Israel Steals More Land in West Bank...kicks inhabitants out.


Well-Known Member
The squatters were not being removed from their homes, they were being removed from a temporary camp set up in protest.
This particular piece of land is key to Palestine's ability to have a nation that directly connects the West Bank with Gaza. Israel chose now, of all times, to expand settlement into this piece of land because the UN recently recognized Palestine as a nation.

They were protesting a strategic act of aggression on their territory.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Kynes...everything u have stated is lies.
Israel is not a Jewish state...its a racist murdering zionist one.
Your lies about Islam show ur pathetic atempt to indoctrinate...but thank heavens most of the people here are too informed to swallow your crap.
You cannot prove anything you say.
Come with facts .... I can post alot up here...loadsa links....but that wont change a thing because you have your twisted agenda.

Heres a little one for you...Jews used to seek protection in muslim lands from persecution...their continued presense in Iran ,Syria and Turkey are testament to this fact.
Have you heard of The Torah Jews? Not the satanic Talmudic nut cases?
I have many True Jewish friends that despise Israel and know the truth.
everything i said is lies? care to be specific?

nahhh... you wont do that since facts are facts.

and the fact is:

75% of arab construction in israel is permitted, and 25% is illegal, thus MOST arabs have no trouble building within israeli law.
the occupied territories are occupied. thats why they are called that. as a result they are not fun places.
there are MORE (nearly 11x more by most counts) "palestinians" in the occupied territories now than there were in 1948, thus this is the least effective genocide in history.
the occupied territories of syria (golan heights) egypt (the oil rich sinai desert) and lebanon were returned to those nations after NEGOTIATION! resolved the disputes.
Historically negotiating with israel has proved 100% more effective than attempting to beat them in war,(israel 3, mohammedans 0) yet the pallies continue to believe in their eventual victory.
saladin only won his single large battle because the crusaderss he was fighting were were French, with typically inept French commanders.
all the great moslem works of art literature science and math occurred during the european dark ages. the moslem golden age was only golden by comparison to the low water mark of european history.
currently the moslem world is thrashing about blindly in their own dark age. good luck with that.
moslem nations are poor and decrepit because they are designed that way by the caliphs emirs sultans kings ayatollahs and muftis. oil rich nations (like quatar) still look like 3rd world nations. that's not europe or america's fault
mexico is also oil rich, but the people are dirt poor. the reasons are the same. corruption and greed from on top, not western imperialism, machinations by european powers or plots by evil jews. just handle your shit.

you can go read you some book, or you can cry and whinge like a pansy and claim im a zionist piggie jew, i dont give a shit. you are insignificant.
im done with you.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So when do the Jewish run concentration camps get constructed Kynes?

Oh they already exist. They call them the palestinian territories
like the "deathcamp" of the golan heights, or the triplemax re-education facility of the OIL RICH sinai desert both of which have been returned to their previous owners after negotiation succeeded?

if the pallies want to stop getting their asses kicked they should stop taking blind swings at israel. syria and egypt figured that one out, and so did jordan.

jordan didnt get the west bank back because the jordainians DIDNT WANT IT BACK!

Egypt did not get gaza back with the rest of the sinai because they REFUSED to take it back.

gaza and the west bank are a tarbaby, both areas are chock full of loony tunes moslem extremists who have spent their every waking hour plotting the downfall of their downpressors. niether egypt nor jordan wanted to let those rabid possums back into their houses since they are clearly diseased and insane. both jordan aand egypt informed the jews "Sorry bro, thats your problem now!"

the west bank is good dirt (for that region) and was supposed to belong to jordan, but jordan rapidly figured out that the pallies are not terribly tractable even for a moslem king.
gaza is completely overrun with frothing lunatics, egypt wouldnt take gaza back if you threw in $500 and naked pictures of scarlet johannsen.

if i were the king of israel, i would pacify jerusalem using the the means most commonly successful in that region (pogrom, forced displacement, and summary executions) and a sizeable buffer zone around it, resulting in a contiguous nation, then pop over to the UN and leave the rest of the west bank and all of gaza on their doorstep like a flaming bag of dog shit.


Active Member
The Israeli's won the west bank in WAR, just like every body else!........Spin the globe stop it anywhere, every border was defined by strife & war. Why is Isreal any different?.......There are Mexicans that still think California is occupied Mexico. What if they started lobbing rockets?......
Well its against international law that's why. By your standard Al Qaeda can bomb New York in to their own state.


Israel has broken every single law and that is a fact, after you stop reading the bullcrap propaganda the media put out you will see the truth!


Well-Known Member
Israel has broken every single law and that is a fact, after you stop reading the bullcrap propaganda the media put out you will see the truth!
And that is why the Palestinians bomb women and children indiscriminately....


Well-Known Member
And that is why the Palestinians bomb women and children indiscriminately....
The Palestenians barely manage to actually hit Israel with those rockets...and it's a fucking COUNTRY sized target.

If any people in Israel die, it's basically coincidental and not an "intentional target".

They couldn't hit a barn door with a barn.

My (final) solution to the conflict? Move ALL the civvies out of Israel/Palestine for a few months, arm up the Palestenians with some decent firepower and let them fight it out once and for all.

Whoever wins, they take the lot.



Active Member
And that is why the Palestinians bomb women and children indiscriminately....
Same goes for Israel, however to expect a civilized response when you kill off families, destroy peoples homes they've lived in for generations, steal their land, destroy their economy, have an apartheid system, steal their water, attempt to stop any peaceful methods for justice and label you as barbaric you probably would behave like it. But you seem to forget Hamas has stopped suicide bombings and only use crappy unguided missiles yet Israel uses the latest weaponry where a majority of the death toll are innocent women and children. Now your gonna use that same propaganda line 'Hamas hide amongst civilians on purpose' even though during the massacre known as Operation Cast Lead according to every human rights organization there was zero evidence of it.


Well-Known Member
Insults the best you have? First me then muslims?
I respect all do my countryfolk in the middle east.
Your islamophobic tone is indicitive of your lack of perspective on the truth...what we term a SHEEPLE.
Be civil or dont expect further debate with myself.
I see you met Kynes.


Well-Known Member
Here Chesus, I won't copy and paste it into a wall of text.

Try emulate what I did just there next time.
I stand corrected

Today life in Iran is very good for the remaining 20,000 Jews who live there.
During the time of the Shah there were approximately one hundred thousand Jews,
but they were subject to persecution and experienced anti-Semitism. Although you
might think that the Jewish life would get worse after Khomeini and the Islamic
revolution, it actually improved. The Iranian Muslims are friendly with the Jews
and relations between them are good.


Well-Known Member
Jews were oppressed in both Palestine and in Iran today

I have read otherwise from actual Persian Jews. This video sources prominent members of the Jewish community in Tehran.


*edit* I see Harrekin was faster to reply.