Violence Against Women


Well-Known Member
No other group in history has been abused and mistreated like women have. Not even close. I've never once raised my hand to a woman and can't imagine I ever will. I still remember my dad saying when I was a kid that a real man doesn't hit a girl. He was absolutely right. What kind of man gets his kicks by smacking a woman around? Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of very strong women out there that can protect themselves, but let's face it, 99% of men can overpower and take down 99% of women.

I dunno, I just read this story and was quite disgusted with it.

India gang rape victim dies


Well-Known Member
I agree. It takes a simple minded coward to raise a hand to a woman.

I got to watch my old man throw this chump a first class knockout about 30 years ago. We were at a roadside rest stop for a piss break. My dad was outside the car smoking a cig when he noticed a couple in a car next to us were having some sort of squabble. I saw the lady get out of the car and go to the back and just lean up against the trunk and she looked pretty upset. The chump got out of the car, walked to the back and proceeded to loudly call her everything but a child of God. She had her face in her hands crying and then he ripped her hands away from her face and said do you hear me now bitch and that was all it took. My old man dropped his cig, walked over to the man and told him touch me like that you chicken shit son of a bitch. The guy told my old man to piss off and went back to screaming at the woman.

She tried to go back to the passenger side of the car and he grabbed her to stop her and I think that was the last thing he remembered till the cops got there as the old man grabbed him, spun him around and dropped him like the sack of shit he was ( glad I never got hit with that right of his....whew) I have never seen my old man with blood in eyes like he had that day and glad for it. The cops showed up and it took forever for them to get it all sorted out. The woman went with the officers and the old man had to go to court later on and it was all dismissed.

If you raise your hand to a woman, you are a gutless, spineless, pimple on the ass of humanity and have no place here on this planet.




Well-Known Member
an eye for an eye and we will all be blind. but there are allot of people in prisons who hear about these guys before they go in and find sympathy for the women. so karma is a bitch. they will get what they deserve. but as for me i believe a person who rapes should be publicly shamed, canned, and have the family decide the rest after.still i call down fire. God rain fire.


Well-Known Member
No other group in history has been abused and mistreated like women have. Not even close. I've never once raised my hand to a woman and can't imagine I ever will. I still remember my dad saying when I was a kid that a real man doesn't hit a girl. He was absolutely right. What kind of man gets his kicks by smacking a woman around? Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of very strong women out there that can protect themselves, but let's face it, 99% of men can overpower and take down 99% of women.

I dunno, I just read this story and was quite disgusted with it.

India gang rape victim dies
I will play Devils advocate and say Iv seen bitches that the dude needed to defend himself against but wouldn't.

Sure only the other night I saw a couple fighting about 2am...she punched him in the eye, kicked him in the nuts and headbutt him a cracker in the nose. Now aside from him being a little bitch (which is obvious) how do you recommend he should've dealt with that?


Well-Known Member
I will play Devils advocate and say Iv seen bitches that the dude needed to defend himself against but wouldn't.

Sure only the other night I saw a couple fighting about 2am...she punched him in the eye, kicked him in the nuts and headbutt him a cracker in the nose. Now aside from him being a little bitch (which is obvious) how do you recommend he should've dealt with that?
Over power her. You can can hold on to a woman and subdue her until she calms down without having to hit her.


Well-Known Member
Over power her. You can can hold on to a woman and subdue her until she calms down without having to hit her.
That turns psychos WAY more psycho.

What happened to equal rights? A man has less of a right to defend himself than a woman? So women now have MOAR rights than men?

Wtf are the femi-nazis moaning about so?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Over power her. You can can hold on to a woman and subdue her until she calms down without having to hit her.
how about violence agianst anyone is bad

people are people, man or women, saying one sex is more important or fairer or weaker then the other is just another way to class each other......, one of the reason women are a target of hate actions, imho, is that they are portrayed as important or weaker or innocent/fairer and to people who choose to victimize others they are a target . .. idk ramble over

equal rights has a long way to go with the sex's, i think as we view each other more as equals it will be harder to subjecate and abuse each other


Well-Known Member
That turns psychos WAY more psycho.

What happened to equal rights? A man has less of a right to defend himself than a woman? So women now have MOAR rights than men?

Wtf are the femi-nazis moaning about so?
I wouldn't hit a woman unless my life (or someone else's) was in jeopardy.

Just my .02.


Well-Known Member
I'm just not gonna assault ANYONE (male or female) without provocation...shouldn't that be considered the norm?

I was wondering when someone was going to say that. This chivalrousness is wonderful and oh so quaint but in this new world of equality between the sexes we have a choice, we can either promote equal by striking women or we can do so by striking no one at all.


Well-Known Member
Thats why i bought my gf a snub nose .38special with hornandy hp, mace and a small knife that she carries in her purse all the time. We are working on getting a concealed handgun license just to be on the clear.

However gun control nuts in my opinion condone rape and violent crimes. I see the items i got for my gf as personal protection nothing more. You cannot trust anyone these days and it does not hurt to be prepared

No other group in history has been abused and mistreated like women have. Not even close. I've never once raised my hand to a woman and can't imagine I ever will. I still remember my dad saying when I was a kid that a real man doesn't hit a girl. He was absolutely right. What kind of man gets his kicks by smacking a woman around? Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of very strong women out there that can protect themselves, but let's face it, 99% of men can overpower and take down 99% of women.

I dunno, I just read this story and was quite disgusted with it.

India gang rape victim dies


Well-Known Member
True. There are some females that just look for it as do males. Especially those women who are involved in criminal activities who think they can hit anyone they want to without consequence or reaction. I think any logical person would not just sit there and say, "oh its a female, let me just let her take her frustration out on me". Hell no, i was taught to defend and stand up for myself.

I'm just not gonna assault ANYONE (male or female) without provocation...shouldn't that be considered the norm?


Well-Known Member
Fuck no, nor a man but I'd freely and without conscience proportionally defend myself against either.
That's your prerogative. Call it unfair, but I have a different set of standards when it comes to physical altercations between men and women. Hitting a woman would be my last resort. As I stated earlier, I'd have to feel that someones life was in jeopardy for me to haul off and drop a woman. I would opt to subdue her first.

With a guy, it would depend on the circumstance ( I wouldn't go looking for it), but my fuse would be much shorter.


Well-Known Member
Thats why i bought my gf a snub nose .38special with hornandy hp, mace and a small knife that she carries in her purse all the time. We are working on getting a concealed handgun license just to be on the clear.

However gun control nuts in my opinion condone rape and violent crimes. I see the items i got for my gf as personal protection nothing more. You cannot trust anyone these days and it does not hurt to be prepared
Most chics carry pretty big purses these days, can I recommend a 50 cal Desert Eagle ;)

... no fucker will miss a bitch swinging this this thing around :o