The Obama Administration On Colorad&Wash


Well-Known Member

Now this shit is just a slap in the face may the federal government lay off the nut sack fukkkkk.
i don't think they're on anyone's nutsack (yet), they said they were reviewing the initiatives and reiterated the CSA. they haven't taken any action.

for one, they haven't:

A more aggressive option is for the Justice Department to file lawsuits against the states to prevent them from setting up systems to regulate and tax marijuana, as the initiatives contemplated. If a court agrees that such regulations are pre-empted by federal ones, it will open the door to a broader ruling about whether the regulatory provisions can be "severed" from those eliminating state prohibitions - or whether the entire initiatives must be struck down.

Another potential avenue would be to cut off federal grants to the states unless their legislatures restored antimarijuana laws, said Gregory Katsas, who led the civil division of the Justice Department during the George W. Bush administration.

guess we'll just have to go ahead and act and see what they do. i thought they would have said more by now.

Bomb Turtle

all this for a plant lmao the government are cleary plain ignorant
They aren't ignorant, they pay many white house staffers handsome sums of money each year to make sure every presidential move is calculated and correct. They're just trying to keep the people in the dark.


Well-Known Member
In the end they may vote to let states decide but with a federal tax on it.


Well-Known Member
i expected that obama would be much more liberal about cannabis given a second term and no worry of reelection. i am disappointed he hasn't even had the balls to tell us what is going to happen with these initiatives yet.


Well-Known Member
"One option is for federal prosecutors to bring some cases against low-level marijuana users of the sort they until now have rarely bothered with, waiting for a defendant to make a motion to dismiss the case because the drug is now legal in that state. The department could then obtain a court ruling that federal law trumps the state one."


Well-Known Member
Sounds like Washington and Colorado need to start a war of independence. They are about to face the might of the war on drugs after all.


Active Member
The ethical guise of marijauna prohibition has been lifted. Police officers in many states no longer view marijauna as an ethical issue, more a legal issue.

Once you change society's concept of morality the changes to law will follow.

I'm not saying go out and be a douchebag because it'll all be ok. I'm simply telling you this decade is better than last decade. Only time will tell how this will all play out.


Well-Known Member
First you must realize that Obama is just a face to enforce big corporations agenda, as all the prez before him, two term puppets are obviously running game or else they would have only made it one term or got whacked.....said it a million times... the profits from the illegal cannabis far exceeds the legalization.. as long as federal government is has to be scammed everywhere else to cover up all the printed money that disappears....


Well-Known Member
People its not about what's right or ethical or moral or obvious and they know that the plant is safe and has amazing no need to try and think they are ignorant because they aren't, they are just advanced business men who know how to do dirt and make it legal..while making everyone question their actions and confuse them...well confuse some of them :)


Active Member
People its not about what's right or ethical or moral or obvious and they know that the plant is safe and has amazing no need to try and think they are ignorant because they aren't, they are just advanced business men who know how to do dirt and make it legal..while making everyone question their actions and confuse them...well confuse some of them :)
You have a very interesting personal agenda, but i hear the same stuff regurgtated all the time. I'm aware it's not about ethics at the executive federal level, but if you're unable to enforce your laws because society has changed it's moral perspective you have 0 power.

I don't like my president either, or the actual role of the office itself. But i'm not going to running around with a tinfoil hat on claiming nothing matters.

The laws will change, they have changed, and they will continue to change, how they will change I cannot foresee.


Well-Known Member
my statement wasn't actually directed to you it was more or less toward uncle buck and kode!! to be clear, but now thats out of the way to answer revolution maybe! as history repeats you think society has a role or say in most of the laws and policies that are implemented? I don't need to wear a tin foil hat to see the truth my friend...laughable.... i was simply just clarifying a few things...
You have a very interesting personal agenda, but i hear the same stuff regurgtated all the time. I'm aware it's not about ethics at the executive federal level, but if you're unable to enforce your laws because society has changed it's moral perspective you have 0 power.

I don't like my president either, or the actual role of the office itself. But i'm not going to running around with a tinfoil hat on claiming nothing matters.

The laws will change, they have changed, and they will continue to change, how they will change I cannot foresee.


New Member
You have a very interesting personal agenda, but i hear the same stuff regurgtated all the time. I'm aware it's not about ethics at the executive federal level, but if you're unable to enforce your laws because society has changed it's moral perspective you have 0 power.

I don't like my president either, or the actual role of the office itself. But i'm not going to running around with a tinfoil hat on claiming nothing matters.

The laws will change, they have changed, and they will continue to change, how they will change I cannot foresee.
my statement wasn't actually directed to you it was more or less toward uncle buck and kode!! to be clear, but now thats out of the way to answer revolution maybe! as history repeats you think society has a role or say in most of the laws and policies that are implemented? I don't need to wear a tin foil hat to see the truth my friend...laughable.... i was simply just clarifying a few things...

Mine is... And this government is not run by a president. Instead by the purse. The pen is mightier than then sword, but the purse buys the pen.

22:7; The Rich Rule Over The Poor And The Borrower Is The Servant To The Lender

in 1913, the American government started to borrow (printed supposedly backed by gold) from the reserve at interest. So every dollar printed has to return to the source and then a majority of your profits/valuables/and essentially government if any.

However this does a lot of things, if gives bankers the power to control interest rates. Thus its easy to flood a market with cheap money and the money will look at meaningful profit, but when the market like the housing market can no longer sustain, it crashed.

america's top 16 banks participated in the rigging of libors rates for ALL VARIABLE INTEREST RATES; so for 10 years on the first day of every month, banks would cook books to jack up the low cost variable interest rates.
See article:

Beyond that, the intentionally crash of the economy; drugs are a major source of unaccountable income much needed for secrete government projects too risky to even hide in congressional spending bills.

They're projects that involve manipulating protest from the la riots and professional arsonist and gun control with fast and furious scandals, to occupy movements.

See Sources Here:
1 of 4 Mossad Agent Introduction; Airline Accident:
2 of 4 Airline Investigation Drug Finacing:
3 of 4:
4 of 4:

Beyond Mossad Goverment Run Drug Ops:
Jesse Ventura on CIA Drugs:
Judge James P. Gray:
Ron Paul On CIA Drugs:

Good Ole George Carlin: