Israel Steals More Land in West Bank...kicks inhabitants out.


Well-Known Member
Cite a source for this tax.
In Persia, jizya was paid by Zoroastrian minority until 1884, when it was removed by pressure on the Qajar government from the Persian Zoroastrian Amelioration Fund.[SUP][74][/SUP]
In 1894 jizya was still being collected in Morocco; an Italian Jew described his experience there:
The kadi Uwida and the kadi Mawlay Mustafa had mounted their tent today near the Mellah [Jewish ghetto] gate and had summoned the Jews in order to collect from them the poll tax [jizya] which they are obliged to pay the sultan. They had me summoned also. I first inquired whether those who were European-protected subjects had to pay this tax. Having learned that a great many of them had already paid it, I wished to do likewise. After having remitted the amount of the tax to the two officials, I received from the kadi’s guard two blows in the back of the neck. Addressing the kadi and the kaid, I said” ‘Know that I am an Italian protected subject.’ Whereupon the kadi said to his guard: ‘Remove the kerchief covering his head and strike him strongly; he can then go and complain wherever he wants.’ The guards hastily obeyed and struck me once again more violently. This public mistreatment of a European-protected subject demonstrates to all the Arabs that they can, with impunity, mistreat the Jews.[SUP][75][/SUP]
The jizya was eliminated in Algeria and Tunisia in the 19th century, but continued to be collected in Morocco until the first decade of the 20th century (these three dates coincide with the French colonization of these countries).[SUP][76][/SUP]
It is important to note that in the Ottoman Empire the "Jizya" was abolished in 1855. It was replaced with a new tax, which non-Muslims paid in lieu of military service. It was called "baddal-askari" (Arab. Military substitution), a tax exempting Jews and Christians from military service. The Jews of Kurdistan, according to the scholar Mordechai Zaken, preferred to pay the "baddal" tax in order to redeem themselves from military service. Only those incapable of paying the tax were drafted into the army. Interestingly, Zaken shows, that paying the tax was possible to an extent also during the war. Zaken shows that some Jewish individuals paid 50 gold liras every year during World War I. Apparently-according to Dr. Zaken- "in spite of the forceful conscription campaigns, some of the Jews were able to buy their exemption from conscription duty." Based on the testimonies of several Kurdish Jews, Zaken came to the conclusion that the payment of the "baddal askari" during the war was a form of bribe that bought them only a brief relief from military service. "It may have been a deferment of the military service for a one year period or shorter." [SUP][77][/SUP]


New Member
I stand corrected

Today life in Iran is very good for the remaining 20,000 Jews who live there.
During the time of the Shah there were approximately one hundred thousand Jews,
but they were subject to persecution and experienced anti-Semitism. Although you
might think that the Jewish life would get worse after Khomeini and the Islamic
revolution, it actually improved. The Iranian Muslims are friendly with the Jews
and relations between them are good.
I would also point out the US installed the Shah as their puppet in TP-AJAX circa '53


Active Member
Kynes, can you justify the holocaust as well? It was done the same way. Appeals to authority by words written on a piece of paper.


