Obama visited 57 states... No typo here, 57!


Well-Known Member
Obama in Oregon said he had visited 57 of them. He said he didn’t get to go to Alaska and Hawaii. How dumb can anyone be to say something so stupid! and with a straight face. He was so dumb that when the crowd laughed at him HE DIDNT GET IT!!!! Maybe he was baked?


Well-Known Member
Obama in Oregon said he had visited 57 of them. He said he didn’t get to go to Alaska and Hawaii. How dumb can anyone be to say something so stupid! and with a straight face. He was so dumb that when the crowd laughed at him HE DIDNT GET IT!!!! Maybe he was baked?
I think he's including the forthcoming annexation of Mexico and Canada once he becomes POTUS.


Well-Known Member
Um.. that's either not enough (if he's counting each country is one state) or WAAAYYY too many if he's gonna count each country's individual states/provinces. Poor guy, we should toke him out so he could be a stupid pothead like us. :D


Well-Known Member
I think he's including the forthcoming annexation of Mexico and Canada once he becomes POTUS.
LOL! I wouldn't doubt it. I just would hope that there would be enough noble Americans to stand up to that. The media does have a large flock of compliant sheeple that would follow the 'media shepard'.


New Member
Can you imagine the outrage if a Republican (Bush) or any Conservative were to say such a thing? Can you spell potato ---E. ~lol~

O'Bama gets a pass because he "was tired." :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
he's gotta be counting the US territories that are not states..... they still get to vote.
I don't know how many there are, but it's a guess.


New Member
You Obama haters are just toooo much. I'd like to see any of you go through the grueling agenda he has to go through and not make a slip of the tongue. McCain has slipped many times, so has Hillary. There will be ample time to call them on their verbage. It must be sad to know your candidate will not even make a showing, so, you have to discredit the winner at all opportunities. Well, no sore losers here, Eh?


Well-Known Member
You Obama haters are just toooo much. I'd like to see any of you go through the grueling agenda he has to go through and not make a slip of the tongue. McCain has slipped many times, so has Hillary. There will be ample time to call them on their verbage. It must be sad to know your candidate will not even make a showing, so, you have to discredit the winner at all opportunities. Well, no sore losers here, Eh?
Its a joke, that will surely not sway anyones opinions/votes of the man(at least i hope not).

The reason why my candidate isn't getting airtime is because 'they' don't want him to, duh! YOU know that its not because hes not POTUS status/credibility/material. I bet my life, if RON PAUL got as much airtime as the other candidates he would win hands down(thats assuming that the voting isn't rigged).

Do you have dirty knees or something MM? I'm sorry I'm hating on your boyfriend:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You Obama haters are just toooo much. I'd like to see any of you go through the grueling agenda he has to go through and not make a slip of the tongue. McCain has slipped many times, so has Hillary. There will be ample time to call them on their verbage. It must be sad to know your candidate will not even make a showing, so, you have to discredit the winner at all opportunities. Well, no sore losers here, Eh? I'm not gonna jump on the Obama haters club here;) i have nothing personal against the man but he won't have my vote simply because i think he lacks the experience needed to really make any changes in this country:) other than that i'm sure he's an ok guy. Peace:)
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Well-Known Member
he's gotta be counting the US territories that are not states..... they still get to vote.
I don't know how many there are, but it's a guess.
Not in federal elections. The trade off is they do not pay federal taxes. We're currently in Guam (a territory) and there is no campaigning here. Additionally, my wife (Seamaiden) has family in Puerto Rico (another territory) and they never have been able to vote.


