Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
How come when you have a girl, need to carry a stick round to keep the strange off you... So you break up for greener pastures, then not a single one will even talk to you

i got called gorgeous twice last night, but I know if I break up with my lady ill be ugly again


Well-Known Member
How come when you have a girl, need to carry a stick round to keep the strange off you... So you break up for greener pastures, then not a single one will even talk to you

i got called gorgeous twice last night, but I know if I break up with my lady ill be ugly again
Same thing here in EVERY relationship I'm in. Mind games. I think it's what the other girls are already thinking but then they see you with another girl so they panic and spit it out.


Well-Known Member
Life is made of small moments like these, I felt the need to share



Well-Known Member
Man when I was a kid I turned over Asteroids 4x's in one sitting. I suck now. I can't get used to playing on my laptop. I keep hitting the shift which sends me into hyper space. Anyway I just noticed the new Shameless (the Showtime one) started last night and I'm gonna get some laughs in before the sandman comes a knocking.

BTW- Impressive Tetris score there FDD.