The Obama Administration On Colorad&Wash


Well-Known Member
It's all bullshit folks, and it's bad for ya!

Essentially you should never trust anyone over 40, and I believe everyone in government office is over 40.
Give me a few years and I will be too, but for now you can trust me. :) I always thought that this was a
country BY the people FOR the people. If they try to transcend the laws to benefit them (like ALL amendments
to the constitution.) like they always do it would be proving to everyone in this country that voting does not
matter. What do you think the turnout will be when you nationally see 2 states in our union vote on something,
WIN, but then the federal government comes crusading in and negates the entire process? Every pavement
pounder that got the word out for the cause. All the people who petitioned for it and did the work to make
their dreams come true. To be relegated to a present day "time-out" is beyond absurd. When we vote that is
our power, when we elect officials that is our power. We see that things are antiquated and we want to change
them to the way we see them. There is a shift in power coming, and it is coming soon. My generation is becoming
more and more influential and powerful, and before long will be leaders of the country. The old ways of thinking
are still being used, people are scared of what they don't know and have never tried. Think of the ages of most
people in power now, and think of when they were brought up and in what conditions. Some of them can still
remember The Great Depression, World Wars, Invasions, etc. But as are the days of our lives, their time is beginning
to end. The legalization is a step, a process, just like when California made medical marijuana legal. There were
skips and problems at first, just like anything new. It will come, just be patient. Once they see that there are
a lot of people in this country wanting it to change, and once they see the money potential, they would be fools
not to agree and make it federally legal. If they are afraid of not being able to regulate it, then don't. Why should
they? If they want to regulate it, don't try keeping it in the same field as alcohol. They are seperate entities.
Regulate it how you would regulate tobacco, it's nearly the same thing. You could grow it and harvest it in similar
conditions and places. You might have to build bigger fences and shit, but that's just a natural precaution to
keep animals, as well as people out of the garden. There are ways to make it grow and grow and grow. With
more and more people speaking out about it, the truth will surface. It always will. I saw someone on RIU with a
signature that makes a lot of sense. 3 people can keep a secret if 2 of them are dead. Someone will always have
a juicy secret they want to get out, but then it all comes down to who do you trust more? .... no one over 40....


Active Member
Mine is... And this government is not run by a president. Instead by the purse. The pen is mightier than then sword, but the purse buys the pen.

22:7; The Rich Rule Over The Poor And The Borrower Is The Servant To The Lender

in 1913, the American government started to borrow (printed supposedly backed by gold) from the reserve at interest. So every dollar printed has to return to the source and then a majority of your profits/valuables/and essentially government if any.

However this does a lot of things, if gives bankers the power to control interest rates. Thus its easy to flood a market with cheap money and the money will look at meaningful profit, but when the market like the housing market can no longer sustain, it crashed.

america's top 16 banks participated in the rigging of libors rates for ALL VARIABLE INTEREST RATES; so for 10 years on the first day of every month, banks would cook books to jack up the low cost variable interest rates.
See article:

Beyond that, the intentionally crash of the economy; drugs are a major source of unaccountable income much needed for secrete government projects too risky to even hide in congressional spending bills.

They're projects that involve manipulating protest from the la riots and professional arsonist and gun control with fast and furious scandals, to occupy movements.

See Sources Here:
1 of 4 Mossad Agent Introduction; Airline Accident:
2 of 4 Airline Investigation Drug Finacing:
3 of 4:
4 of 4:

Beyond Mossad Goverment Run Drug Ops:
Jesse Ventura on CIA Drugs:
Judge James P. Gray:
Ron Paul On CIA Drugs:

Good Ole George Carlin:
I sympathize, and it's not the first time i've seen those videos. Our system right now only works because we have allowed the government to dictate our morality.

That is the system you have referenced, and are resenting. I am simply telling you that it is widely obvious now that people are not letting the government dictate their morality.

You are welcome to be as morbid as you want, I understand how the banking system works and the scandals that have arrose within it. But as much as you are morbid I see a very different american society, even if the government is corrupted to shit it won't last. The bipartisan system is crumbling, the republicans have embraced the fact that a white American male candidate for their party will never win again, and they've lost touch with americans as a whole. Soon you'll see libertarian candidates and independents showing up everywhere because honestly, the republicans are a failure for the most part. And people aren't all ready to give the democrats complete control.

Laugh, scoff from your high horse with your collection of 24 year old videos. I''ll sip a beer and feel comfortable knowing that I am perceptive person and I see significant change in americans where i live.


Well-Known Member
Bravo! This is truth.
Mine is... And this! government is not run by a president. Instead by the purse. The pen is mightier than then sword, but the purse buys the pen.

22:7; The Rich Rule Over The Poor And The Borrower Is The Servant To The Lender

in 1913, the American government started to borrow (printed supposedly backed by gold) from the reserve at interest. So every dollar printed has to return to the source and then a majority of your profits/valuables/and essentially government if any.

However this does a lot of things, if gives bankers the power to control interest rates. Thus its easy to flood a market with cheap money and the money will look at meaningful profit, but when the market like the housing market can no longer sustain, it crashed.

america's top 16 banks participated in the rigging of libors rates for ALL VARIABLE INTEREST RATES; so for 10 years on the first day of every month, banks would cook books to jack up the low cost variable interest rates.
See article:

Beyond that, the intentionally crash of the economy; drugs are a major source of unaccountable income much needed for secrete government projects too risky to even hide in congressional spending bills.

They're projects that involve manipulating protest from the la riots and professional arsonist and gun control with fast and furious scandals, to occupy movements.

