lets see what reaction I get to this.....

It would require some measure of protectionism.

Moving $10,000+ (less if cash) within the U.S. is already carefully tracked. Once an economy is robust, it is desireable to be a part of it (the carrot). Limit that access from bad actors (punts the stick).
I’m thinking of the seven-to-thirteen-figure accounts squirreled away in the Caymans, Switzerland etc. via a labyrinth of shell entities.
I cannot imagine a way to stop that hemorrhage where the cure is (edit:not) worse than the condition.

The best idea I’ve seen would be for the bigger economies to federate and apply a fairly uniform and robust tax policy that intercepts the money before it leaves the economy.

That is something of a nice dream, because it will reduce the revenues of the large banks. I am not certain but suspect that big banks and trading firms are the most powerful political bloc in existence.

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In a few years, I’ll have access to my pension, which is not large but should restore some margin of comfort.

That's where I am now after decades of boom and bust during my working life. So stress free now it's like I'm on IV drip valium 24/7 in comparison. :D

I bought the house on 7.5 acres with an early inheritance gift 20 years ago for only 50G so it was free and clear until I borrowed 20G against it then a couple years later another 10. Because of my unstable work history the bank wouldn't give me any money so used a mortgage broker at 15% - 16% all through the low interest years. Finally paid off the bigger part and am now on the hook for only $125/mth tho paying double to get rid of it faster.

First thing the wife does every month is pay off all the utilities etc and we still have plenty to eat well and blow money on treats the whole month. That's just with gov't pension and her $800/mth disability. Full medical with dental and glasses tho I had to pay about $100 out of pocket for the new reading glasses I got a couple weeks ago. Lousy $230 every 3 years for glasses when the lenses cost $110 each. My right eye had changed a lot so was having problems caused by that. All better now.

Can be lots of negatives when you get older but for me I'm seeing more positives now. Since giving up booze 2 and a half years ago I no longer suffer chronic depression, (much credit for both due to microdosing magic mushrooms), and my physical health has also improved. Much credit for that due to little junk food and a half cup a day of Hemp Hearts in my diet the last 6 months. Just got the results of the latest blood work and my cholesterol is now down below any thoughts of needing meds which had been suggested in the past but I never took any. Blood pressure has always been on the low side so no meds needed there either. I don't know anyone my age, 69, who doesn't have a few pharma meds on their list.

Let me first say, I vote blue, tho, if I am honest, NONE of them are far enough left for me, a few Like AOC, Bernie Sanders, and The Squad are Close, and the next statement DOES NOT apply to them, but DOES apply to all the rest of the elected Dems AND GOP.

I look at voting like this, Pick the person with the LIES you like best, be it blue or red, and understand that NOT A SINGLE DAMN ONE OF THEM gives a RATS ASS about you the voter and NONE OF THEM are gonna make good on what they "promise" to do. Democrat and Republican are two corrupt wings on the same damn bird. So pick whose lies you like best and hope they dont fuck things up too bad.
I vote for whom i like regardless of if Blue or Red.