Violence Against Women


Active Member
Unless the woman is a body builder, there's no need for a man to hit a woman, men are natuallr stronger than women and we know it, an average woman shouldn't be able to take you down, unless you're an emo hipster pussy, then carry on with your dragon I guess.
wearing skinny jeans at that


Well-Known Member
Unless the woman is a body builder, there's no need for a man to hit a woman, men are natuallr stronger than women and we know it, an average woman shouldn't be able to take you down, unless you're an emo hipster pussy, then carry on with your dragon I guess.
If you'd just stand there and take it you're retarded.

What the fuck did the woman think the outcome of assaulting a man would be?

If you hit a UFC fighter and they hit you back, is it their fault just cos they're much physically stronger than the average man?

And good luck with your "an average woman shouldn't be able to take you down" when they headbutt you in the face.

And before you call me a "woman beater" or something similar, imo there's NEVER an excuse to assault another person unless in self defense, so Id naturally never hit a woman OR man unless they came to me "looking for it", in which case they'd simply recieve what they sought from me.

Where exactly is the moral dilemma here?


New Member
I would restrain her, there's a reason why women get raped, a real man can restrain an average woman, and I laugh at a woman head butting me lol, just keep tripping her, they have like no fighting skills. Now a woman who does happen to be stronger than you (not the average woman) only then it is acceptable to take more force but you know how much to take. It's still not right to just hit women just because they think you won't do anything because you're a man, women are weak when it comes to fighting and it is extremely easy to good the average woman down, show her who is boss about the male nature, it's alot easier than you think.


Well-Known Member
I would restrain her, there's a reason why women get raped, a real man can restrain an average woman, and I laugh at a woman head butting me lol, just keep tripping her, they have like no fighting skills. Now a woman who does happen to be stronger than you (not the average woman) only then it is acceptable to take more force but you know how much to take. It's still not right to just hit women just because they think you won't do anything because you're a man, women are weak when it comes to fighting and it is extremely easy to good the average woman down, show her who is boss about the male nature, it's alot easier than you think.
I can honestly say Iv never even raised a hand to a woman because never had the need (hope I never have to), but if a bitch goes full retard I'm gonna defend myself.

Say whatever you want about that, I feel no need to justify myself to anyone, just making my position clear for the sake of the discussion.


Active Member
I would restrain her, there's a reason why women get raped, a real man can restrain an average woman, and I laugh at a woman head butting me lol, just keep tripping her, they have like no fighting skills. Now a woman who does happen to be stronger than you (not the average woman) only then it is acceptable to take more force but you know how much to take. It's still not right to just hit women just because they think you won't do anything because you're a man, women are weak when it comes to fighting and it is extremely easy to good the average woman down, show her who is boss about the male nature, it's alot easier than you think.
I really admire your old school take on this. I feel like their is no woman that could whoop my ass that is why i joke about it. I fought alot growing up and hung out with girls that liked to fight but when those nuts finally drop, they will quite messing with you. A woman will usually respect a man as much as he respects her just got to let them know "GATOR DON'T PLAY THAT SHIT"


Well-Known Member
Over power her. You can can hold on to a woman and subdue her until she calms down without having to hit her.
had one try to punch me in the throat while my arms were crossed, luckily she was drunken and I wasn't, nice quick clean shove to the ground and we came to an understanding.


Well-Known Member
yes, please make an ass out of yourself by assuming things.
when I was a kid, my brother and I would get out of school, get our pellet guns and jump on our bikes. We would just come home for dinner and head back out to roam the streets on our bikes. It was much safer then it is today, much safer.
Simple intellect my friend can distinguish ones "subjective" perspective from an "objective" reality. What is your excuse for this inability olylifter420?!?


Well-Known Member
Really? I thought this was a thread about violence against women. Instead, I see derogatory terms for women, jokes about giving them black eyes, and posts that argue/explain why most men can take down most women.

Way to go guys.


Well-Known Member
In college a girl I was bangin took a closed fist swing at me at a party cuz I had some ho on my lap when she walked in, guess she thought cuz we fucked that we were exclusive or something. Anyway, I blocked her little punch and no shit it broke her wrist. If over 20 people hadn't seen it I would of been in jail. fuckin cops wanted to haul me in cuz they thought I blocked too hard or that I didn't block her arm but attack it lol and wanted to get me for assault, fuckin bullshit. But when the whole house got in their face and witness after witness gave the same story, 2 hours later they finally let me go. And yes, she was the one who called the cops, even told them the truth about throwing the first punch, but she said I hit her arm and that made me the asshole to the cops that night.

Oh but go woman power, oh yeah. The kind of woman power that is used to make them equals when its convenient, but also many want to be treated with immunity and expect a double standard to step in and save their ass when their panties get in a bunch.
Just thought i'd give a bit of input... being a woman and all. I dont think a man should curl up his fist and lay into a woman... saying that, if a woman attacks a man... he is fully within his rights to defend him self using REASONABLE force. If a person, be them male or female, hits another then they should expect something in return. It would be an abuse of position for a woman to lay into a man expecting him to just stand there and take it on the grounds that it is wrong for him to hit a woman. I would never think any less of a man that did just stand there, it shows amazing self control. But i figure if your good enough to give, your good enough to get some back. As for rape.... i hope they gut and hang the dirty b**tards.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I was wondering when someone was going to say that. This chivalrousness is wonderful and oh so quaint but in this new world of equality between the sexes we have a choice, we can either promote equal by striking women or we can do so by striking no one at all.

It is wrong to initiate aggression, regardless of the gender of the players involved or the titles that people have given themselves, but everybody has the right to defend themselves. With that said, I think discretion in how we respond in our defense is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
I would restrain her, there's a reason why women get raped, a real man can restrain an average woman, and I laugh at a woman head butting me lol, just keep tripping her, they have like no fighting skills. Now a woman who does happen to be stronger than you (not the average woman) only then it is acceptable to take more force but you know how much to take. It's still not right to just hit women just because they think you won't do anything because you're a man, women are weak when it comes to fighting and it is extremely easy to good the average woman down, show her who is boss about the male nature, it's alot easier than you think.
Voice of experience?