Vertical Grow 400 Watt Hps. Blueberry Dutch Passion


Well-Known Member
Nice dude cant wait to see it. And yes you need to lay down the law sometimes. I left a window open so I hope it gets super cold tonight in the room, probably 60s


Well-Known Member
u got a pretty chep elec bill,the cops will never know as well as the elec comp. totally oober cool.the clones are goin to come out nice like their mom


Well-Known Member
probably stay here and continue this thread, maybe get three or four generations in this one so everyone can see the perpectual grow method. I have six blueberry and six of a mystery strain I got from a bag of weed from a cannabis club I go to. I am going to see how I like it and if I do I will keep it if not, I will go all blueberry.


Well-Known Member
Hey Bro. Just checking in for any more updates. I got one for ya...My light has arrived in town and will be delivered to me tomorrow!! I AM STOKED! Listen here's aquestion for you....My Sativa is getting real big, and mostly from the middle of her up is where the most pistils are being seen and growing...from the middle down, she has leaf buds, but the pistils aren't growing well at all....I'm thinking of taking off the last two layers of leafs. I'm pretty sure if I did that, I would get more juice to the tops and it would bud quicker. She is so freakin' big, I would imagine the reason she is slow at the flowering is because she has alot of places that need her stuff. What would you do??


Well-Known Member
Hey Bro. Just checking in for any more updates. I got one for ya...My light has arrived in town and will be delivered to me tomorrow!! I AM STOKED! Listen here's aquestion for you....My Sativa is getting real big, and mostly from the middle of her up is where the most pistils are being seen and growing...from the middle down, she has leaf buds, but the pistils aren't growing well at all....I'm thinking of taking off the last two layers of leafs. I'm pretty sure if I did that, I would get more juice to the tops and it would bud quicker. She is so freakin' big, I would imagine the reason she is slow at the flowering is because she has alot of places that need her stuff. What would you do??
I would leave it those nugs will get fat with the new light especially with the vertical hanging how far into flowering is she


Well-Known Member
I have to thank my mom for my teeth, but thanks for that comment too.
Ahh, that's nice and I'm sure she'd appreciate hearing you say it. Let's all take a moment to pay tribute to our lovely mums - in plant-form and real life - and wish inbudwetrust well on his grow...


Well-Known Member
lol ive bin reading this thread for a long time , and now that i just realized vertical means the bulb facing down lol i just turnd my 400 watter hps verticaly eheheh .
keep up the good work u will have a big yield of sick chronick.


Well-Known Member
thanks you guys let me know if there are any question try to get 360 degrees of mylar around the plants this way you lose NO LIGHT and the plants outter step is crucial


Well-Known Member
I just whent from isolant reflective material to Milar 2day paid 30$can a 3 feet wide roll. Now i can barely see in my flowering room :P


Well-Known Member
Nice man, try to get your grow area in a circle even if your area is square, the less turns the less light you lose. I have been putting plants on the step in a circle around the light, I keep the ones closet to harvest on the step because it gets the best light, the yougest ones go on the step to on the other side of my grow circle. The middle girls ( I have three different sets in the room at once). Are on the floor directly under the light. When I take out the old girls to harvest, I put the floor girls on the step, then take the ones off the other side and put them on the floor leaving the space for the new girls. Cool little system, harvest every 20 days. NOt bad for one measly 400 watter

I just whent from isolant reflective material to Milar 2day paid 30$can a 3 feet wide roll. Now i can barely see in my flowering room :P


Well-Known Member
This is an amazing idea, I really think that you can fully utilize all the light this way. How much are you expecting to yield every 20 days on this system? I may have to totally rethink my ideas for growing.


Well-Known Member
6 plants probably 7 to 10 oz. This first harvest I think there are only 4, the next one after that is 7, Then I put 6 in this past week I am going to keep them at 6 maybe 7 in each cycle. I veg them at like 8 to 10 inches so the finish just under 2 ft.


Well-Known Member
The first four plants I harvest arent going to really show the true harvest size of each cycle because those first girls I did not top them or anything, they are only like one to maybe two main colas per plant, the next set of girls were topped appropriatley so we will see probably a 75% increase per plant in comparison to the first harvest I have. the girls I have waiting to go into the room in about a week an a half are getting big in the veg room, so we might have some big girls the next cycle, its hard to time it perfectly, still trying to , but either way I am getting it down, by next set of clones I will know timing perfectly.


Well-Known Member
man i love this thread, and love your grow op, I recently bought a 430w hps and this thread shows me what i can accomplish if i keep my ladies well maintained