The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Just saw this on another thread....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
made me laugh.

'am i trippin son?'

anyway macro shots

2 toke bubble, all bag size mixed and worked

and pukka buds psycho as it comes, not sure what bag sizes



Well-Known Member
i couldn't disagree more, the incentive to work is to not be sitting on your arse complaining about being skint. let's face it unless your fiddling for incapacity or whatever your not exactly flush on benefits.

get a skill, get a job & don't be hand to mouth. it doesn't take a fucking genius. The only thing holding most of the dole queue back is there reluctance to work imho.

the attitude of 'I'd be better off sitting doing nowt' is both selfish and detrimental to the whole countries economy. more working, more spending.

rant over. this topic boils my piss
ive said this,, i could go out if i could and get a job tomorrow, if u REALLY want to work,, thers no trouble finding a job, but theyd trather sit and wait fro ther 120 a frtnight lmao

i CANT work,, fact,, u all knw this, wen i used to work i was a home carer for people with hiv and aids in london and i pai more than enoug tax n stamp for wat im egtting now on the sik,,

so yes i 100% agree ther don.


Well-Known Member
@ ice, hey ice just wondering , have you heard of the Grangers up by you ? Or Jason frazer ? Were my old m8s , well Jason was , Grangers were rough as fuck ! My brother was in borstal with one of em , used to go over what we called the plantation & set fire to the hillside on occasions !


Well-Known Member
extra bloody tenner that is!! hahaha fucking scrooge me lol,, deffo gunna get one, il decide on a strain and use it as a keeper

even i cant fukup with one of them
I have one of those props ic3, I got the 20 site one. There must be something I'm doin wrong or there not as easy used as people make out m8, I get quicker roots using jiffy pellets and a shitty plastic prop from b&q. I only use my one when the pellets already have roots coming thru, I put them in the 20 site cloner with the sprayer just too get a good root system before goin in the wilmas. Just thot I'd let u know so u don't go buying one thinkin aww yeah, goina get roots in ten days cos it just didn't work like tht for me, maybe you'll have better luck with one tho

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
and now for something completely different!
View attachment 2474100

new usb digi scope turned up this morning. only got a couple of crappy squished crumbs in the office draw but it works a treat

View attachment 2474101View attachment 2474102View attachment 2474103

EDIT: which reminds me, yorkie, have you made that purple bubble yet?

Lovely pics them Don.

Aye I made that bubble and posted you pics, it ended up speckled with red trichs rather than ALL red. From a distance (looking at a blob on the table) it had a greyish violet tinge to it.

And while we're on the subject of bubble here's a tip from the top............


I learnt the hard way.


Well-Known Member
I soak mine in water and a few splashes of cleaning alcohol......

edit: bubble bags that is.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Lovely pics them Don.

Aye I made that bubble and posted you pics, it ended up speckled with red trichs rather than ALL red. From a distance (looking at a blob on the table) it had a greyish violet tinge to it.

And while we're on the subject of bubble here's a tip from the top............


I learnt the hard way.
so you did, fuck my memory is shot to bits. getting back into toking a bit more has it's downs.

clean my bags with a bit of fairy liquid and rinse well, does me. made the mistake of cleaning my bong with surgical spirit once. took ages to get the smell out. now i use nail varnish remover. I used that grunge off stuff while at DST's and that's the best i've used. £20 a bottle but it's re usable too.


Well-Known Member
thing with "grunge off" for bags, it sure smells a bit. But fuk me, I don't think I could go back to cleaning my bong and glass like I use to, 20 rolls of kitchen roll, oil up to my elbows, ffs. Ye old grunge off I just pop everything into a tub, soak overnight and rinse in the morning with hot water. 2 minute exercise:) Then pour the stuff back in the bottle. One of my bottles is almost like sludge. Still works! I rinse really well, I am sure that stuff has pretty potent shit in it.


Well-Known Member
It was you who thought that though IC£...shows where your mind is, lol.

Hows the never ending build going today?:)