New Member
Do you have dirty knees or something MM? I'm sorry I'm hating on your boyfriend:mrgreen:

So, you are entering the fray between Vi-Redd and I. I wondered if you'd bite. I was pretty sure you were a right wing Nazi underneath all that Ron Paul garbage. Tell it like it is retard, I know you just made a simple mistake when you typed in your name and hit the "W" instead of the "R" BTW you must be Bi-curious. I've heard all Bi-curious dudes are really Gay. I give you full permission to date ViRedd, do the Butt boogie and all, Happy motoring, ~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Do you have dirty knees or something MM? I'm sorry I'm hating on your boyfriend:mrgreen:

So, you are entering the fray between Vi-Redd and I. I wondered if you'd bite. I was pretty sure you were a right wing Nazi underneath all that Ron Paul garbage. Tell it like it is retard, I know you just made a simple mistake when you typed in your name and hit the "W" instead of the "R" BTW you must be Bi-curious. I've heard all Bi-curious dudes are really Gay. I give you full permission to date ViRedd, do the Butt boogie and all, Happy motoring, ~LOL~.
I'm an honest man. I was once slightly bi-curious, but after i acted on my curiosities as the questions went away. I'm mostly straight!

The reason why i say mostly is because there is a spectrum, its not just straight, bi, or gay. Most likely everyone one has a little bit of bi in them whether they believe it or not. Most people like me have enough straight in them that that the opposite sex does NOT turn them on. I DO know when a guys good looking or not, not that a good looking guy turns me on, but he's not an eyesore like some others.

I dont know what I'm getting at besides the fact that I'm open with my sexuality and know my position on the spectrum. I'm very content with women:hump:

Its funny that you always attack my RIU name, I thought you were guile enough to pick something less than OBVIOUS. Haven't you used the "retarded" joke more than enough all ready? If you honestly feel that i chose the wrong letter to put in from of "e tarted" than you are dense.

Go take your MEDS MAN! Does your nurse need to force feed you the prune juice again? It seems like your constipation is getting your panties all in a bunch!:mrgreen:

Ok, I'm done with the name calling..:D The white flag has gone up!



Well-Known Member
It's called being very tired from sleeping like 4 hours a day for a year. Unlike Mr. graduated 5th from the bottom of his class, not even knowing the difference between Sunni, and Shite(twice), war monger doesn't give a fuck what happens after hes dead (in 10 years), 3rd Bush term, destroy our economy, Germany after WW2 sound familliar?.... Mccain.


New Member
Like I said ... When a liberal says something really stupid, he/she's "just tired." When a Conservative says something stupid because he/she's really tired, well then, he/she is just "stupid."

The hypocrisy of the Left is simply amazing.



Well-Known Member
It's all just coincidence that everything gets fucked up when the repukes are in office huh? A little part of me wants them to win again, and just dump this country into the absolute biggest hole ever. Then maybe, just maybe, fools will see.


New Member
It's all just coincidence that everything gets fucked up when the repukes are in office huh? A little part of me wants them to win again, and just dump this country into the absolute biggest hole ever. Then maybe, just maybe, fools will see.
The country has gotten "fucked up" in spite of which party is in power. Its time for Americans to take their government back. Like JFK said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."



New Member
The country has gotten "fucked up" in spite of which party is in power. Its time for Americans to take their government back. Like JFK said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Yeah, uh-huh, I get it, the repukes had nothing to do with it right. Just a bunch of bad politicians led by this angel called Bush.


Well-Known Member
It is kinda funny though.. I couldn't see Kerry going into the war with Iraq, I bet 911 wouldn't have even happened........ JMHO

Wasn't Bush the perfect candidate for the war? The texas oil cowboy........... :cry:

God bless America....... seriously, we need it, and so doesn't the world.:mrgreen:


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
ok... I don't care HOW tired a candidate is.... if you are running for the office of PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES you should KNOW there are 50 States period! It should be blazed into your brain the same as your own name is.

On the other hand.... I guess it's no worse then our current POTUS who can't even correctly pronounce the word 'nuclear' and pretty much sounds like an uneducated jackass every time he opens his mouth. :roll:


New Member
ok... I don't care HOW tired a candidate is.... if you are running for the office of PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES you should KNOW there are 50 States period! It should be blazed into your brain the same as your own name is.

On the other hand.... I guess it's no worse then our current POTUS who can't even correctly pronounce the word 'nuclear' and pretty much sounds like an uneducated jackass every time he opens his mouth. :roll:
It was a slip of the tongue, get over it.