Ontario grower looking for new patient's in Canada(free meds)


Hi I'm currently looking for patients to grow for. I can offer good quality strains as well as free monthly meds via Canada post.


I ve been growing for one permit holder for the last year and have been suppling her with the daily limit health canada allows. I'm growing a white rhino as well as a blue dominio strain, currently looking for another permit holder as health canada allows the grower to have 2 permits. I can supply free monthly meds delivered anywhere in canada via canada post. Anyone who might be interested can email me at dave.31353@yahoo.com


Active Member
your allowed 4 bud!!!
Wrong! Please don't spread misinformation. Things are bad enough. The rules are and I quote

"You are allowed to provide for two(2) patients with a maximum of four (4) patients per address. BUT any one individual at an address can have a maximum of two(2) patients. For example if you are growing for two patients your spouse or friend can grow for two patients at your address for a total of four(4)."


Active Member
Except where it's important. You know like in the eyes of the law. You can only be responsible for the plant count for two people. If someone else is growing for two more at the same address THEY are responsible for and to those patients.


Active Member
I disagree. It's not picky it's factual. To be perfectly honest with you I agree in regards to continuing to grow. Now that I've seen and felt the differences in my own life I will NEVER stop growing.

As someone with MS who has more to lose than the average person I would think you would be at the forefront of the charge against Health Canada and the changes. Giving a fuck and doing something about it.


my name is jo-anne, i live in millton, my grower in bc is hanging it up and i need a new one, i am allowed 150 grams a month and my renewal is coming up on april 25, please email me at myboywarren@hotmail.com looking forward to hearing from you
I'm with ya Q. I've been up all hours emailing and even writing letters to Mp's etc. I agree , I will NEVER stop growing either but the stress that will come to all of us patients if it does become illegal is SOOO detrimental to healing. The fuckin feds are going so backwards in regards to public health and contributing to MORE criminal activity and MORE abuse of the system. I only have a 3g/day perscription,, I'm not hurting anyone, just leave me the fuck alone...


Active Member
I think that's the way most of us feel. Unfortunately it takes everyone to stand up to make change. typically in Canada most can't be arsed to stand up for themselves. Imagine if all ~24000 patients stood up to the feds. They would shit their pants. Not that 24k is a lot by any means but to those in power each person who stands up stands for So many hundred people who don't (in their minds) So 24k would be a HUGE amount of intimidation. Sadly it'll never happen,
I know it! I'm standing right now, anyone take my hand??? I've written/emailed all I can find and ran out...SO, i started over again this a.m. Anybody else? Bueller?...................Bueller?...............................


New Member
Seeking a grower for 73 kush plants as per my license. I live in richmond hill, ontario.
I have been a licensed patient for many years.


Well-Known Member
Seeking a grower for 73 kush plants as per my license. I live in richmond hill, ontario.
I have been a licensed patient for many years.
OK so please excuse me for being ignorant or misinformed but if you are licensed for 73 kush plants. Why can't or don't you grow them yourself. Can you purchase from anyone legal or illegal and then if you have in your possession YOU are legal?