How many of you are going to bitch about Obama care after 2016?

Of course he did, you can't cash them without it! Or are you trying to imply serving in the Armed Services isn't earning your keep? If so, you're a retard. Qh, wait...........

touche on the first part. but the government still took care of him.
So the USA is like 32nd in the world in healthcare. Most "advanced" countries have almost free health care. I'm getting fucking old and will be able to get on medicare soon. I've had fucking vampire insurance all my life and still have to worry about getting wiped out if I get something really bad. I've watched people lose everthing just to stay alive. The damn co-pays are as much as the medical servicese used to cost 30 years ago. Ever see the salary of a CEO of a health insurance company? Obamacare didn't go far enough, we should have gotten single payer. Healthcare is a right for all, not just the ones that can afford it. Insurance companies make around 30% off of your illnesses.
There is no "right" to healthcare. If healthcare is a right, then doctors/hospitals would not charge you. Just wishful thinking. Insurance companies only make a maximum of 15%, by law.
People without insurance are freeloaders on society? How do you figure?
When they get sick and dont pay their bill the cost gets passed on to me

Ask your insurance rep why car insurance is so expensive
and the answer is
because of uninsured motorists
"Uninsured motorists" are so rare as to be inconsequential. Car insurance is mandatory everywhere. Health insurance is not. Your insurance rep isn't going to tell you it's because of his commission on the sale, now is he? We could eliminate the burden of the uninsured by eliminating the requirement that healthcare providers give care without payment. A lot of people would die easily preventable deaths, tho. Might want to make sure you carry a copy of your health insurance card at all times
"Uninsured motorists" are so rare as to be inconsequential. Car insurance is mandatory everywhere. Health insurance is not. Your insurance rep isn't going to tell you it's because of his commission on the sale, now is he? We could eliminate the burden of the uninsured by eliminating the requirement that healthcare providers give care without payment. A lot of people would die easily preventable deaths, tho. Might want to make sure you carry a copy of your health insurance card at all times

"Despite laws in nearly every state requiring auto insurance, one in seven drivers in the USA goes uncovered."

yeah, any day now we'll get invaded. keep telling yourself that.

touche on the first part. but the government still took care of him.

OK, now I'm pissed. Let's get this shit straight right fucking now....

Anyone who serves their country in the armed forces has EARNED what they were paid and in many cases MUCH more. Never insult a former Marine or serviceman, it's just plain ignorant.

By the fucking by....guys like him are the reason assholes like you can spout off at the mouth freely without fear of being hung upside down by your testicles.....oh....and someday the other testicle will drop into place for you. You will know when this happens because your voice will go down an octave.

God Damn it, I try to be civil and understanding, but fuck. Lose one of YOUR fucking loved ones in Iraq then come spout off to me you mental midget.
OK, now I'm pissed. Let's get this shit straight right fucking now....

Anyone who serves their country in the armed forces has EARNED what they were paid and in many cases MUCH more. Never insult a former Marine or serviceman, it's just plain ignorant.

By the fucking by....guys like him are the reason assholes like you can spout off at the mouth freely without fear of being hung upside down by your testicles.....oh....and someday the other testicle will drop into place for you. You will know when this happens because your voice will go down an octave.

God Damn it, I try to be civil and understanding, but fuck. Lose one of YOUR fucking loved ones in Iraq then come spout off to me you mental midget.

I'm a vet
and unless you are pushing 80+ you never fought for any of our freedoms
that is even if you served during wartime
I'm a vet
and unless you are pushing 80+ you never fought for any of our freedoms
that is even if you served during wartime

He was addressing UncleShitBritches, not you, or are you one and the same?

Listen guys, I just can't stand someone implying that a Vet didn't "earn" their check. That somehow it was a form of charity. Let me ask you a question you feel like you were being given a hand out? Cause I sure didn't .

And something else...when my brother was KIA in Iraq five years ago, I sure as hell didn't consider whether he was fighting for my "freedoms". He was just a guy 2 months from discharge that caught shrapnel from an IED. I still miss him. So I'll continue to tell myself that he was fighting for all of us. It makes me feel better.

Jesus Christ, this thread in general makes me want a doobie. Forgive my ire, some things just bring back painful memories.

*edit* Sorry. It was 2006, so I guess it was 7 years ago. Fuck me, I still miss him.
Listen guys, I just can't stand someone implying that a Vet didn't "earn" their check. That somehow it was a form of charity. Let me ask you a question you feel like you were being given a hand out? Cause I sure didn't .

And something else...when my brother was KIA in Iraq five years ago, I sure as hell didn't consider whether he was fighting for my "freedoms". He was just a guy 2 months from discharge that caught shrapnel from an IED. I still miss him. So I'll continue to tell myself that he was fighting for all of us. It makes me feel better.

Jesus Christ, this thread in general makes me want a doobie. Forgive my ire, some things just bring back painful memories.

*edit* Sorry. It was 2006, so I guess it was 7 years ago. Fuck me, I still miss him.

