massive government at the same time.. They are somehow convinced that with this false free market money will just trickle down.

I remain convinced that they are effing morons, a big government is going to change the market regardless by its very nature, a government that prints money is obviously going to be bribed into corrupt regulations. So If your going to be an authoritarian you might as well be a democrat or I'm convinced your an effing moron or you've been had.

-Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy


Well-Known Member
Except for the fact that most "Republicans" would consider themselves "conservatives" and want anything BUT a "big government" rendering this entire rant useless.
Hence the whole end the fed thing etc etc..... also its Jack Handey.


Well-Known Member
Just because it's Jack Handey doesn't mean its useless babble. He stays on point, but does it with a comical twist. Look at Steven Colbert, he's a comedian with political prowess. He makes learning or listening to politics fun. Doesn't mean he's not serious about it.


Well-Known Member
Just because it's Jack Handey doesn't mean its useless babble. He stays on point, but does it with a comical twist. Look at Steven Colbert, he's a comedian with political prowess. He makes learning or listening to politics fun. Doesn't mean he's not serious about it.
What makes it useless babble is saying that the right wants "big government"... that equates to verbal asshattery as we all know nothing could be further from the truth.

Edit: also I pointed out it came from Jack Handey to be an asshole, the OP put jack handy, which sounds like something I used to get in high school.


Well-Known Member
Most republican voters do not want a bigger government. However, most republican presidents have increased government size and spending. Bush jr/sr, Raegan, Nixon... Etc all made government bigger. I think that's what this Jack Handy fellow is arguing.

However, our government doesn't print our money, so I don't know where he's going with that. Maybe he means a government that is ok with the fed printing money? I dunno. The guy seems kind of uninformed. I might have just been giving him the benefit of the doubt in my prior statement.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Most republican voters do not want a bigger government. However, most republican presidents have increased government size and spending. Bush jr/sr, Raegan, Nixon... Etc all made government bigger. I think that's what this Jack Handy fellow is arguing.

However, our government doesn't print our money, so I don't know where he's going with that. Maybe he means a government that is ok with the fed printing money? I dunno. The guy seems kind of uninformed. I might have just been giving him the benefit of the doubt in my prior statement.
most republican voters don't even understand how government works,look at the dumbasses they elect(same is true for dems).


Well-Known Member
They're getting so feisty as his campaign unravels, up to like 5 posts on the front page bashing republicans, all full of leftie butthurt.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
12 years ago I was a registered dem......At that time I became embarrest to be a dem and became a republican....and I still feel that way........nitro..


Well-Known Member
Except for the fact that most "Republicans" would consider themselves "conservatives" and want anything BUT a "big government" rendering this entire rant useless.
Hence the whole end the fed thing etc etc..... also its Jack Handey.

No, they just want a 'small govt' peering into your bedroom and deciding what you can't put into your body. Go against their morals and they want to put you in a 'small govt' prison. Then they want their 'small govt' to occupy just about every country on the planet. Maybe someday you'll wake the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
No, they just want a 'small govt' peering into your bedroom and deciding what you can't put into your body. Go against their morals and they want to put you in a 'small govt' prison. Then they want their 'small govt' to occupy just about every country on the planet. Maybe someday you'll wake the fuck up.
See what I mean, what the fuck are you even saying dude.


Well-Known Member
No, they just want a 'small govt' peering into your bedroom and deciding what you can't put into your body. Go against their morals and they want to put you in a 'small govt' prison. Then they want their 'small govt' to occupy just about every country on the planet. Maybe someday you'll wake the fuck up.
No, they just want a 'small govt' peering into your bedroom and deciding what you can't put into your body.

- The crackdown on the MMJ industry going on under this administration is unreal.

Go against their morals and they want to put you in a 'small govt' prison.

- Incarceration is at an all time high. Also, thanks to Obama us citizens can now be tried without due process

Then they want their 'small govt' to occupy just about every country on the planet.

- Biden swears 2014 exit during live debate, days later:

Fail troll is fail.


Well-Known Member
Ringsixty I agree completely, Bucky#2's comment was so laughable to me I just ignored it, but I think you could argue they are as equal if not better poo slingers than the R/R campain.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Whoa..there Tiger. The Dems are just as full of Shit as the Repubs.
i've never seen a candidate quite like romney, i always thought he was a joke and still do. when this is the best the republicans can offer(holy hell did they have better candidates! even a better mormon candidate!) i am left with the 3rd parties and a current president who's a near clone to bush and might as well be a republican.


Well-Known Member
Thats exactly our point though, even the candidate considered a joke by members of his own party is running a campaign that is staying competitive if not pulling ahead of the president of the U.S.... how can you still be defending Obama at this point. ROMNEY the fucking artard makes him look incompetent.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
President is a different position than 'Professional Candidate'. romney is a commercial, just like obama was/is, i'm still convinced obama is more intelligent. somebody says they are willing to run a campaign where fact checkers don't matter pisses me off, i'm a fact checker!

we've had romney run for president multiple times, his complete ability to become a chameleon the the 'undecided' public is troubling, we can see what obama is about, he's had almost 4 years to run on it, romney's history keeps getting more and more like a e true hollywood story.