Hallelujah! A lefty admits the obvious.
It is obvious that what NBC did was intentional, and that their intention was to ramp up a salacious story. NBC's actions after the edited recording was played, they fired three employees, demonstrates that they knew it was a lie. Z had not been charged with any crime before NBC played their piece of propaganda. A few days later they continued the narrative with their "fucking coons" reporting. To me, this demonstrates their intent to libel Z. After the edited tape was played multiple times and the "fucking coons" lie was played multiple times and the gullible public (i.e. the "low information" fools such as Unclebuck and yourself) was sufficiently pumped up with blood lust, Z was charged with murder 2. A few weeks later the feds got involved and investigated Z for "hate crimes".
The only question is whether Z was harmed by NBC's lie. How much harm is attached to being charged with murder, which carries a potential life sentence in prison? What compensation would you demand if you were libeled in this way and charged with murder as a result?
The only mention of "hero" I have seen here has come from you.
again, the media have long been given leeway on how they present their stories, editing etc....
he was not charged with murder because of the editing of the tape.
he was charged with murder because the evidence suggests he chased down and started a confrontation, which lead to the death of a person. his stand your ground justification didn't hold up because a reasonable person could've avoided the confrontation. remember stand your ground isn't a defense for murder, it is a legal justification for the use of deadly force....