you earned your check alright, but the government took care of you. that's all i'm getting at here.
sorry for the loss of your friend, probably shouldn't sign up for pointless engagements.
Boy oh boy. Honestly bud, it helps to completely READ the posts before commenting. Let's see:
1. I didn't serve in Iraq. I never even left the United States. Never said I served in Iraq. I'm not that noble.
2. It wasn't a friend. It was my younger brother. And he didn't sign up for that either. Would give you the whole story, but you wouldn't be interested.
3. Honestly man I don't feel like the government took care of me. Whether your paycheck comes from the private sector (like mine for all but 4 years), or from the U.S. Army, it's still earned.
I made a shitty comment in the heat of the moment. I will apologize to you for that. I'm higher now, so I've calmed down some. Honestly, if everyone smoked weed, we'd have far fewer wars (unless it's over food, lol). But please don't compare a man EARNING a paycheck from the U.S. Government with some welfare recipient accepting a hand-out, whether it be money, health care, or whatever. Incidentally, I don't get lifetime VA benefits or any pension, so no hand outs for me

One last thing before I give up....
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Shit that applies to me too, just so we're clear.