

Pickle Queen
kitty korner, I understand that lingo. but wtf is a bunnyhug? lol
It's what they call a hoodie, when big buff men ask for their bunnyhugs I always giggle, and people are retarded about football, it's like the USA but colder, cleaner, and we have health care, it's roughrider land here, I fit in very well lol



Well-Known Member
Wtf is a "poutine"? ... I googled... didn't really answer my question. Looked like some kind of gross french fry with gravy or something on it?Edit: Just checked the scale, I gained 6lbs just lookin at it.


Well-Known Member
sounds like weak sauce. :(
looool..... it has to be that my sick ass outdoor bubba is weak... it has nothing to do with the fact im a super heavy cannabis smoker and it doesnt matter what the strain in front of me is im smoking strong..... shit theres been times were i smoked an 1/8th or more of full melt bubble.... its not hard to do when your packing it on top of bowls....

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
looool..... it has to be that my sick ass outdoor bubba is weak... it has nothing to do with the fact im a super heavy cannabis smoker and it doesnt matter what the strain in front of me is im smoking strong..... shit theres been times were i smoked an 1/8th or more of full melt bubble.... its not hard to do when your packing it on top of bowls....
pics or gtfo! :clap:


Pickle Queen
Wtf is a "poutine"? ... I googled... didn't really answer my question. Looked like some kind of gross french fry with gravy or something on it?Edit: Just checked the scale, I gained 6lbs just lookin at it.
LOL fries, poutine sauce (kind of gravy) and cheese curds, white ones !!!!! Here all fast food places offer it, Wendy's , Burger King ETC... eww anyone try the hotdog pizza from Pizza hut?? ewww


Well-Known Member
LOL ... I haven't seen that here either. Looks like the super unhealthy fast food industry Is funneling all it's over processed excess up to canada... free health care , fuck it. Let's make em fat! googled, it's only in the UK? Or are they doing it up In the Can too?


Well-Known Member
It's what they call a hoodie, when big buff men ask for their bunnyhugs I always giggle, and people are retarded about football, it's like the USA but colder, cleaner, and we have health care, it's roughrider land here, I fit in very well lol


I think a bunnyhug is a blowjob :o


Well-Known Member
Fuck Stub Hub and the guy who decided to yank my tickets from me the week of the concert. I bought them 3 weeks ago. Killer lower lodge seats and I get a call this morning telling me the seller broke the agreement. Now there are only shitty seats available because it's almost sold out. Fuck wads.


Well-Known Member
Fuck my plump lips are pretty chapped, and I need to moisturize 2-3 times daily, soooo dry, humidity is only a word in the prairies, but the men are buff and their choice of words is epic, hey anyone know what a bunnyhug is?? lol or a kitty corner ;) new places new worrds....fuck
Fuck...what the hell does ( soooo dry, humidity is only a word in the prairies, but the men are buff and their choice of words is epic) mean? Sounds like some obscure passage from a book.
I always thought Canada would be awesome place to life, the people seem more down to earth, probably because you sometimes have to depend on one another because of the weather. And the forests have to be incredible.
One of my several houses will be in Canada come wednesday when I win the 500million$ in powerball.