Complete Noob first grow


:weed:Well all, I made the leap. I ordered some seeds from Attitude and away they go. Germed some phatt fruity and white widow. Also threw in a critical hogg seed (freebie) just to see. These are one of the PF and one of the critical hogg. Have them under T5 for now and letting them grow before putting them into the room with the big lights. Have 1000W light system in a 5x5 grow tent. I know I will have a ton of questions but the first one is now that I have the seedlings under lights what nutes are recommended?Using RO water (adjusted for PH).:weed:
1st grow 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
No nutes for the first two weeks. You probably should read and learn before you start growing. Otherwise it won't end well.


Making the assumption that I have not read or learned its probably not the way to go. I have read and learned a lot. What I have learned most is that for every different grower there are different views. So because I do read and learn I know the learning continues. The quest for knowledge continues with an open mind. That is why I asked the question. I do appreciate your input though. Peace.


Well-Known Member
depends on what your grow style is. if you plan on staying in rockwool then i can't really help you.

however if you want to get 1gram per watt from your first ever grow i suggest you go and get some coco and make it very very very simple for yourself.

The Growery

Active Member
you will love white widow, I've grown that strain for a couple years now. strong sativa dominant. huge, huge colas (think baby arms) is that the one from vulcania seeds?


you will love white widow, I've grown that strain for a couple years now. strong sativa dominant. huge, huge colas (think baby arms) is that the one from vulcania seeds?
Actually it is widow bomb from bomb seeds. Sorry for the misinformation. I am excited about that strain as well. As a first grow I am not expecting too much but willing to learn.


depends on what your grow style is. if you plan on staying in rockwool then i can't really help you.

however if you want to get 1gram per watt from your first ever grow i suggest you go and get some coco and make it very very very simple for yourself.
Ok ghb, I am listening. Since I dont have anything firmly in place for the grow beyond where I am at this point I can easily change paths. So, what are you suggesting?

The Growery

Active Member
for a first grow I would advise going with some kind of soil/soil less medium. it's much more forgiving. when soil/soil less is done right, it can compete with hydroponic yield. using coco or any other kind of hydroponics requires a lot of EC and pH checking and very little margin for error. soil/soil less gives you a buffer if you make mistakes, which you will as a new grower.


for a first grow I would advise going with some kind of soil/soil less medium. it's much more forgiving. when soil/soil less is done right, it can compete with hydroponic yield. using coco or any other kind of hydroponics requires a lot of EC and pH checking and very little margin for error. soil/soil less gives you a buffer if you make mistakes, which you will as a new grower.
I will make mistakes??? Huh???? Me??? LOL...oh yeah I will. I was thinking about keeping them in the wool to clone etc and then transfer to soil for growth. Thoughts? I agree that soil should theoretically be more forgiving.


Well-Known Member
I will make mistakes??? Huh???? Me??? LOL...oh yeah I will. I was thinking about keeping them in the wool to clone etc and then transfer to soil for growth. Thoughts? I agree that soil should theoretically be more forgiving.
i think u already have


Well-Known Member
lol nice and helpful then.

my first run was done in coco and every run since. it is very very simple to use.

i have a base a and b nutrient that i use throughout the grow and bloombastic that i use in the later bloom phase, i get over 600 grams of top quality buds from each 600w light i have.

if you would like i will make a list of what to buy and what to feed etc. that is more helpful i think.


lol nice and helpful then.

my first run was done in coco and every run since. it is very very simple to use.

i have a base a and b nutrient that i use throughout the grow and bloombastic that i use in the later bloom phase, i get over 600 grams of top quality buds from each 600w light i have.

if you would like i will make a list of what to buy and what to feed etc. that is more helpful i think.
That would be very cool. Funny how there are those who actually will help and those trolls who just hang out here with nothing better to
GHB thank you for your input and help.


for a first grow I would advise going with some kind of soil/soil less medium. it's much more forgiving. when soil/soil less is done right, it can compete with hydroponic yield. using coco or any other kind of hydroponics requires a lot of EC and pH checking and very little margin for error. soil/soil less gives you a buffer if you make mistakes, which you will as a new grower.
???????? Grower when you say a soil/soil less medium explain little more please? Because im going to be starting my first grow also. And would like to find the best way to start because of the errors I WILL TRY TO AVOID but know i will make.


Listen dude i dont have to give you shit little asshole can be a real prick over a computer. Prob one of the little assholes that dont ever say anything to anybody face to face its a FUCKING grow site to learn YOU FUCKING MORON. Was anybody just born knowing everything there is to know???? But i bet you are one of those ppl that THINK YOU DO. Waste of air dude go sit on your moms coutch and be deppressed about your life bro if you feel you have to down ppl on a web site that is for asking ?s