See Sources Here:
1 of 4 Mossad Agent Introduction; Airline Accident:
2 of 4 Airline Investigation Drug Finacing:
3 of 4:
4 of 4:

Beyond Mossad Goverment Run Drug Ops:
Jesse Ventura on CIA Drugs:
Judge James P. Gray:
Ron Paul On CIA Drugs:

Good Ole George Carlin:


New Member
I sympathize, and it's not the first time i've seen those videos. Our system right now only works because we have allowed the government to dictate our morality.

That is the system you have referenced, and are resenting. I am simply telling you that it is widely obvious now that people are not letting the government dictate their morality.

You are welcome to be as morbid as you want, I understand how the banking system works and the scandals that have arrose within it. But as much as you are morbid I see a very different american society, even if the government is corrupted to shit it won't last. The bipartisan system is crumbling, the republicans have embraced the fact that a white American male candidate for their party will never win again, and they've lost touch with americans as a whole. Soon you'll see libertarian candidates and independents showing up everywhere because honestly, the republicans are a failure for the most part. And people aren't all ready to give the democrats complete control.

Laugh, scoff from your high horse with your collection of 24 year old videos. I''ll sip a beer and feel comfortable knowing that I am perceptive person and I see significant change in americans where i live.

Right, "The bipartisan system is crumbling, the republicans have embraced the fact that a white American male candidate for their party will never win again, and they've lost touch with americans as a whole." "Laugh, scoff from your high horse"

It's more than easy to dismiss, but the scope of the situation is much larger.

The food supply is poisoned with GMOs, Hormones, Antibiotics. Lack of nutrition; highly addictive.
Drugs have been a means to increase prison sizes and scopes of laws.
Terrorist a means to write in law more government power and control

We're one wrong step from russia USSR or NAZI germany.
Ayn Rand Saw this, the crumbling of morals, media and government and business entities coinciding to control this county.

The problem isn't people waking up, only a 1/3 of Americans believed in the first revolution, 1/3 didn't care, and 1/3 were against it. The problem is those in control are going to goto war and do anything they can to stop movements like organic revolutions and gmo labing. Occupy Wall street. It's a soft war and it starts on any major media outlet.

They simply write an algorithm and insert it into the voting system. Or drum up slowly their agenda in their shows: see john Stewart's break down of fox news...

There will only be more bloodshed and those who seek power seek to hold onto the minds of this country.


Well-Known Member
One of these guys.... sippin you think that its because the people allow that...nk
I sympathize, and it's not the first time i've seen those videos. Our system right now only works because we have allowed the government to dictate our morality.

That is the system you have referenced, and are resenting. I am simply telling you that it is widely obvious now that people are not letting the government dictate their morality.

You are welcome to be as morbid as you want, I understand how the banking system works and the scandals that have arrose within it. But as much as you are morbid I see a very different american society, even if the government is corrupted to shit it won't last. The bipartisan system is crumbling, the republicans have embraced the fact that a white American male candidate for their party will never win again, and they've lost touch with americans as a whole. Soon you'll see libertarian candidates and independents showing up everywhere because honestly, the republicans are a failure for the most part. And people aren't all ready to give the democrats complete control.

Laugh, scoff from your high horse with your collection of 24 year old videos. I''ll sip a beer and feel comfortable knowing that I am perceptive person and I see significant change in americans where i live.


Well-Known Member
Its the culling, only those smart enough to recognize and adapt to eating only organic foods will survive....
Right, "The bipartisan system is crumbling, the republicans have embraced the fact that a white American male candidate for their party will never win again, and they've lost touch with americans as a whole." "Laugh, scoff from your high horse"

It's more than easy to dismiss, but the scope of the situation is much larger.

The food supply is poisoned with GMOs, Hormones, Antibiotics. Lack of nutrition; highly addictive.
Drugs have been a means to increase prison sizes and scopes of laws.
Terrorist a means to write in law more government power and control

We're one wrong step from russia USSR or NAZI germany.
Ayn Rand Saw this, the crumbling of morals, media and government and business entities coinciding to control this county.

The problem isn't people waking up, only a 1/3 of Americans believed in the first revolution, 1/3 didn't care, and 1/3 were against it. The problem is those in control are going to goto war and do anything they can to stop movements like organic revolutions and gmo labing. Occupy Wall street. It's a soft war and it starts on any major media outlet.

They simply write an algorithm and insert it into the voting system. Or drum up slowly their agenda in their shows: see john Stewart's break down of fox news...

There will only be more bloodshed and those who seek power seek to hold onto the minds of this country.


Active Member
Can't i just grow my own plants for my own reasons and eat what i want and not wear your tinfoil hat?

Or do you require people wear it before you can agree with them?

Despite a large amount of legitimacy to some of your points it's your conclusions that are the most entertaining, i will tell you that.


Well-Known Member
Refer back to the bottom of the comment above you....
Can't i just grow my own plants for my own reasons and eat what i want and not wear your tinfoil hat?

Or do you require people wear it before you can agree with them?

Despite a large amount of legitimacy to some of your points it's your conclusions that are the most entertaining, i will tell you that.


Active Member
I guess you could argue that because i don't see the truth in what you're saying, I am ignorant to that truth, sure.

I'm far from ignorant though, and I'm quite ok not caring if you want to run around with your hat on screaming obscenities. When you run into a glass door I'll probably laugh though.

Calling me ignorant won't take away from the comic value of your ramblings and adventures.


Well-Known Member
The UN is coming down hard on the feds(Eric Holder) to do something about Washington and Colorado . This is what is happening . Read up on it . If it wasn't for the UN things might be a little different

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I guess you could argue that because i don't see the truth in what you're saying, I am ignorant to that truth, sure.

I'm far from ignorant though, and I'm quite ok not caring if you want to run around with your hat on screaming obscenities. When you run into a glass door I'll probably laugh though.

Calling me ignorant won't take away from the comic value of your ramblings and adventures.
ramblings and adventures.

but tell us how you really feel