Marine imprisoned in Mexico over firearm.


Well-Known Member
Well it's obvious he had no ill intent chaining him to a bed is that Mexican hospitality? Do you really think the US gives two shit what a narco state thinks of us?
Who consumes the drugs? The cartels are criminal here, the Mexican government has been waging war (in the full sense of the word war) against them. It is very hard to defeat them when they have hundreds of billions of dollars in drug money. Even harder when the US is sending guns down. This fucking war has killed 60k Mexicans in the last decade. So the narco state, is the US government, that is who is bailing out HSBC, not Mexico.


Active Member
Or we could invade America, become the majority and vote for left wing candidates just to defeat Romney.


Good luck dude. The moment we see you guys running towards that fence line. Shits gonna be like Call of Duty for us.

You'll hear boarder Patrol on the news: "I've been waiting my WHOLE life to do this!"



Well-Known Member
aint killin shit. just workin shitty jobs for shitty money like slaves ;)
It is good for the economy. They work the jobs you don't want, pay taxes with fake SSN's, don't collect returns, can't use municipal services like emergency and can't even call the police when they are victims of a crime so they cost very little to host. If they commit a crime, it costs almost nothing to prosecute them since they just get deported and then their possessions are acquired by the state for even more revenue netted. All so white folks can collect food stamps.


Well-Known Member
they dont pay taxes! and you dont think it still cost the normal amount to prosecute? and what it dont cost shit to deport them either right?


Well-Known Member
Actually, more white people are on food stamps and welfare than Mexicans. Yes actually, not only do they pay taxes with fake social security numbers, they don't collect tax returns. They are paying for your welfare and doing the jobs you don't like.


Well-Known Member
*bangs head on desk and repeats*

guess your just gonna keep repeating yourself.... unsubscribing so theres one less idiot ...


Well-Known Member
*bangs head on desk and repeats*

guess your just gonna keep repeating yourself.... unsubscribing so theres one less idiot ...
Keep banging your head.

It is more effective than insisting that you are supporting Mexican people with little you pay in taxes. (you are really supporting corporate welfare and war).


Well-Known Member
Actually, more white people are on food stamps and welfare than Mexicans. Yes actually, not only do they pay taxes with fake social security numbers, they don't collect tax returns. They are paying for your welfare and doing the jobs you don't like.
Well there should be, after all for each latino or hispanic person in the USA there are SIX white people. For every statistic white people should be on top when it comes to prevalence.


Active Member
For everything we say wrong with Mexico, you turn around and say the exact same thing about Americans.

LOL.. There are no words to describe a individual like yourself.

Fuck Mexico


Well-Known Member
For everything we say wrong with Mexico, you turn around and say the exact same thing about Americans.

LOL.. There are no words to describe a individual like yourself.

Fuck Mexico
There are plenty of words to describe me, you're just not trying.

Hey, I dare you to come to Mexico, to a busy street in Tijuana and yell, Fuck Mexico, I dare you.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
They pay more taxes than you because they don't even collect returns.
you mean they do not FILE returns, thus not collecting the refunds you assume would be due, but as most illegals, and in fact most migrant workers, even the legal ones, and the citizens as well, all work on a day labour basis for cash and thus do not pay income taxes through the withholding system, thus, if they did file returns and claim their income they would OWE, and not receive a refund. they would get a bill.

day labourers and ag workers do NOT generally pay income taxes. they get paid in cash.

insisting illegals pay taxes is ridiculous. those who hold regular jobs and pay withholding taxes (the smallest minority imaginable) do so by engaging in fraud. attempting to use criminal activity as evidence of a general tax benefit to the treasury from illegals is foolish

crackheads who steal car stereos do not file wage and tax withholding agreements either.
panhandlers do not file their income tax returns
even most bartenders/waitresses/bellhops do not declare their tips as taxable income.
people who work for cash who file their income taxes are retarded.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
There are plenty of words to describe me, you're just not trying.

Hey, I dare you to come to Mexico, to a busy street in Tijuana and yell, Fuck Mexico, I dare you.
but any asshole who wishes can safely scream FUCK AMERICA!

thats the difference between a civil society and a third world banana republic. like mexico.