Zimmerman sues NBC


Well-Known Member
zimmerman claims that martin hit him 25-30 times and slammed his head on the concrete for nearly a minute and suffocated him.

i challenge anyone here to slam their head on concrete for nearly a minute and walk away like zimm did. throw in 25-30 haymakers on top of it.

yet somehow, he was able to just go ahead and achieve wrist control and free both his hands no problem.

question: if he was able to achieve wrist control so easily, why not just do that? that would have stopped the assault right there.
Sounded to me like Zimmerman was just saying he got his hands free. It doesn't take two hands to shoot someone. Have you ever actually been in a fight besides one to keep from shitting your pants?


Well-Known Member
I think Zimmerman knew the law. I think he might be a psychopath from court documents. It's very possible he had this whole thing planned. It's hard to believe Zimmerman being so much heavier was thrown around like a rag doll. Is it to far out to think maybe he took a minor ass beating so he could kill someone legally?
So your entire premise is that Zimmerman planned the entire thing for the chance to shoot someone. See... this is proof you are a fucking retard of UB proportions.


Well-Known Member
We can assume this is not the fact due to the Martin having gotten away from Zimmerman and then doubled back or hid and waited for him.
you have zero evidence for this conclusion, and a lot of evidence to prove that you are unqualified to speculate, as evidenced by the fact that you are unfamiliar with the facts of the case.

zimm hated those fucking cooons/punks. zimm hated that those assholes were always getting away. zimm went in search of those assholes. martin ran away and was talking on the phone to his girlfriend until a minute before zimm found him and killed him.

so tell me why the kid who ran away assaulted the mentally unstable vigilante, you racist shit.


Well-Known Member
Sounded to me like Zimmerman was just saying he got his hands free. It doesn't take two hands to shoot someone. Have you ever actually been in a fight besides one to keep from shitting your pants?
if you had wrist control over someone, why shoot them to death? why not just exercise your control?

oh, i forgot. you are a racist douchebag.


Well-Known Member
So your entire premise is that Zimmerman planned the entire thing for the chance to shoot someone. See... this is proof you are a fucking retard of UB proportions.
tell me what motivated martin to lay a finger in zimmerman after he RAN AWAY from him, and zimm continued to seek him out.


Well-Known Member

did i mention im in the nieghborhood. i want to be your neighbor.


let's meet up bucky.


Active Member
i love how the zimmerdefenders just twist reality into whatever contorted position suits their reality best.

reminds me of how things were in here in october with skewed polls and romney momentum :lol:
Dude, what you're arguing with is ignorance. It's a lost cause. Their analytical thinking is all fucked up. You can't make someone who's incapable of understanding, understand. I can understand someone who admits not knowing what happened and not taking sides, whatever. But these people defend Zimmerman because they've been brainwashed all their lives by authority figure, lone Ranger, G.I. Joe, Charles Bronson, bullshit.


Ursus marijanus
You said it. In the absence of evidence, he is innocent. Knowing that he was innocent, he should of never been charged.
It's worth remembering that there almost certainly is nonpublic physical evidence. If there's anything decisive, I would expect effort to be expended on keeping it privileged. cn


Well-Known Member
you have zero evidence for this conclusion, and a lot of evidence to prove that you are unqualified to speculate, as evidenced by the fact that you are unfamiliar with the facts of the case.

zimm hated those fucking cooons/punks. zimm hated that those assholes were always getting away. zimm went in search of those assholes. martin ran away and was talking on the phone to his girlfriend until a minute before zimm found him and killed him.

so tell me why the kid who ran away assaulted the mentally unstable vigilante, you racist shit.
I know the facts of the case, and I presented them very well a few pages ago and showed why Zimmerman can never be convicted of 2nd degree murder. The simple fact is that Martin was a little jit who jumped someone when he thought he could get the upper hand.

Zimmerman is less racist than you are, and less racist than all the people who are saying he is racist (Jesse Jackson lol) Seriously, UB, stop sucking so much dick and everything will be ok. You know you can get sustenance by eating instead of sucking, right?


