So I listened to people on RIU about flushing....And this happens..


Well-Known Member
.??????.that didnt seem to work so good now did it? Lol
I re-use my soil. I do not flush these beneficial fungi, microbes and bacteria from my soil. I also re-amend everytime i use it, no flush. It's simple. the only thing i am putting in my soil is guano's, castings and tea's. No salt's to build up. so why flush healthy living soil.


Active Member
I agree with the ash. Usually a proper dry/cure gives gray ash. I mention this again because maybe that is causing your harshness. I grow general hydro salty nutrients with good nitrogen as well as everything else.I lose very little leaves from start to finish, everything stays green so none of that untrue advice that plants leaves will yellow and fall in flower *cough* don't know what they're saying *cough*

I do not flush and no one on my block complained about harshness and I felt the same. My hash crackled a little. Buf I agree I hear organic has no need for flush. Try flushing all but 1 next time and try being very careful about the drying/curing. I don't dry until stem snaps.. I don't want to smoke the stem.I feel the buds. Once dry with slight crisp on outside and moist in middle I throw in jar. 12-24 hours set out on a paper bag (I don't like paper towels because they absorb moisture leaving the bottom dryer than the rest) until it gets crispy on outside again then keep repeating that.


Well-Known Member
nice alf alfa and green sand and shit, ever look at bio gro or bio heaven , two very good products i have used in the past, i got abunch of bio bizz i need to use and RO 707
I'm taking pics today, and I'm dialed-in with Epsoma products...I also make my own Promix and then add a bit of humus to start out.



Well-Known Member
I re-use my soil. I do not flush these beneficial fungi, microbes and bacteria from my soil. I also re-amend everytime i use it, no flush. It's simple. the only thing i am putting in my soil is guano's, castings and tea's. No salt's to build up. so why flush healthy living soil.
Well if all the threads that are telling people to not flush had your illustrated guide to doing this then this person probably wouldnt be in this pickle. Instead they probably thought organics was GH organics 40 dollar box. Probably over fed. Probably are regretting not trying to get some of the nutes back out that they put in.Yaaa, all i ever hear from you guys with a million posts is you all telling everyone not to flush. Go ahead and post it on this thread. Your just proving the point.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is a medium correction in soil for those who overdo it with nutrients, not a necessity.

Why in God's green earth would you want to drown beneficial organisms and strip your medium during the most critical phase?.
No ,i am not talking about flushing in that sense.. putting 5x container size through pot .. yes i know thats a correctional procedure .. i am talking about the process of replacing water+nutrients with just plain water for 1 week to 10 days prior to harvest ,so the plant uses all the nutrient salts built up in the soil and come harvest there is very little nutrient salts in the plant ,which gives a smoother smoke.. not talking about drowning the plant ..and there is really no argument about it ,you ask any manufacturer of nutrients and they will tell you to withhold the nutrients for a week or so before harvest

I think what you are referring to is called leaching.. either that or what i am referring to is called leeching..idk ,but i have heard it called flushing so thats what i call it

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
and he is saying if you always feed your girls just a slight amount more then you need to then any kind of flushing wont be needed

and he is right but you have to know your plants and fading can happemn quick in that enviroment


Well-Known Member
I stopped flushing long ago. I know how to properly dry and then properly cure my goods. If a bud is harsh then it's due to strain. I have only had negative comments on harshness when plucking a bud off a drying plant and firing that. Flushing? People seem to believe it has some cathartic effect on the plant causing it to excrete any minerals it's extracted from its medium. Not even happening. Flushing is a fool's errand in soil grows.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
if you dont understand then you probably never will . . . maturing happens naturally where the plant will stop taking up any nutrients and start to consume its stored energy in leaves . . . .this is the super fire chron some of us produce that is as tasty 2 days after dry as it is 6 months after dry just more potent, flushing is just a technique to induce the state that a mature a plant would go through in nature

now if you feed feed feed till that point, you just wasted all those nutrients in the soil. ramp down feeding dont leach or flush money down the drain

i get all my shit reviewd its always on the smooth side of the scale . . . wierd . . i never hear complaints . .i dont donate to patients wet or toxic weed , if it dont burn white then it aint flushed

i bet most of the guys that preach dont flush, run 10-20% run off, talk about throwing away money, and i bet they dont smoke there meds very long, or concurrently

my patients might smoke a strain for 6 months plus they need smooth clean dank


Well-Known Member
Wrong! I use only water my last 2 weeks. There are plenty of unused nutrients available in the soil even when the plant has lived out its life and I use reduced feedings always. I never feed a recommended full-strength feed ever. Additionally I never feed over 4 times during the whole grow. 3 grow feeds, including the first feeding once flowering has begun, and only 1 "bloom" feeding. People make too much of nutrients. They count on them when they should not and feed when plants simply do not need it.

