Global warming


Active Member
I know this issue has kind of been beat to death. I feel like venting. I just don't know why the republicans do not believe in global warming. Even a grower knows that creating a bad environment can have dramatic consequences. Bad circulation, High humidity, high temps. Basically what I am getting at is, cause and effect.

So why would the all knowing republicans think that the emissions from a car, coal plant, or a factory would not have an effect on anything? They act as if carbon dioxide just comes out and disappears. They probably believe that a hot air balloon goes up magically. Science what a hoax lol. I think they should start their car. Take a hose from the exhaust to the house, and see if that dramatically changes there environment. While they're at it take a few big whiffs.

I understand the planet goes through heating a cooling periods, but it doesn't mean that our contribution doesn't accelerate that process.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What better way to get the world together in communal harmony than scare stupid people into thinking the world is being destroyed. Unless we band together and sing kumbaya, we will die!You can't take that risk.What if is better than doom!


Active Member
Like I said put a hose from your car to your house and come back and tell me how your environment is. Cause and effect. So where do you think all of the carbon goes? Out in space? We have proven volcanos have dramatic change on the climate. Or do you not believe that either? I guess it's not happening if you can't see it right? Humans can be so naive.



Well-Known Member
What better way to get the world together in communal harmony than scare stupid people into thinking the world is being destroyed. Unless we band together and sing kumbaya, we will die!You can't take that risk.What if is better than doom!
or we could change to a cleaner energy i never liked singing kumbaya

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Like I said put a hose from your car to your house and come back and tell me how your environment is. Cause and effect. So where do you think all of the carbon goes? Out in space? We have proven volcanos have dramatic change on the climate. Or do you not believe that either? I guess it's not happening if you can't see it right? Humans can be so naive.

if your house is full of cannabis plants (as it should be!) you wont even notice.

cannabis LOVES elevated CO2 levels. thats why growers import the stuff into their grows. the basis for "anthropogenic global climate change" is that carbon dioxide (currently ~3% of our atmosphere) will trap heat like a thermal blanket and raise global temps.

newsflash, during the cambrian explosion 530 million years ago, (the time when life diversified like a motherfucker) CO2 levels were half what they are now. but thats because the world was run by PLANTS and very few animals were blowing out co2. and yet... still there was co2. at around 1.5% of the atmosphere. amazing. if co2 drops too low plants stop growing. when it gets higher plants grow faster, some plants increase their photosynthesis all the way up to 20% co2 (aelodia) meanwhile animals dont do well past 12% co2. rest assured young econaut, if we fuck up too bad, WE lose, not the planet.

one of the most important things to note when discussing OBSERVED co2 levels (as opposed to ice cores) is WHERE the observations occur.

mauna loa hawaii... on an active volcano.
in urban universities... surrounded by automobiles industry and people, not so many plants.
etc etc etc.

if you put your CO2 sniffer by interstate 40 in los angeles youll get remarkably different readings than youll get if you test the air off interstate 40 in wyoming. not because theres a different atmosphere, but because youre sniffing car exhaust.
the same holds true with temp readings. any motorcyclist can tell you, as you drive through a town on a sunny day (even in winter) it gets hotter, till you get past the urban core and then it gets cooler. it's called the urban heat island. cities get hot as fuck, the country not nearly as much.
many of the "climate change" theorists are the same assholes telling us we were going into an ice age in the 70's, then were gonna die in a pressure cooker in the 90's and now... in 30 years it's gonna be 200 degrees in waist deep snow on the banks of the new megaocean that rises to the tops of the highest peaks, and only kevin costner can save us with his gills. it is absurd.

see if you can spot the inconsistency in this graph...

why it doesnt look anything like the other graph does it? you may note the other graph has sources. even if you dont look em up, they are there.

this graph is from a company (CORPORATION!!!!) that makes it's bones selling global warming hype.
mind who you listen to, theres agendas everywhere.


Active Member
Republicans stick their heads up their ass and call it global warming. Lets look out our window and see miles of oil fields, sounds fun.



Active Member
Sure plants grow faster. But they can't grow if a D9(bulldozer) is clear cutting the rain forest. Killing the only thing on this planet that converts co2 to o2. You are right we will fuck ourselves. But we will take out most of the planets resources doing it. Only time will tell, as the planet gets more populated and humans use more resources. The Co2 level will rise and there is going to be a consequence to that. Stupid humans won't do anything until the problem is slapping them in the face. Kind of like hurricane Sandy, so many people didn't heed the warning and they paid a price. When the government tells you to evacuate, it's probably a good idea.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
so... lets see.

global warming IS REAL. of course it is, all the dudes on TV say it is, so it must be!
bulldozers in the "rainforest"
killing all the poor plants
humans are stupid
destroying the world's resources
obey the government.

and republicans have their heads up their asses.

thats some sweet agenda you got there. served up hot and fresh from msnbc. have they told you rush limbaugh is the devil yet today?

cram it

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Sure plants

grow faster. But they can't grow if a D9(bulldozer) is clear cutting the rain forest. Killing the only thing on this planet that converts co2 to o2. You are right we will fuck ourselves. But we will take out most of the planets resources doing it. Only time will tell, as the planet gets more populated and humans use more resources. The Co2 level will rise and there is going to be a consequence to that. Stupid humans won't do anything until the problem is slapping them in the face. Kind of like hurricane Sandy, so many people didn't heed the warning and they paid a price. When the government tells you to evacuate, it's probably a good idea.


