dude, youll catch on eventually.
arguing with abandonintellect is easy, his positions are as follows:
anarchy is good
"anarchy" is a word who's meaning changes moment by moment, but it always means "goodthings" treat "anarchy" like you would "aloha"
anything american is evil.
anyone who holds a view not currently espoused by abandonintellect is evil.
failing to be fully communist manifesto compliant is evil
calling a communist manifesto compliant person or group communist is evil
using a hyphen to join words with opposite meanings is a guarantee of rhetorical victory, since "in europe those words mean something else..."
racism is evil
white people are evil
white people are also racist
white people are the source of all the world's troubles
capitalists are the source of all the world's troubles
communists are the source of all the world's troubles
authoritarians are the source of all the world's troubles
if you disagree you just arent smart enough to understand his brilliance
or youre evil.
once you figure out that his positions are just a Karl Marx Mad-Lib, you can decipher his lunacy with ease.