Vertical Grow 400 Watt Hps. Blueberry Dutch Passion


Well-Known Member
i don't have one set up yet, but i got 4x26w cfl and these 4x300w cfls i found at lowes, What I Did for My Current Crop was just hang a power surge strip on the wall and i got lamp adapters from lowes (just a piece of plastic that plugs into the wall and you can screw lightbulbs into it) My Veg Space Is Like 14'' x 2.5' and like 3 foot tall, it's just a shelf in my grow room that i'm going to put thin plywood to make walls, probably paint the inside white first, then cut holes for intake/outtake comp fans (muffin fans? correct me i'm wrong, still learning the lingo.) Think that would work?


Well-Known Member
put plants in every 20 days, takes a cycle of plants 60 days to finish, so it takes a couple cycles in your grow op to get going but once you start putting in a cycle every 20 days, eventually you get a harvest every 20 days, Do you get it?


Well-Known Member
No i am cycling 3 sets of plants, which is why I can do it every 20 days, 60 days to harvest, do the math....3 harvests per 60 days, I can add another cycle and harvest like every 14 days but it would get too crowded. I am going to do three sets of 8 I think starting with the next batch i put in. As for now I have four girls that are coming out on the 27th, 8 girls harvesting on june 17th, the next 6 after that are july 10th. I am putting a new batch in on the 27th of this month which will be ready July 27th. So about 20 days apart a little less here and there.
So figure out how long your plants to take to harvest, then do the math, let me know if you still dont understand.

hmmm kkk ur flowering 2 series of plants at the same time :P smart , Do you think if id flower 4 plants now 3 weeks old and flower the other 4 plants 1 month after i can start the same cycle as u ? these are my 11 clones of blueberry and purple DSCF0001.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting ignore the retarted half dead m39 clones i toke 5 days ago lol


Well-Known Member
no they need to get bigger, the need to be a like 8 to 10 inches, take the clones from bottom of the stem when those grow out , cut them then they are ready. The clones you see in my pics were just cloned