Well-Known Member
In Persia, jizya was paid by Zoroastrian minority until 1884, when it was removed by pressure on the Qajar government from the Persian Zoroastrian Amelioration Fund.[SUP][74][/SUP]
In 1894 jizya was still being collected in Morocco; an Italian Jew described his experience there:
The kadi Uwida and the kadi Mawlay Mustafa had mounted their tent today near the Mellah [Jewish ghetto] gate and had summoned the Jews in order to collect from them the poll tax [jizya] which they are obliged to pay the sultan. They had me summoned also. I first inquired whether those who were European-protected subjects had to pay this tax. Having learned that a great many of them had already paid it, I wished to do likewise. After having remitted the amount of the tax to the two officials, I received from the kadi’s guard two blows in the back of the neck. Addressing the kadi and the kaid, I said” ‘Know that I am an Italian protected subject.’ Whereupon the kadi said to his guard: ‘Remove the kerchief covering his head and strike him strongly; he can then go and complain wherever he wants.’ The guards hastily obeyed and struck me once again more violently. This public mistreatment of a European-protected subject demonstrates to all the Arabs that they can, with impunity, mistreat the Jews.[SUP][75][/SUP]
The jizya was eliminated in Algeria and Tunisia in the 19th century, but continued to be collected in Morocco until the first decade of the 20th century (these three dates coincide with the French colonization of these countries).[SUP][76][/SUP]
It is important to note that in the Ottoman Empire the "Jizya" was abolished in 1855. It was replaced with a new tax, which non-Muslims paid in lieu of military service. It was called "baddal-askari" (Arab. Military substitution), a tax exempting Jews and Christians from military service. The Jews of Kurdistan, according to the scholar Mordechai Zaken, preferred to pay the "baddal" tax in order to redeem themselves from military service. Only those incapable of paying the tax were drafted into the army. Interestingly, Zaken shows, that paying the tax was possible to an extent also during the war. Zaken shows that some Jewish individuals paid 50 gold liras every year during World War I. Apparently-according to Dr. Zaken- "in spite of the forceful conscription campaigns, some of the Jews were able to buy their exemption from conscription duty." Based on the testimonies of several Kurdish Jews, Zaken came to the conclusion that the payment of the "baddal askari" during the war was a form of bribe that bought them only a brief relief from military service. "It may have been a deferment of the military service for a one year period or shorter." [SUP][77][/SUP]
All you've done is proven there's a tax on foreigners to avoid military service.

Oh and that in impoverished, embargo'd countries there's a high level of corruption on the local level.

You're so insightful.


Well-Known Member
All you've done is proven there's a tax on foreigners to avoid military service.

Oh and that in impoverished, embargo'd countries there's a high level of corruption on the local level.

You're so insightful.
Why aren't foreigners of muslim heritage taxed as well?


New Member
Considering the US financial situation, it's interesting to note that between 1949 - 1996 US aid to israel was $63 Billion and from 1996 - 2008 US aid to israel was $40 billion.

The US is currently spending $8.5 million dollars PER DAY funding israels extermination of the Palestinians. I do believe US aid to Palestine for FY'13 is on congressional hold.

US NDAA FY'13 has appropriated $300 million for the "iron yamaka" project, while republican chickenhawks are asking for $680m to fund the project through to 2015.

I hope Hegal for Sec.Def will stop this fruitless spending, the notion of Israel first & foremost is an ridiculous idea that has been nothing but trouble for the US.

Pull out all US aid & assistance to israel, stop all military FID programs and let the fuckers stand on their own two feet and threaten their neighbours.

OPEC could do their part with an oil embargo until UN security council resolutions are met & respected by israel for at least 3 months.

Zionism needs to be put on notice, netanfuckhoo needs to be deposed.


Active Member
Why aren't foreigners of muslim heritage taxed as well?
Muslims do pay Jizya its called Zakah. Only military aged non-Muslim men in healthy condition pay Jizyah which provides protection for them and costs to build and maintain temples, churches etc. There are exemptions for Zakah and Jizya which are the poor, women, children, slaves, monks and hermits.

Zakah goes towards charity, the government etc. Also if a non-Muslim doesn't want to pay Jizya they can join the military.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Israel has broken every single law and that is a fact, after you stop reading the bullcrap propaganda the media put out you will see the truth!
Every single law?????!!!???

and it's a fact?!!????!!??!!!

ohh my!!!!!

Did those dirty jews park their car on the wrong side of the street on tuesday between 6 am and 3 pm?
Did those evil bastards use a charcoal BBQ on a Spare The Air Day?
Did those animals falsely present themselves as licensed Nail Technicians and give somebody toenail fungus with their shoddy hygiene?
Did those rapscallions fail to separate the recyclables from the kitchen garbage?
I bet they sent back the yellow copy and retained the PINK one for their records too!!

Something must be done to stop this illegitimate regime occupying Jerusalem! They must be lifted/scrubbed from the pages of time!


Well-Known Member
Every single law?????!!!???

and it's a fact?!!????!!??!!!

ohh my!!!!!

