Well-Known Member
Whats up guys, I recently bought a G pen because I love wax and its very convenient on the go. However, I refuse to pay 45-60 for a gram. So I decided to try and make some wax. Heres how it went..
Bought 1 ft. of copper tubing 1" wide. Copper Cap for one side. Brown (unbleached) coffee filters. and a hose clamp. I also bought Neon 5x Butane.
I used 1/2 oz of bud trim of some kush.
First I used tarn-x to get the tarnish off the copper tubing. (I read that you were supposed to do this when using a copper pipe)
After cleaning the pipe I put it all together and packed it full of the trim. packing it down slightly after every cup.
I used 2 coffee filters and clamped them down with the clamp.
Ran the full bottle of butane through the trim (300ml) and ended up with a sort of green/yellowish liquid.
I let the butane evaporate for a while without stirring or anything of that nature. (yes i did this outdoors!)
After I felt it was evaporated enough to go indoors I put it on my electric stove on low couldn't even really see anything, i figured it didn't work...

after a minute this stuff began to look like this-

BUT IT REEKED LIKE BUTANE. I let it bubble up and i'd mix it. Then, I let it air out overnight and the next morning it STILL smelled like butane. but I scraped it all together and ended up with this.

after it still smelling like butane i put it back on the heat. (the next day) and it looked like this.

still reeking of butane.. I didn't want to smoke it. every time i put it back on the heat the pile of whatever it is... gets smaller. it doesn't smell so much like butane now. But since it doesn't look like any wax i've ever smoked, i didn't want to smoke it. its consistency is like a corn syrup... any ideas as to what I did wrong? Anything is MUCH appreciated!