600 Club Festive Pic Competition


Well-Known Member
So it's only 10 days until the end of the year, and in my country, only 3 and a half hours until the end of the day, and hopefully not the end of the World, lmao.

So in light of the Xmas and festive period, we want to see Frost, Trichomes, call it what you want, post yer pics. You will be scrutinised by the frost miester Whodatnation who has been nominated judge for the competition.

Prizes, t-shirts, mugs, badges, stickers, and other stuff that shall remain unmentioned...
A Merry Xmas and a Ho Ho Fukkin Happy Hogmanay

So let us see those pics, choose carefully: 1 pic per entrant (Club 600 posters only*).
You got until the 31st of December to put your entires in (we'll not be anal about the time).

Any questions, feel free to ask.

Happy snapping.....



*people who are posting prior to this competition.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
So it's only 10 days until the end of the year, and in my country, only 3 and a half hours until the end of the day, and hopefully not the end of the World, lmao.

So in light of the Xmas and festive period, we want to see Frost, Trichomes, call it what you want, post yer pics. You will be scrutinised by the frost miester Whodatnation who has been nominated judge for the competition.

Prizes, t-shirts, mugs, badges, stickers, and other stuff that shall remain unmentioned...
A Merry Xmas and a Ho Ho Fukkin Happy Hogmanay

So let us see those pics, choose carefully: 1 pic per entrant (Club 600 posters only*).
You got until the 31st of December to put your entires in (we'll not be anal about the time).

Any questions, feel free to ask.

Happy snapping.....



*people who are posting prior to this competition.
one or two. because you show three pics? two would be best ?or three. Just throwing it out there. thanks D


Well-Known Member
Ok then, 9 days and counting!

209 I think its 1 pic per entry... 1 entry per person.

Edit: looks like im going blind, the end date is right there at the bottom lol


Well-Known Member
hehe, you can post as many pics as you want Cali, but only one can be an entry.......lmfao. Nice try buddy;)


Well-Known Member
oh, and just so everyone is clear. 1 pic per entry, and that pic should have the headline, PIC ENTRY!

Ok? Clear? We all on the same page?...if not, got to user panel, posts per page, blah de blah...


Well-Known Member
Mine will be last minute, as I need to give my girl a few extra days for better trichomes.
I may not have a winner, but I'll get my pic in on time.


Well-Known Member
Trichome City gritty committee pity the fool that act shitty in the midst of the calm, the witty
