Zimmerman sues NBC


Well-Known Member
Martin ran away, but he is such a slow runner that Zimm was easily able to catch him and escalate the conversation into a brawl so that he could finally get himself a kill like all his hero Vets from the war.

It is a well known fact that most 28 year old Risk Management office flunkies are much faster, stronger and ultimately in much better shape than 17 year old football players. LOL I laugh when I see people like Randy Moss, knowing that on any day I can run faster than he ever could. Heck my grandpa used to tell me stories about when he was 35 years old and racing people like Jesse Owens at age 19 and easily beating him, even though grandpa only had a single foot. I myself can out dunk Wilt Chamberlain and I don't even play the game, but I am sure I can do it, after all I am much older and don't tear my body up with all that exercise. Should be a cinch.


Well-Known Member
Martin ran away, but he is such a slow runner that Zimm was easily able to catch him and escalate the conversation into a brawl so that he could finally get himself a kill like all his hero Vets from the war.

It is a well known fact that most 28 year old Risk Management office flunkies are much faster, stronger and ultimately in much better shape than 17 year old football players. LOL I laugh when I see people like Randy Moss, knowing that on any day I can run faster than he ever could. Heck my grandpa used to tell me stories about when he was 35 years old and racing people like Jesse Owens at age 19 and easily beating him, even though grandpa only had a single foot. I myself can out dunk Wilt Chamberlain and I don't even play the game, but I am sure I can do it, after all I am much older and don't tear my body up with all that exercise. Should be a cinch.
he lost zimm and resumed talking on the phone until about a minute before he was killed. zimm said he kept on looking for the kid. pretty easy to catch something that's stationary.


Well-Known Member
no physical evidence whatsoever points to martin starting the fight.

in fact, what we know points to the opposite. remember? martin RAN THE FUCK AWAY. zimmerman pursued and searched.

all the physical evidence in this thread is conclusive about you.
At least we have moved past the "stalked" references.

I've missed the Zimmerman/Martin discussion. I'd still put it at 50/50 that Zimmerman started the physical part of the confrontation and even though that doesn't negate all self defense rights, it sure calls for jail time. I still think they have to prove Zimmerman assaulted Martin to have any chance of locking him up.

I also thought the recently released photo of Zimmerman showed a MUCH higher level of ass-beating than the group vilifying Zimmerman care to admit happened.


Well-Known Member
he lost zimm and resumed talking on the phone until about a minute before he was killed. zimm said he kept on looking for the kid. pretty easy to catch something that's stationary.
He must not have been very worried then. If I run for my life, I don't stop until I get home. Unless I am an out of shape 17 year old football player whose top speed is 1 meter per minute. BTW how do you know he lost Zim? Did he testify and say so? Obviously he didn't, otherwise Zimm would have been, well, lost. Your entire theory rests on assumptions. So obsessed with race that it totally clouds your reasoning.

If Martin would have ran every time he saw Zimmerman he would be alive today. Fact is he stopped running and confronted Zimm, there is no other explanation unless you really are trying to say Zimm is a much faster runner.


Well-Known Member
So Zimmerman can run faster than Martin? Either Martin Stopped running or he didn't, if he stopped than he could not have been in fear of his life.
you're full of assumptions, aren't you?

who said he was in fear for his life? seems to me like he just wanted to make his phone call without being harassed.

also sounds to me like you think the burden is on the innocent black kid to run away, rather than on the mentally unbalanced vigilante stalker to not harass others.


Well-Known Member
you're full of assumptions, aren't you?

who said he was in fear for his life? seems to me like he just wanted to make his phone call without being harassed.

also sounds to me like you think the burden is on the innocent black kid to run away, rather than on the mentally unbalanced vigilante stalker to not harass others.
If I want to talk on my cell without being harassed I just ignore people. I don't run away from them and then not run away from them. Most innocent people I know don't run, they just casually walk away, one of the benefits of a clean conscience I guess.

If he didn't fear for his life why run away? Maybe he was exercising?


Well-Known Member
you're full of assumptions, aren't you?

who said he was in fear for his life? seems to me like he just wanted to make his phone call without being harassed.

also sounds to me like you think the burden is on the innocent black kid to run away, rather than on the mentally unbalanced vigilante stalker to not harass others.
always the racist. :roll:


Well-Known Member
If I want to talk on my cell without being harassed I just ignore people. I don't run away from them and then not run away from them. Most innocent people I know don't run, they just casually walk away, one of the benefits of a clean conscience I guess.

If he didn't fear for his life why run away? Maybe he was exercising?
maybe he did try to casually walk away the second time they met and zimm tried to detain him physically.

we'll never know.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I love how the mere mention of the word, "Zimmerman" brings out the "yield your ground, take your beating like a man, child murdered for kidpunches" crowd. 439 posts over a couple of days. Impenetrable "analysis" by Unclebuck, with lots of "racist douche bag" name calling by the usual suspects. What a great place this is!