We get 85% of our oxygen from algea you retarded tree hugging hipster


Well-Known Member
And it is just hate speech. Hate the republicans. Assume all the Dems are with you. It is agenda not science.


Well-Known Member
Sure plants grow faster. But they can't grow if a D9(bulldozer) is clear cutting the rain forest. Killing the only thing on this planet that converts co2 to o2. You are right we will fuck ourselves. But we will take out most of the planets resources doing it. Only time will tell, as the planet gets more populated and humans use more resources. The Co2 level will rise and there is going to be a consequence to that. Stupid humans won't do anything until the problem is slapping them in the face. Kind of like hurricane Sandy, so many people didn't heed the warning and they paid a price. When the government tells you to evacuate, it's probably a good idea.

Small thinking and small torch carrying in the Politics of hate.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Salty brings up a good point. Put forth your Waterworld agenda when old republicans are stranded on roof tops. See, it's their way of telling them I told you so!


Active Member
so... lets see.

global warming IS REAL. of course it is, all the dudes on TV say it is, so it must be!
bulldozers in the "rainforest"
killing all the poor plants
humans are stupid
destroying the world's resources
obey the government.

and republicans have their heads up their asses.

thats some sweet agenda you got there. served up hot and fresh from msnbc. have they told you rush limbaugh is the devil yet today?

cram it
So when you say all dudes on tv, you mean scientist right?
Yes bulldozers in the rainforest, I knm houses appears from nowhere, but it doesn't
Overpopulation, you really debate that?
Humans are stupid, not realizing a problem until its to late. Story of our lives.
Destroying the world's resources, Sounds like you think wood and fish and other product just appear out of nowhere
Obey your government, not so much. Just open your eyes and your mind.


Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
if your house is full of cannabis plants (as it should be!) you wont even notice.

cannabis LOVES elevated CO2 levels. thats why growers import the stuff into their grows. the basis for "anthropogenic global climate change" is that carbon dioxide (currently ~3% of our atmosphere) will trap heat like a thermal blanket and raise global temps.

newsflash, during the cambrian explosion 530 million years ago, (the time when life diversified like a motherfucker) CO2 levels were half what they are now. but thats because the world was run by PLANTS and very few animals were blowing out co2. and yet... still there was co2. at around 1.5% of the atmosphere. amazing. if co2 drops too low plants stop growing. when it gets higher plants grow faster, some plants increase their photosynthesis all the way up to 20% co2 (aelodia) meanwhile animals dont do well past 12% co2. rest assured young econaut, if we fuck up too bad, WE lose, not the planet.

one of the most important things to note when discussing OBSERVED co2 levels (as opposed to ice cores) is WHERE the observations occur.

mauna loa hawaii... on an active volcano.
in urban universities... surrounded by automobiles industry and people, not so many plants.
etc etc etc.

if you put your CO2 sniffer by interstate 40 in los angeles youll get remarkably different readings than youll get if you test the air off interstate 40 in wyoming. not because theres a different atmosphere, but because youre sniffing car exhaust.
the same holds true with temp readings. any motorcyclist can tell you, as you drive through a town on a sunny day (even in winter) it gets hotter, till you get past the urban core and then it gets cooler. it's called the urban heat island. cities get hot as fuck, the country not nearly as much.
many of the "climate change" theorists are the same assholes telling us we were going into an ice age in the 70's, then were gonna die in a pressure cooker in the 90's and now... in 30 years it's gonna be 200 degrees in waist deep snow on the banks of the new megaocean that rises to the tops of the highest peaks, and only kevin costner can save us with his gills. it is absurd.

see if you can spot the inconsistency in this graph...

why it doesnt look anything like the other graph does it? you may note the other graph has sources. even if you dont look em up, they are there.

this graph is from a company (CORPORATION!!!!) that makes it's bones selling global warming hype.
mind who you listen to, theres agendas everywhere.
the climate will change, thats what the discussion should be, not denying it. measures should be held to keep the environment safe from contaminants as well even if it takes the big scary government to enforce them.


Well-Known Member
how come the more we try to control the environment the worse things seem to get?

back in the 70's the factories spewed hella shit into the air, cars had no smog systems, shit was dumped right into our rivers. now that everything's getting all cleaned up, shit is getting worse every day? hmmmmm ...