Vertical Grow 400 Watt Hps. Blueberry Dutch Passion


Well-Known Member
made a change. now going to have the floor of my grow circle for weeks 1 through 2. This way they are kind of low under the light making them have to stretch up towards the light creating more bud sites for two weeks before moving up to the step for weeks 3 through 6. Once they move up they have tons of bud sites and get the good light from being moved up to the step. look at the pic


Well-Known Member
nevermind too lazy to do the pic, but anyway so the floor is for weeks 1 and 2. Then move up to the step on weeks 3 through 6


Well-Known Member
i cant wait to get my first harvest , then i will have more hope :P , i just hope i dont kill my plants ( I shouldint cuz i did alot of studyin for 5 months :) lol )


Well-Known Member
My first harvest will be for my self to smoke , but after that ima be selling half pound avery harvest to get a litle 800-900 outa that


Well-Known Member
So I am 12 days from harvest on my first cycle of girls, no blue at all. I am thinking due to the fact that 78 degrees was my average I am not going to see blue in this blueberry which is fine with me. Honestly these nugs are so dense they are like little rocks. When I squeeze them they feel super hard. I am kind of bummed I am not going to see blue on the nugs but oh well. They smell super fruity like trix cereal, and so resinous


Well-Known Member
Hey wats up , I just instaled my cool tube in my flow room with a great air flow / ventilation and was wondering if i could plant all my clones in ther WITH my mother being flowerd and all i do is take out the mother after 12 hours of light and put her in a sealed dark eria with fans moving air in and out? this is the setup - mastaflow.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting and this is the ventilation traject - mastaflow1.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting . Does this all look alright , if not tips would be cool :) Sorry if im asking u this in ur thread.... but no one awnsers me :(


Well-Known Member
I was doing that for a while with a mother and the clones but its a waste of money because your clones dont need that much light, cfls are fine for the clones. Also it gets annoying, and your plants dont like getting moved all over the place like that, especiallywhen they have nugs all over them. that set up is cool though definitly would work, I just dont like moving the flowering plants at all. It also prevents you from doing anything because you always have to be home to take your girls out of the flower room.


Well-Known Member
I hear u , but the moving the mother around is only for about 12 days then the light will be reduced to 12 hours a day for all of them , so no more moving the plant.


Well-Known Member
I just like having my two seperate areas. I like my clones to grow slow so I could first top them right off the bat, then do a little bending to get the plants bushy with more colas


Well-Known Member
I know cfls are supose to be (realy good for veg ) but one of my experianced grower friend doesint stop telling me that my clones are growing very slow and its maybe my lights....
I got a 200 watter cfl 10,000 lumens 5000k mogule base. Wat do you think?
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Well-Known Member
Well , the 400 watter is still on cuz im flowering my mother , and was thingking maybe if id put both light in the flow room ( the big cfl over the clones ) and moving the mother slowly after 12 hours of light ( im at my house eny time i want not a prob ) into the litle room next to it , the elec bill is no matter . I just realy cant wait to transplant my clones all in the pot rack i built for em in the flow room :)


Well-Known Member
lol , Im gonna start a cycle like u no joke , harvest avery 20 days ! bomboclat! I never thought about that. will make 3 steps in my bath to make 3 rows of 5 plants , 3 cycles of 5 plants . how does that sound?


Well-Known Member
you should do a circle of plants around the light one step becaue three steps isnt going to distribute the light allthe way up. put 5 plants on the floor under the light. Then five to the right and five to the left make all the plants connect to make a circle around the light so you dont lose any. My grow room is circle i have mylar 360 degrees around my plant. with a little opening so I could water and move plants around. Its hard to explain you will learn through trial and error


Well-Known Member
Phat looking buds there :)

I nearly did a similar thing, but instead went totally vertical, going to change a few things next time around, but I'll never go back to growing flat gardens again!