AK's Cannabis Cookbook

I have alot of experience with candy and confections involving hash oil and pressed hash, I was just wondering if I can make your green dragon recipe with hash oil and do I need to activate the hashoil at a certain temperature to get the best effects from it? Or will this recipe work only strictly with bud? Also if bud is the only method that is proven, can I concentrate the tinture in any way?
Honestly unless you have a lot of oil/BHO and an unlimited budget then go ahead and make green dragon but, I would just save it for smoking. I only say this because BHO is so precious and amazing. I have never tried it but you could always just eat a few drops of the oil straight then chase it with a shot. What I am saying is you can do it, it will work but I don't recommened it. Hash candys are great but sugar work is a huge hassle unless you have the write tools and space.

TO EXDEX1X1 - Sorry man I am married and my wife enjoys my cooking to much to give me up.
Oh well i make suckers and truffles and stuff like that with oil and Ive made straight BHO pills. It just doesnt digest as well by its own (in pill form) i figured the fat content of the EVCO would help to get more BHO in the system. (I have access to alot of trim and make BHO regularly). Ill try to make a journal with some stuff in it. I will send you a message or something with a link when I do. I like your thread alot and appreciate all your involvement on the site. We can all learn a lesson from you. Thanks for the quick response. Do you have your own Medible company? And if so what clubs can I find your products in the Sacramento area?
Right now I do have a label but, I just dont have the capitol to get any batches out, had a falling out of sorts. I was only carried in a few here in San Diego never made it real big. I would like to and was supposed to get a call for enough product to cook with but he never called back. I have no real sources here no friends really so finding the product to cook with is a pain in the ass.
course 1 will be

Sweat Leaf Salad

1 cup of cured sweet leaf
1 cup of spring leafy greens
1 tbl chopped roma tomatoes.
1 tbl chopped red oinion
2 tbl diced avacado
red vinegar

Mix ingredients in bowl. Drizzle with oil and vinegar.


I'm guessing by cured sweet leaf that you mean fresh green marijuana, does that really taste good???
yes with dressing it does. and I actually mean green fan leaves as well as sweet leaves

what exactly are the sweet leaves?? I'm a beginner when it comes to growing, so much so i haven't actually started my first grow. i'm trying to find a time that is convenient with my carpenter to build the box.
The leave tips that you trim away from the bud itself. The are usually not very big and are usually covered in Trichs. Just avoid the stems and the leaves that grow directly out of the stems.
gotta say I'm looking forward to trying some of these recipes, got any nice Italian ones. i love Italian food.
Well here is my gelato recipe, be nice to it and it will be nice to you.

Chocolate Biscotti Gelato

2 OZ Bitter Sweet Chocolate
2 1/4 cups whole mik
1/3 cup of cream
3/4 cup sugar you can add some brown for a "fuller flavor"
3/4 cup Coco Powder
4 Egg Yolks
3/4 cup cannabis butter
In a large bowl mix egg yolks and half of the sugar. In a sauce pan add milk, cream and the other half of the sugar and bring to a simmer over low heat, do not burn or scald the cream. Once simmering remove from heat and mix in the chopped chocolate. Whisk until incorporated. Slowly incorporate mixture into egg yolks, not all at once or it will cook the yolks. Whisk it all together until well mixed. Place in fridge uncovered until cool. Freeze in the ice cream maker. When almost done add chunks of biscotti and melted cannabis butter. You can also add pistacio nuts or whatever else you may want. I have tried it with chunks of left over pot brownies, peanut butter cups etc..... the sky is the limit. So there you go.

Bon Appetite'
Okay AK, I just had to respond to this thread, and to you specifically... I am a long time lurker, but you have compelled me to write and tell you how great of a job you have done supplying the members here with some truly astonishing recipes for every palette!! Secondly, you struck a soft spot in my heart with the Double Musky pie. I lived in AK for over fifteen years and just moved back to the east coast, and boy!, do I miss the Double Musky..... even though I remember waiting for almost two hours on some nights for a table!!! I MISS AK, BAD. That got me thinking though, how about a few more of the Musky's recipes (if you have their cookbook)? Maybe something Alaskan inspired with halibut, salmon or fresh Trout ( since not everyone has access to moose or caribou)? Halibut Royale? Also, I miss the Moose's Tooth (and Bear's Tooth) and was wondering about an exotic pizza in memorial, (if even just for me, haha!!) Oh yeah, and after making the Musky pie..... FUBAR, totally, and a new favorite dish to make company!!!! Thanks again and keep up the good work....