Obama nominates new Sec.Def and DCI

Kite High

Well-Known Member
You feel so strongly, get off your arse and enlist. Or keep playing armchair general
idiot like they would let me drop the bomb or enlist at 48...but it makes sense since your of English ancestry and the USA always saves your war losing asses after we kicked them...you fucks don't even fight if enlisted...excuse me I forgot about all the wars your country has been in AND WON..A BIG FAT 0...BUT YET YOU KNOW WHAT SHOULD BE DONE...PURE IGNORAMUS


Well-Known Member
Obama has nominated John Brennan to lead the company and Chuck Hagel as his next Sec/Def. - http://www.smh.com.au/world/obama-makes-controversial-picks-for-security-team-20130108-2cdd7.html

Brennan shouldn't even be a consideration considering his inept handling of information during the aftermath of Neptune Spear. I've never seen an agency "veteran" look so ignorant & uninformed during a press conference. At such a pivotal time in the agencies history, Bazza nominates this bloke? (i suppose it does make sense, as he's been a yes man unlike, McCrystal & Petraeus)

Chuck Hagel i feel is a great choice for Sec/Def. He could do alot in the way of strengthing ties with Middle east states and bringing about peace.
He's also one of the few not bought and paid for by the "Israel First Lobby". If the US decides to back aways from its close ties with Israel, as Obama's actions have indicated, that could be seen as a peace offering by Mid East states, which could go along way in repairing it's damaged image. It also makes sense as Israel offers the US no strategic, military or economic advantage, where as other mid east states can.

What's everyone else think?
What about the people he appointed to his cabinet who don't believe wall street deregulation was responsible in part for this financial crisis? I always think it is kind of a rampant line of crap, in my view it was the wars that caused them. I don't agree with the views in this video clip but I admit they are good points, particularly that Jack Lew profited from the crash and bailout.
What do you think?



Well-Known Member
idiot like they would let me drop the bomb or enlist at 48...but it makes sense since your of English ancestry and the USA always saves your war losing asses after we kicked them...you fucks don't even fight if enlisted...excuse me I forgot about all the wars your country has been in AND WON..A BIG FAT 0...BUT YET YOU KNOW WHAT SHOULD BE DONE...PURE IGNORAMUS
England kicked "our" asses in 1812, along with Canada. They were of English ancestry. Australian troops are bad assed, especially the SAS, learned everything I know about mountaineering and climbing from one of them who was attached to my battalion in 2002 and applied that training in Afghanistan.
I support Israel...fuck the Muslims trash...this is what them muslims need

What a twat you are. Thats the attitude that causes most of the world to hate you. Previoudly jews were persecuted...now muslims? You use the word anti semite in ur next post...yet condone the genocide of a people based on religion? Hateful ignorant rats like yourself aint worth the toilet paper needed to wipe them away.
of course...you're ignorant and anti-semitic...besides dropping a couple of nukes would be way more economical than running around half ass invading...but you wouldn't be able to understand that obviously
Anti semite for not wanting to nuke millions? So the holocaust can be justified then...you fucking hypocrite


New Member
idiot like they would let me drop the bomb or enlist at 48...but it makes sense since your of English ancestry and the USA always saves your war losing asses after we kicked them...you fucks don't even fight if enlisted...excuse me I forgot about all the wars your country has been in AND WON..A BIG FAT 0...BUT YET YOU KNOW WHAT SHOULD BE DONE...PURE IGNORAMUS
The psyc screen would rule you out almost immediately. I'm not of English ancestry but as for Australia, the US was in the same boat except you had the French there untill the revolution! As for Australian Enlisted Soldiers not fighting... Is this based on your extensive experience playing Call of Duty douchebag?... We don't go around invading countries for bullshit reasons so we don't have to worry about winning no wars, we did go along with your WMD farse in Iraq however.


New Member
What about the people he appointed to his cabinet who don't believe wall street deregulation was responsible in part for this financial crisis? I always think it is kind of a rampant line of crap, in my view it was the wars that caused them. I don't agree with the views in this video clip but I admit they are good points, particularly that Jack Lew profited from the crash and bailout.
What do you think?
For sure he's the pick of the financial services roundtable, that's one relationship obama can't distance himself from - wall street. He could definantly do better than Lew, maybe the drop in donations from wall street in '12 rattled his cage....


New Member
England kicked "our" asses in 1812, along with Canada. They were of English ancestry. Australian troops are bad assed, especially the SAS, learned everything I know about mountaineering and climbing from one of them who was attached to my battalion in 2002 and applied that training in Afghanistan.
SASR know their shit. We loved having them around in Afghanistan, the guys that rotated out of the regiment back into conventional units bring knowledge and experience you can't buy.
recently a former member of DEVGRU said the SASR was the best coalition SF unit he's ever worked with...


Well-Known Member
For sure he's the pick of the financial services roundtable, that's one relationship obama can't distance himself from - wall street. He could definantly do better than Lew, maybe the drop in donations from wall street in '12 rattled his cage....
Obama credits him for the surplus of Clinton's presidency. Seems disingenuous, we'll see, I hope I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
The psyc screen would rule you out almost immediately. I'm not of English ancestry but as for Australia, the US was in the same boat except you had the French there untill the revolution! As for Australian Enlisted Soldiers not fighting... Is this based on your extensive experience playing Call of Duty douchebag?... We don't go around invading countries for bullshit reasons so we don't have to worry about winning no wars, we did go along with your WMD farse in Iraq however.
We will never really know if it was a farce or not.

Saddam had chemical weapons, there is no disputing that as he used them on the Kurds. How much and what happened to it is never going to be clearly understood.

We should not have gone to war with Iraq the 2nd time however. The US is being very imperialistic and it is not helping our stature in the world.


Well-Known Member
We should not have gone to war with Iraq the 2nd time however. The US is being very imperialistic and it is not helping our stature in the world.
and so you voted for romney.


you're worse than the pool of slop and shit i hose out of my shop vac.