what is an average expected yield from this setup

So got a friend who doesn't live in his house for 6-7 months out of the year where I live in northern cali and he's gonna let me do a pretty good legal setup there with me a close friend and then 2 other friends we are getting copies of their scripts. Gonna have 6 600 watts hps cool tubes with 4 plants per light. Gonna get some heavy indica clones then veg for a month while shaping and forming them fro a scrog then after roughly a month gonna flower for 8-9 weeks. Gonna use 5 gallon pots with FF and FF nutes. Going for at least 12 ozs per plant but trying for 14-16 ozs since iv seen people pull a pound with a scrog using a 400 watt so thinking somewhere around a pound per light this shouldn't be a problem. Let me know what you guys are thinking or any input is always great.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
So you think you're gonna get 3 pounds a light with 600s? Good luck with that. You'll be lucky to pull 12 zips a light.


Hope for 1 per light but expect less. Make sure the climate is right in the room. If the climate isn't right you will get a low yield. Too much heat is bad, you will end up with air bud.


Well-Known Member
Cool tubes are pointless. Look into hoods that don't have glass between the plants an the bulbs. The glass can take away a percentage of lumens getting threw to the plants lowering your yield more. Bare bulbs on adjusts wings are good. Highest yields I've heard with 600 is a p per bulb unless its vertically done.
yea been debating on what kind of hoods to use for it thanks for the advice on that but thought id be better to keep the lights at 8 inches instead of 18-30


Cool tubes are pointless. Look into hoods that don't have glass between the plants an the bulbs. The glass can take away a percentage of lumens getting threw to the plants lowering your yield more. Bare bulbs on adjusts wings are good. Highest yields I've heard with 600 is a p per bulb unless its vertically done.
care to elaborate on why cool tubes are pointless?


New Member
Cooltubes can be placed much closer to the plant tops without suffering from heat issues and to a lesser extent light bleaching, which can be extremely useful in vertically height restricted grows.

They are definitely not pointless.


Well-Known Member
I didn't meant flat out pointless. But if your going to do hoods then I wouldn't do cool tubes, you can look it up yourself, light that passes threw glass looses a percentage of lumens when it passes threw the glass. Then if there's streaks or dust on the glass you diminish even more lumens passing threw to the plants.

In a vertical set up IMO they are pointless. All you need is a fan under the bare bulb and the heat goes straight up you can put your plants just as close as you can with the glass tubes. And when your buds touch the bulb it's just like when they touch the glass.
i have myset up on th signature if you wanna see what I mean.


Active Member
if you have to ask this question you're getting nowhere near that
Yes, no disrespect, but yes...If you think you anybody has even a slight chance of pulling 16 ounces off each plant 4 per 600 watt light....I'm just saying..lol Better call NASA