Nutrients and poor growers are like guitarists who have a pedal board a mile wide with a cable run 8" in diameter. All the "gee whiz" gizmos will only have a limited effect and not make up for a sorry player.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
I was hearing consistent arguments about flushing, especially when growing in soil organically, and how it is a waste of time and actually hurts the plants somewhat.

I am not the type of person to shrug off others advice, so I considered it scientifically, and it does make sense that the plants will need, or at least suffer without, nutrients in the late stages of flowering.

This was my first harvest to not flush, and let me go ahead and say, everything was grown in Happy Frog, and the only food I used was Seaweed/Fish Emulsion, about 4 times during flowering, up into the last 2 weeks.

Every single bit of my herb from this harvest burns roughly, and the ash stays completely black when the bowl is completely smoked. All of the medicine is much more flavorful, but also much more harsh to inhale. These meds have been curing for 2 weeks, where as the smoother medicine I had before I never even had time to cure. It actually hurts to smoke my meds to the points I just want to bake with it or give it all away. And I would if it didn't look and taste so good.

Maybe some people have more sensitive lungs than others, maybe my methods are flawed, or maybe the old school advice of a solid 2-3 week flush to rid the excess salts and minerals from the soil is actually sound advice.

Long story short, I'm starting to flush my plants again. I will feed up until 3 weeks away from harvest, and vigorously flush like I used to do from here on out. Just wanted to share a story, maybe hear what you guys think? Anybody had similar or different experiences?
Sounds like you need to tune in your drying and curing process.


Well-Known Member
if you dont understand then you probably never will . . . maturing happens naturally where the plant will stop taking up any nutrients and start to consume its stored energy in leaves . . . .this is the super fire chron some of us produce that is as tasty 2 days after dry as it is 6 months after dry just more potent, flushing is just a technique to induce the state that a mature a plant would go through in nature

now if you feed feed feed till that point, you just wasted all those nutrients in the soil. ramp down feeding dont leach or flush money down the drain

i get all my shit reviewd its always on the smooth side of the scale . . . wierd . . i never hear complaints . .i dont donate to patients wet or toxic weed , if it dont burn white then it aint flushed

i bet most of the guys that preach dont flush, run 10-20% run off, talk about throwing away money, and i bet they dont smoke there meds very long, or concurrently

my patients might smoke a strain for 6 months plus they need smooth clean dank
So wrong it aint even right. I don't flush, you ignored my other post so
I re-use my soil. I do not flush these beneficial fungi, microbes and bacteria from my soil. I also re-amend everytime i use it, no flush. It's simple. the only thing i am putting in my soil is guano's, castings and tea's. No salt's to build up. so why flush healthy living soil.
I dont wast money and idc how much i water and run-off Organics are cheap. Like i said there is no need to flush in organics.
Wrong! I use only water my last 2 weeks. There are plenty of unused nutrients available in the soil even when the plant has lived out its life and I use reduced feedings always. I never feed a recommended full-strength feed ever. Additionally I never feed over 4 times during the whole grow. 3 grow feeds, including the first feeding once flowering has begun, and only 1 "bloom" feeding. People make too much of nutrients. They count on them when they should not and feed when plants simply do not need it.

Nutrients and poor growers are like guitarists who have a pedal board a mile wide with a cable run 8" in diameter. All the "gee whiz" gizmos wiagreed.ll only have a limited effect and not make up for a sorry player.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
cool, im glad your program works for you, but most people i know who claim to not flush do( in a certain way) but dont call it that . . .

im glad you reuse your soil

im glad you dont drain to waste

doesn'tchange the fact that many dont run like you and do produce weed that burns dirty, and then they try to sell it to people fucking up there lungs

this discussion i snot to debate what works for you or I, what i do wouldn't work for most either, but the idea can be applied

how many substrates can have the idea of amended soils with elements that break down over time and lower PPM's in a natural manner, . . . . . . but

how is that any different then what we are trying to say works for us, as we flush or ramp down nutrients . . . .

concepts not ten commandments