Well-Known Member
if you had wrist control over someone, why shoot them to death? why not just exercise your control?

oh, i forgot. you are a racist douchebag.
Zimmerman had no idea what he was talking about and the question was taken by most as meaning "Did you get your wrists free?" The answer is FUCKING DUH, how ya going to shoot some jit who is attacking you without a hand free.


Well-Known Member
tell me what motivated martin to lay a finger in zimmerman after he RAN AWAY from him, and zimm continued to seek him out.
He was high, could not make decisions, and so he backtracked and attacked him. The map with the times on it proves that Martin wanted the violent confrontation and went out of his way to make it happen. If Zimmerman had not had a gun, Martin would be in jail right now. You know what Martin did was illegal.


Well-Known Member
Dude, what you're arguing with is ignorance. It's a lost cause. Their analytical thinking is all fucked up. You can't make someone who's incapable of understanding, understand. I can understand someone who admits not knowing what happened and not taking sides, whatever. But these people defend Zimmerman because they've been brainwashed all their lives by authority figure, lone Ranger, G.I. Joe, Charles Bronson, bullshit.
I am not trying to make Zimmerman out to be a hero. I am trying to say that Martin was wrong to backtrack and attack Zimmerman. If I can take the 911 call and prove that Martin wanted the confrontation and that he likely was doing no good for the 40 minute half mile walk home then do you think the defense won't? The point is that Zimmerman didn't break the law but Martin did. Zimmerman will never be convicted, especially of 2nd degree murder.

If you want to live in 1984, go for it. Don't hate the rest of us because we don't give a fuck what you want.


Well-Known Member
Dude, what you're arguing with is ignorance. It's a lost cause. Their analytical thinking is all fucked up. You can't make someone who's incapable of understanding, understand. I can understand someone who admits not knowing what happened and not taking sides, whatever. But these people defend Zimmerman because they've been brainwashed all their lives by authority figure, lone Ranger, G.I. Joe, Charles Bronson, bullshit.
Originally Posted by skunky33
I think Zimmerman knew the law. I think he might be a psychopath from court documents. It's very possible he had this whole thing planned. It's hard to believe Zimmerman being so much heavier was thrown around like a rag doll. Is it to far out to think maybe he took a minor ass beating so he could kill someone legally?


You are saying he set all this up to kill some random negro. Yet you then say everyone else is the delusional insane ones.

I posted a giant post with 100% verifiable facts, locations at times of the calls, and where the attack took place that proves without a doubt that the poor innocent 5 year old or whatever he is today intentionally went to confront Zimmerman after the entire situation was pretty much done for.



But these people defend Zimmerman because they've been brainwashed all their lives by authority figure
FBI Unified Crime Statistics demonstrate beyond refutation, that ~60% of all violent crime in America is committed by young black men, who comprise ~5% of the population. The reason Zimmerman was part of a security patrol was precisely because of this sort of behavior on the part of young black males. A pattern of behavior that anyone who lives in proximity with young black males is aware of.

"We" defend Zimmerman because common sense and experience indicates that a violent altercation with a young, black male is overwhelmingly caused by the aggression of a young, black male. There remains no evidence of any sort that does other than condemn the young, black male. As one would expect. As any resident of America with normative intellect would expect.

Add to that the blatant editing of the 911 recordings, the media-advanced "iced tea and skittles" narrative, the partisan selection of angelic gradeschool photos, and calling a Hispanic male "white", and anyone with a functioning brain knows the score.

I hope this ends up like the Duke Lacross fiasco, and some folks at NBC get harmed financially.


Well-Known Member
I know the facts of the case...

is that why i had to fill you in on what happened, moron?

I am trying to say that Martin was wrong to backtrack and attack Zimmerman.
and this proves it.

you have zero evidence of this. neither side can argue that this happened. they might as well argue about the existence of the tooth fairy.

all you're doing is making the bigot's assumption. the kid who RAN THE FUCK AWAY on multiple occasions was the aggressor. right.

you're a dumbass. and a racist.
