The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Smart arse?

A few points higher or lower than what mate? Make sure you understand what the question is before you ask it.
Lol it's happening to me again haha I'm off yorky.....yeh your right all I said is bullshit I'm just a pothead lol

Oh I ment a few points higher or lower then it goes in but forget it mate obviously I need to learn the shit again an best start doin somethin about it cos my runoff is always higher then it goes in but cos it's in at 5.8 its always still in the 5.5-6.2 range so I've never worried

Good night off to watch the match.


Well-Known Member
Lol it's always me mate I must just be a cunt an not realise soz all........COME ON ENGLAND!!!! Lol bet we lose na lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Oh I ment a few points higher or lower then it goes in but forget it mate obviously I need to learn the shit again an best start doin somethin about it cos my runoff is always higher then it goes in but cos it's in at 5.8 its always still in the 5.5-6.2 range so I've never worried
Please link the post where I said water PH comes out the same as when it goes in Pukka.

I've just read through the whole discussion since Dura calibrated his pen and you've fucking lost me mate!


Well-Known Member
scotlands playin luxembourg in a friendly, we're 2 -0 up.....looks like we mite win a fuckin game for a change.


Well-Known Member
Please link the post where I said water PH comes out the same as when it goes in Pukka.

I've just read through the whole discussion since Dura calibrated his pen and you've fucking lost me mate!
I thought dura said he watered at 6.2 an his run off was 6.4 or sumut so only raised by .2 which is nothing to worry about but yeah like you said 6.4 is high so I should have said dura go in at 5.8 next time an you should be sound but I dint. If he goes in at 5.8 he will be sound mate all grow an no need to check that's all I ment.....your obviously a clever bloke yorky so help us out teach us all you great knowledge instead of knocking us when were wrong that's what winds me with you mate an that's why I end up arguing we ya it gets on me tits lol I'm most likely wrong my memory is that shot but like I said was just tryin to help peeps.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I thought dura said he watered at 6.2 an his run off was 6.4 or sumut so only raised by .2 which is nothing to worry about but yeah like you said 6.4 is high so I should have said dura go in at 5.8 next time an you should be sound but I dint. If he goes in at 5.8 he will be sound mate all grow an no need to check that's all I ment.....your obviously a clever bloke yorky so help us out teach us all you great knowledge instead of knocking us when were wrong that's what winds me with you mate an that's why I end up arguing we ya it gets on me tits lol I'm most likely wrong my memory is that shot but like I said was just tryin to help peeps.
Lol, is that Pukka's round about way of apologising?

I don't knock you when your wrong Pukka, I try to teach you the right way but I get called a 'smart arse, know it all'.


Well-Known Member
Lol, is that a Pukka's round about way of apologising?

I don't knock you when your wrong Pukka, I try to teach you the right way but I get called a 'smart arse, know it all'.
Is it fuck ya cunt lol

What am I wrong about mate? An you always knock me ya twat you still got a hard on for me from last time plus you no im easly wound up lol........if dura fed at 5.8 then yeh mate I'll hold me hands up I did get wrong end of stick but I'm sure he dint bother so 6.2 so .2 ain't bad is it? An that's a serious Q lol an if he is way out how does he fix it an what's the cause of it?


Well-Known Member
i fed at 5.8...the ph dropped from about 6.2 as the water began to heat up....the run off varied from plant to plant , from around 6.1 to 6.5....i poured all the run off into a bucket and it came in at 6.4 i think


Well-Known Member
That has raised a lot then mate sure yorky will show you the way like I said I never did anything about it an never noticed any probs but I asked at the time on the canna coco thread and was told not to worry haven't checked it since me 1st grow, gunna tonight now tho see what it is lol I always thought run off ph in coco wasn't important as it was just stuff gettin rinsed out and it was the actual ph of the coco you had to worry about. You have to take some coco out the pot an soak in water an other stuff to check it tho there's a guide on here how to do it, I've never tried it tho to much fuckin about.