I didnt and your brother didnt
Die for any of our freedoms
So you can take that jingoism someplace it is appreciated like the VFW

I didnt feel like I was getting a hand out. I worked my ass off sometimes
But i never put myself above others just becuase I served
I didnt and your brother didnt
Die for any of our freedoms
So you can take that jingoism someplace it is appreciated like the VFW

I didnt feel like I was getting a hand out. I worked my ass off sometimes
But i never put myself above others just becuase I served

Jingoism. Interesting. I'll admit I had to google the term. Good word use, wrong context.

You are still alive so it's obvious you didn't die for anything. I also served (just 4 years for me) and I'm still here. My brother, on the other hand, did die. So let's not compare. I don't care what he died "for". I just miss him.

I haven't made any comments on this thread for awhile. I certainly wouldn't consider myself an "extreme patriot". When my four were up, I left with extreme pleasure. Was over it, really. I certainly don't think myself better than anyone who did not serve. But I can't stand the insinuation that the U.S. Government was "taking care" of me. Or my brother. That's all I'm saying.

Best of luck Chesus. Thank you for your service.
There is no "right" to healthcare. If healthcare is a right, then doctors/hospitals would not charge you. Just wishful thinking. Insurance companies only make a maximum of 15%, by law.

that's because of the PPACA, redtard! LOLOLOLOL!

"Uninsured motorists" are so rare as to be inconsequential. Car insurance is mandatory everywhere. Health insurance is not.

it is now!

Your insurance rep isn't going to tell you it's because of his commission on the sale, now is he? We could eliminate the burden of the uninsured by eliminating the requirement that healthcare providers give care without payment. A lot of people would die easily preventable deaths, tho. Might want to make sure you carry a copy of your health insurance card at all times

hey, why didn't anyone else think of that idea? we could save money on health care by simply letting people die.

wouldn't really be called "health" care then, would it stormfront red?
OK, now I'm pissed. Let's get this shit straight right fucking now....

Anyone who serves their country in the armed forces has EARNED what they were paid and in many cases MUCH more. Never insult a former Marine or serviceman, it's just plain ignorant.

By the fucking by....guys like him are the reason assholes like you can spout off at the mouth freely without fear of being hung upside down by your testicles.....oh....and someday the other testicle will drop into place for you. You will know when this happens because your voice will go down an octave.

God Damn it, I try to be civil and understanding, but fuck. Lose one of YOUR fucking loved ones in Iraq then come spout off to me you mental midget.

LOL! you make a good bullet catcher alright. your head should be your best asset, it's obviously empty!

if you think you defended my freedom of speech by signing up for that retarded clusterfuck in iraq, you got more problems than i have time to name.

you're welcome for the paycheck, by the way.
Listen guys, I just can't stand someone implying that a Vet didn't "earn" their check. That somehow it was a form of charity. Let me ask you a question you feel like you were being given a hand out? Cause I sure didn't .

And something else...when my brother was KIA in Iraq five years ago, I sure as hell didn't consider whether he was fighting for my "freedoms". He was just a guy 2 months from discharge that caught shrapnel from an IED. I still miss him. So I'll continue to tell myself that he was fighting for all of us. It makes me feel better.

Jesus Christ, this thread in general makes me want a doobie. Forgive my ire, some things just bring back painful memories.

*edit* Sorry. It was 2006, so I guess it was 7 years ago. Fuck me, I still miss him.

you earned your check alright, but the government took care of you. that's all i'm getting at here.

sorry for the loss of your friend, probably shouldn't sign up for pointless engagements.
you earned your check alright, but the government took care of you. that's all i'm getting at here.

sorry for the loss of your friend, probably shouldn't sign up for pointless engagements.

Boy oh boy. Honestly bud, it helps to completely READ the posts before commenting. Let's see:

1. I didn't serve in Iraq. I never even left the United States. Never said I served in Iraq. I'm not that noble.
2. It wasn't a friend. It was my younger brother. And he didn't sign up for that either. Would give you the whole story, but you wouldn't be interested.
3. Honestly man I don't feel like the government took care of me. Whether your paycheck comes from the private sector (like mine for all but 4 years), or from the U.S. Army, it's still earned.

I made a shitty comment in the heat of the moment. I will apologize to you for that. I'm higher now, so I've calmed down some. Honestly, if everyone smoked weed, we'd have far fewer wars (unless it's over food, lol). But please don't compare a man EARNING a paycheck from the U.S. Government with some welfare recipient accepting a hand-out, whether it be money, health care, or whatever. Incidentally, I don't get lifetime VA benefits or any pension, so no hand outs for me ;).

One last thing before I give up....
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt"

Shit that applies to me too, just so we're clear.
Brother. He lost his brother, Buck.
And that is sad
But dont try to sugar coat it and say "he died fighting for our freedoms"

No he didnt. He just died and at a pointless war at that. if he had been in Afghanistan I would of said 'sorry for your loss hope he took a bunch of taliban with him"