Zimmerman sues NBC


Well-Known Member
I never said anything with regards to access to public facilities. My comments were all towards privately owned and operated ones. Your lies just make you look stupid, why bother? Try to find something clever to say instead of making up insults.
the public transit is a private system? why don't they call it private transit? why do they call it the montgomery public transportation system, racist?


Well-Known Member
By all means, please demonstrate.
An unnamed witness speaking on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" said the entirety of the scuffle he saw between the two took place on grass, challenging Zimmerman's claim that Martin had smashed his head against a sidewalk after punching him in the face -- causing him to shoot the 17-year-old dead in self-defense.
In reference to the size difference between 28-year-old Zimmerman and Martin, the witness described the fight as being between a "larger man" and a "boy." While the witness said he was not able to see who was on top of the other as the two scuffled, he said "there wasn't a lot of movement" immediately before he heard a gunshot

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/03/29/trayvon-martin-witness-casts-doubt-on-shooters-self-defense-claims/#ixzz2EbWTFIOd


Well-Known Member
listen to the interrogations, moron.

Or... you could actually post something that supports your bullshit narrative. When I say something I then go about showing why I think it is true. I don't just say it and then act like because I said it that it must be true.


Well-Known Member
the public transit is a private system? why don't they call it private transit? why do they call it the montgomery public transportation system, racist?
Please, do quote in entirety where I say that the bus system should be segregated by the government. Or is this another one of those "I said it, therefor it must be true." things that you like to do?


Well-Known Member
i know how you like to cite eyewitnesses, so what about the eyewitnesses that saw a chase before the fight? what about the items dropped by both parties along the way painting a trail back towards martin's house? anything to say about that little bit of physical evidence?
Yeah, it proves my point. Martin was traveling AWAY from his house. Thanks!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
CS: How long did he suffocate you for?
GZ: [sighs] Felt like…
CS: Seemed like forever, I’m sure.
GZ: Felt like hours, but I don’t...
CS: Don’t recall. Okay. Is it a full-sized 9 or a small 9?
GZ: Compact.
CS: Compact? And you were able to overpower him as far as holding his wrist, you gained wrist…we call it wrist control…you gained wrist control on him basically, and you were able to basically liberate both hands…
GZ: Yes, sir.

So, it was Serino who testified about wrist control, and not Zimmerman making a statement. If this is indicative of Serino's interrogation style, he ought to be fired.


Well-Known Member
The Fox affiliate in Tampareports that a man who claims to have witnessed part of the fight between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman says he saw the 17-year-old student on top of the 28-year-old neighborhood watch volunteer, who was wearing a red sweater. "The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me, 'Help, help," said the man, who asked to be identified only as John, "and I told him to stop and I was calling 911....When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point." This account, which John reportedly shared with police, is consistent with the grass stains on Zimmerman's shirt, his bloody nose, and the cut on the back of the head. It backs up Zimmerman's claim that the cries captured in the background of a 911 call came from him, not Martin. Citing those screams, a lawyer for Martin's familyclaimed Zimmerman had shot Martin "in cold blood" as the teenager begged for his life



Well-Known Member
You are projecting and it doesnt negate the fact you are a racist piece of shit Oh and if that is all you got from the movie, you lack empathy Uncle Buck was a lowlife who atoned for his self centered life by taking care of his extended family
While our beloved UncleBuck is a burden on his.


Well-Known Member
maybe the first punch wasn't a punch. maybe zimm grabbed martin by his hoodie and tried to detain him. after all, we knew he how he felt about "those asshole" always getting away. that would have given martin every right to defend himself. but do go on about how getting out of your place of safety, chasing down an unarmed kid, and continuing to look for him fits the actions of a man in fear who is simply defending himself (in a brisk forward trajectory).
Maybe,maybe,maybe,maybe. Now your babbling.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Classic spin right here. You insinuate that Jesus said that as one of his teachings. Here's some context that turns that on its head. Matthew, chapter 5. cn

[SUP]38 [/SUP]“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[SUP][a][/SUP] [SUP]39 [/SUP]But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.
The context of the quote above went over your head? I wasn't the one who said partial quotes aren t lies, that was Peyote and UB. But good for you. I know you realize how stupid their "logic" is.


Well-Known Member
No two people fighting could ever move a foot or two. Your damning evidence has convinced me. Zimmerman is a evil white man. I repent, black people should never have to move cause they don't like the place they live. Please... sprinkle me with the liberal holy water or Obama jizz or whatever it is.



Well-Known Member
So, it was Serino who testified about wrist control, and not Zimmerman making a statement. If this is indicative of Serino's interrogation style, he ought to be fired.
I have never even heard the term wrist control before and that question was fucking sideways at best. If Martin was beating his ass, his hands were free.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
This discussion is very entertaining, but the topic of the thread is about NBC's slanderous libel against Zimmerman, and how much money Zimmerman will get from them! :-)


Well-Known Member
Like Macdonalds or a Walgreens lunch counter?

Rather than serve people of color, this Walgreen's lunch-counter closes "in the
interests of public safety." Other cafes and lunch- counters call the cops to
arrest Blacks for the crime of ordering a cup of coffee in defiance of the segregation laws.

Just days after the Greensboro sit-in, students from American Baptist
Theologic Seminary, Fisk University, Meharry Medical College, and Tennessee
A&I begin confronting segregation in Nashville TN. They politely sit at
"whites-only" lunch counters and restaurants. They are met with violence,
brutality, and arrest. Hundreds are jailed, and thousands march in protests that
continue for years.

Carthoris: "Icecream is cold."
Cheesyrice: "You are a racist, hot chocolate burns my penis when I put it into the steaming cup and therefor you are a evil racist!"


Well-Known Member
desert dude should have listened to the interrogations. zimm admitted that he gained complete wrist control over martin before shooting him, it would be hard to place an accurate one in the chest otherwise. somehow, he was as limp as a noodle for 45 seconds during which time he claimed he was hit with 25-30 haymakers and had his head slammed into the concrete, yet he had no problem suddenly gaining full control over the situation when it came time to grab the gun, which martin saw with eyes in the back of his head while pummeling him like a boss. the contradictions in zimm's account are so numerous and clumsy that it paints a tale too comical to be believed.
Nothing you said here was true, or even made any sense. Are you drinking again? You know what happens when you drink. You'll piss yourself again.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The Fox affiliate in Tampareports that a man who claims to have witnessed part of the fight between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman says he saw the 17-year-old student on top of the 28-year-old neighborhood watch volunteer, who was wearing a red sweater. "The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me, 'Help, help," said the man, who asked to be identified only as John, "and I told him to stop and I was calling 911....When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point." This account, which John reportedly shared with police, is consistent with the grass stains on Zimmerman's shirt, his bloody nose, and the cut on the back of the head. It backs up Zimmerman's claim that the cries captured in the background of a 911 call came from him, not Martin. Citing those screams, a lawyer for Martin's familyclaimed Zimmerman had shot Martin "in cold blood" as the teenager begged for his life

Dear Cheesus, I am very confused as to what point you are making here? I know that you desperately want to lynch Mr. Zimmerman, and this post seems to exonerate him?