Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
You have two strings whose only known property is that when you light one end of either string it takes exactly one hour to burn. The rate at which the strings will burn is completely random and each string is different.
How do you measure 45 minutes?

Burn one string from both ends, it will vanish in 1/2 hr. At the same time, burn other string at one end.

Once first string has burned completely, burn the second string at other end as well. It will take 15 minutes (in additional to first 30 minutes) for second string to completely burn.


New Member
I think my superpower is my immune system. It's quite uncanny.
mine too. My dad had the flu and i drank the outta the same water bottle on the table Im sure more than once Cause I thought it was mine and I had a little bit of a sore throat...like a tinge...and thats it.


Staff member
mine too. My dad had the flu and i drank the outta the same water bottle on the table Im sure more than once Cause I thought it was mine and I had a little bit of a sore throat...like a tinge...and thats it.
thats how this flu starts, a little bit of a tinge, then a little cough, then BAM FEVER

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
gave a homeless dude $100 bucks today on my walk back to the car from the nudie bar. I figured if I could spend money on strippers, I can also help a homeless brother out. I always see the dude. he ain't a drunk or a druggie, just a dude who struggled thru life,. dude was super stoked when I gave it to him. made me smile..... my random jibberjabber of the day.


Well-Known Member
Burn one string from both ends, it will vanish in 1/2 hr. At the same time, burn other string at one end.

Once first string has burned completely, burn the second string at other end as well. It will take 15 minutes (in additional to first 30 minutes) for second string to completely burn.
lol i thought cn was gonna post something like that. I was going in the complete opposite direction and thinking it's measured by how much was done in that time, and how content you are with how the time was spent. :)


Well-Known Member
gave a homeless dude $100 bucks today on my walk back to the car from the nudie bar. I figured if I could spend money on strippers, I can also help a homeless brother out. I always see the dude. he ain't a drunk or a druggie, just a dude who struggled thru life,. dude was super stoked when I gave it to him. made me smile..... my random jibberjabber of the day.
i just gave a homeless guy who "spanges" here where i live a new carhardt winter jacket 5 degrees f here atm, and a care package of edibles and a warm room to sleep in when the weather wont allow him to stay outside(his choice after leaving the army). Its funny how good i felt after helping him, he dosnt drink which is so fucken rare for homeless here, talk about seeing life thru a completley different lens!


New Member
i just gave a homeless guy who "spanges" here where i live a new carhardt winter jacket 5 degrees f here atm, and a care package of edibles and a warm room to sleep in when the weather wont allow him to stay outside(his choice after leaving the army). Its funny how good i felt after helping him, he dosnt drink which is so fucken rare for homeless here, talk about seeing life thru a completley different lens!
i saw that on cnn.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I think i'm set for friday night :) Beer, a plethora of racks of ribs, 3 southern fried chicken wraps, and 3 things of king prawn linguini :)



Well-Known Member
There are three boxes. One is labeled "APPLES" another is labeled "ORANGES". The last one is labeled "APPLES AND ORANGES". You know that each is labeled incorrectly. You may ask me to pick one fruit from one box which you choose.
How can you label the boxes correctly?


Active Member
I've never participated in a forum until RIU. I'm having a hard time dealing with the trolls and punks. I know it's weak to let strangers on the internet bug me but maybe I just need to get more baked before I log on. I'm just venting, sorry