purple not always a deficiency.....have a look


Well-Known Member
.....its not rocket science Bro...I'm a quick learner...I mean if this all over the purple and is it or is it not deficient I'm way past that Bro....just do a little research for urself and observe the purple on plants that they claim to b deficient....its not the same as the purp on mine....I mean it really doesn't matter...I doubt if I get to worked up debating this issue with unknown ppl with aliases...ill say it again if u look at deficient plants with purple and then look at mine and u still believe mine have a deficiency then no....growing is not for u because either u can't see or u have intelligence issues....if this does not pertain to u then do not take it personally...if it does...well then "the shoe fits"...:)
You say your a fast learner, yet you don't know what ppm is? That's like a bread maker not knowing what yeast is. Look dude, you have some real good growers trying to help you and tell you its probably a deficiency but you refuse to listen. you don't even know what ppm is, yet you dismiss the suggestions of real growers. Your looking for anyone to tell you that your pants are great and have purple genetics, one said it might herm and you thought that was good news. I'll tell you what you want to hear!...dude, you have the best plants i've ever seen. I can't believe how healthy they are! Its such an awesome purple strain, how did you get so lucky? Don't worry about ppm, Ph, or herms your way to good of a grower to sweat the small stuff! Your so purple you should change your name to Barney!

P.s, your so eager to hear something positive you have posted the same pictures under several different threads re-wording them all until you hear what your looking for. how can you be quick learner if your not willing to listen?


Well-Known Member
you'll b fine, kid, but don't get cocky...........lol. like we discussed in other threads (you have enough of them), watch yer water and feeds, and we'll see how it turns out. learn a little humility in the face of nature.


New Member
You say your a fast learner, yet you don't know what ppm is? That's like a bread maker not knowing what yeast is. Look dude, you have some real good growers trying to help you and tell you its probably a deficiency but you refuse to listen. you don't even know what ppm is, yet you dismiss the suggestions of real growers. Your looking for anyone to tell you that your pants are great and have purple genetics, one said it might herm and you thought that was good news. I'll tell you what you want to hear!...dude, you have the best plants i've ever seen. I can't believe how healthy they are! Its such an awesome purple strain, how did you get so lucky? Don't worry about ppm, Ph, or herms your way to good of a grower to sweat the small stuff! Your so purple you should change your name to Barney!
.....I knew you'd chime in....I have took everything all of u have said into consideration...it just doesn't seem to pertain to my plants...have I grown before?...no....do I have as much knowledge as u?...probably not...I never said I thought a Herm would be good so don't know where u pulled that from...I mean its not like I'm trying to boast cause it has some purple in it...just seemed odd to me....I mean purple weed...blue weed...whatever color weed dank is dank no matter what the color....I mean really Bro the things had purple on em from day 1 and different stains in the same set up getting treated the same did not....deductive reasoning led me to the conclusion that they're just
Some dank ass little plants....yeah I've said some smart ass shit throughout the thread n ur calling me hard headed but but that could b flipped back at u n ur buddy breeze as well cause those plants don't look unhealthy Bro...yeah its my first grow but I've handled bud my whole life...n i have gardens n trees n stuff that I raise..its not that difficult to tell a healthy plant from an unhealthy plant....1st weed grow or not....


Well-Known Member
Ok kid, i'm over it. Just try to be a little more respectful of the people here who take time out to try and help you. your surrounded by good people who know what they are talking about! I'm a noob compared to most people here. And thats ok with me!


New Member
Ok kid, i'm over it. Just try to be a little more respectful of the people here who take time out to try and help you. your surrounded by good people who know what they are talking about! I'm a noob compared to most people here. And thats ok with me!
U follow my posts....obviously....if ull notice when respect n consideration is received I in turn give the same...when ppl are being smart asses n disrespectful...well I can play that game too...I'm not in a completion with anyone and am probably the least experiened grower" on this site....but I know weed....n I know plants....maybe they'll die n ya'll can say I told u so.....maybe it'll be the finest bud ever....either way I got bud so its not that serious.


Well-Known Member
U follow my posts....obviously....if ull notice when respect n consideration is received I in turn give the same...when ppl are being smart asses n disrespectful...well I can play that game too...I'm not in a completion with anyone and am probably the least experiened grower" on this site....but I know weed....n I know plants....maybe they'll die n ya'll can say I told u so.....maybe it'll be the finest bud ever....either way I got bud so its not that serious.
don't count your chickens.............you're in for a learning experience. these purple stems whatever they may be is a non-issue compared to what you'll be coming up against. Good luck with it and remember not to boast until there's a reason.


New Member
don't count your chickens.............you're in for a learning experience. these purple stems whatever they may be is a non-issue compared to what you'll be coming up against. Good luck with it and remember not to boast until there's a reason.
I mean Ive got bud whether those plants make it or not....we'll see what happns


New Member
You say your a fast learner, yet you don't know what ppm is? That's like a bread maker not knowing what yeast is. Look dude, you have some real good growers trying to help you and tell you its probably a deficiency but you refuse to listen. you don't even know what ppm is, yet you dismiss the suggestions of real growers. Your looking for anyone to tell you that your pants are great and have purple genetics, one said it might herm and you thought that was good news. I'll tell you what you want to hear!...dude, you have the best plants i've ever seen. I can't believe how healthy they are! Its such an awesome purple strain, how did you get so lucky? Don't worry about ppm, Ph, or herms your way to good of a grower to sweat the small stuff! Your so purple you should change your name to Barney!

P.s, your so eager to hear something positive you have posted the same pictures under several different threads re-wording them all until you hear what your looking for. how can you be quick learner if your not willing to listen?
Different threads different opinions......


New Member
from my experience red dont have to mean there is a deficiency. My ICE plants from female seeds does it all the time. some strains just have that trait
Good to hear...I've had a hard time finding ppl with the same thing.....and not sick.....I mean if I thought it was sick I'd wanna fix it....I've seen one other pic n ive looked everywhere to find something simalar to mine....here's the pic I found...Vanilla_Kush_20_days.jpeg
....here's mine....20121007_074428.jpg20121006_073417.jpg20121006_073912.jpg.....did urs look like that at first?


Well-Known Member
i had small plants purple, but it was due to cold temps since i had them on my balcony in early april. some plants purple even without colder temps. like i said, its a genetic trait. and whoever said purple plants are less potent well.. that just dont sound right.. altho i belive i read somewhere that it can be harder to find a potent pheno among fully purp genetics but i dont know it thats a fact or a statement ...


Well-Known Member
purple this........normal that. bud shots is what we want. accomplish this and we'll like you.............fail, and well..........