your a rascist becuase you see a black teen in a hoodie as evidence to your presumptions of his intentions .
.and you even said up top he went to go home down the T
, but you still refuse to admit that the frame of setting that makes martin up to no good is all based on his external appearance , . . . ..and your opinion along with another bigot with a history of bigotry toward others
and since there is much more evidence to support he was on his way home in rainy weather in a a hoodie with two items he purchased at 7-11 . .
you refuse to acknowledged even the smallest amount of real facts for hearsay and conjecture all originally made up or claimed by teh shooter of a unarmed 17 year old kid, within his rights to walk home in the rain
your bias is obvious, UB is a bleeding heart lib so he has to take the victims side no matter what, and it is so obvious to every logical person here that Zimmerman hunted Z down and then confronted him . . . . and imho as M was Standing his ground was killed for it . . the constant reworking of the events by Z and his lawyers, multiple lawyers .. it is so obvious that its laughable to even assume otherwise . . kinda like OJ . . . now will he get off . . . that is the big question . . can he prove he had a constitutional right to kill that boy . . .. i doubt it
you cant cry wolf after you have made so many of teh same mistakes over and over and over . . . .in America we dont reward stupidity . . . . acquitted or guilty, Z will be a American loser the rest of his life