I found it Awesome!! Thanks!
soooo waistfull wouldn't a good canna chef or any chef for that matter use that wonderful chicken oil mixture to make a tasty sauce garlic creme or a de glazzed sauce of some kind for the chicken comon im no chef and i definitely wouldnt toss it shitthe longer it marinates the more it absorbs no more than 2 days but if there is any left over than yes toss it it would be extremely un sanitary to re use oil that had raw chixen in it
I'm still looking for a job. I had one for two weeks but it didn't work out; in fact it sucked. Better to stick with the unemployment than a shitty job you hate when you're not making that much more money. I had my second interview with a company and it looks very promising but I'll have to take a piss test so I'm having to abstain for the moment. Anybody around A-town give me a holler and lets grab a cup-o-joe sometime.
no they havnt but...i will eventually then i'll market it to those who want it.mmm I love cooking with cannacan't wait to browse through all the yummy recipes. AK has anybody offered to put this all in PDF form for you?
Can you please do some chinese food (I LOVE CHINESE)
Specifically: crab Ragoons, Egg-rolls, shrimp fried rice, orange chicken, lo mein