LMAO they consider a 4 % lead in polls as a 100% confidence Obama victory
maybe if it was 25 -60 they could say that but not 46-49
First of all, I didn't write the information, statistical analysts did.
And to say it's simply a "4% lead in polls" is oversimplifying and wrong.
It's just as much about the fact that not even winning all tossup states could make Rmoney win lol.
You have to admit that is pretty funny.
Secondly, it's not a 100% victory. The chance for an Obama victory is atm around 85%, those numbers don't lie.
I know you might be butthurt over such weak numbers for Rmoney.
If I could vote I'd vote for Gary Johnson, but I'd still rather see a person with integrity win than a religious nutbag.