Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
Been emailed from sannies shop...will be 2 months before heri is back in stock. Not good not good at all for me. It's gonna be close Ill be rushing next year it looks like
Bummer... How will it put you behind for next year? I've done a lot of sannies strains, all indoor though, let me know if you have any questions about them in the event that you're considering something else.


Well-Known Member
Bummer... How will it put you behind for next year? I've done a lot of sannies strains, all indoor though, let me know if you have any questions about them in the event that you're considering something else.

Well I wanted a new mommy. So her cuts could be grown out come spring. Makes things a little tight. Thanks Shwagbag.


Well-Known Member
delstele - sorry to hear my friend. gonna make 2013 that much sweeter. There is no way to coat it sugar is there? still sucks.

What all did you attempt to run this summer?


Well-Known Member
I was running Black Widow, Heri, Super lemon haze, LA Pure Kush, and a Michigan strain Thunder Bay that was from the Alpena area. I tried to keep up with watering but it became to much with work, family, life in genral...

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
i plan on starting my mothers sometime in jan indoors, then taking clones, letting them grow to about a foot and out they go in late may! anyone have any tips for keeping those damn deer away?


Well-Known Member
I do. dig your holes aweek or 2 before you plant. The deer love the smell of fresh dug up earth. They are drawn to it. Dig big hole 2 weeks before planting or 1 and dig little hole upon your return with plant in hand.

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
thanks! my issue is that when i was just checking out where ill be growing i had 4 doe run up on me i startled them but i assume this is a area used regularly. so digging a hole 2-3 weeks before hand will allow the deer ot check out the fresh scent find nothing of interest and continue on there way? are there any repellents that actually work? ill probably piss in a gallon jug and spread that around my plot along with maybe even just filling a jug with piss in it and leaving it there. i hear soap works, but can attract mice and rats. we have a pretty nice coyote population where im growing so groundhogs, skunks, rabbits, and other rodents arent really that big of an issue but ive seen deer clear a whole plot over night before


Glassblowing Moderator
Yeah most people can't figure out where my hose goes. It goez Straight into the ground. I just tell them it's for my garage to clean up my hands and people believe me. But reall it goes into my woods.


I personally use at least 3 Hoses buried in ground all way to water source (Creek) to Plants site it save time i can turn it off anytime. best cold water is Creek.

~Guerrilla Grower~


Well-Known Member
lugging water back to my spot is no easy task no river or pond with in miles. Looking forward to next year 2013 in Michigan is gonna be bangin!