Did those dirty jews park their car on the wrong side of the street on tuesday between 6 am and 3 pm?
Did those evil bastards use a charcoal BBQ on a Spare The Air Day?
Did those animals falsely present themselves as licensed Nail Technicians and give somebody toenail fungus with their shoddy hygiene?
Did those rapscallions fail to separate the recyclables from the kitchen garbage?
I bet they sent back the yellow copy and retained the PINK one for their records too!!

Something must be done to stop this illegitimate regime occupying Jerusalem! They must be lifted/scrubbed from the pages of time!

Still scared of the Musselmen?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Jews have lived for centuries in Palestine under Arab rule with no oppression, just like they do in Iran now.
and ukrainians lived under stalin with no oppression or starvation....
jews in the soviet union were so well treated that none ever complained.
the people of north korea LOVE the kims!
the ummayads didnt invade spain, they helped the spanish throw off the yoke of evil spanish oppression!
the armenians werent genocided, they all committed suicide to try and disparage the noble and gentle turks.
the people of cuba LOVE the castro brothers. thats why they never attempt to escape on rafts.
haiti is an awesomely well run country, all the shit about chaos in the streets is dominican propaganda.
there are no illegal mexicans in america, mexico is a wonderous land of opportunity. all those people outside lowes are guatemalans.

iran's jewish population went from over 80,000 to less than 10,000 overnight when the iraanians threw their marxist revolution. there are now more iranian jews in los angeles than there are in all of iran.
iranian jewish coommunities are closely controlled by tehran,, even the 2 (Two!) jewish schools in all of iran are staffed by moslem faaculty, teach most lessons in farsi, and only lessons ON hebrew are taught in hebrew. even their textbooks must be approved by the government.

meaanwhile, the evil nasty violent genocidal israeli "regime" has mysteriously STILL not demolished the ugly ass mosque squatting like a gilded toad on top of the site of their most revered temple. but thats just becauser the world would cry out against such actions...
no, really...
iran's jews are kept as a demonsttration to tthe world that the ayatollahs are just plain folks, not evil wicked freaky beard aficionados with a penchant for boy-touching. theyre pretty much just the moslem version of the catholics.
meanwhile, since other groups dont have a vocal public relations organization to decry the iranian oppression, everybody else who falls outside iran's official religion gets longdonged in secret.

iran persecutes all minority faiths including christians, sunni moslems, and zoroastrians, but right now they are mostly focusing on those wicked evil bahai.


New Member
Still scared of the Musselmen?
He was probably shot by a muslim, so he has some deep-seated issues with what he terms "Mohammadans"...

Keynes also thinks "negros have no souls" then goes on to validate the statement with "A fair point"...



Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Why aren't foreigners of muslim heritage taxed as well?
the jizya was a religious tax, not a poll tax (a tax paid so you may vote) nor a capitation (tax levied for residence)

the jizya was established as a fee for religious sufferance, whereby any person who was not a moslem could buy a small degree of freedom based on their "wealth" with those holding more assets paying more. the assessments were arbitrary and often determined by the tax collector on his whim. it was essentially a protection racket. this was not assessed like the zakah based on "standing wealth" since non-moslems were generally prohibited from owning land or in most cases even livestock.

those who paid the jizya were required to wear a badge (this was the origin of the yellow star patch so popular in fascist contolled areas of europe) marking them out as "Non-Moslem Residents With Some Rights" (Dhimmi) while non-moslems who had not paid the jizya were legal non-persons who could be abused, murdered, robbed or enslaved at the whim of any moslem who wished.

the zakah was entirely different. the zakah was a tax on "standing wealth" (cattle land slaves etc...) for moslems only, with the proceeds going to the local mosque and the local overlord. rather like a progressive capitation, moslems who were doing well paid more, while those barely scraping by paid nearly nothing.

since moslems are bound by religion not "heritage" if you were a moslem, even a moslem from far away, you were still considered a member of the caliphate. just like a catholic from rhodesia can attend mass and take the eucharist in boston, or rome.

protip: dont take lessons on moslem culture from smok3y. he thinks he is a mufti, and can issue fatwas.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
He was probably shot by a muslim, so he has some deep-seated issues with what he terms "Mohammadans"...

Keynes also thinks "negros have no souls" then goes on to validate the statement with "A fair point"...

if you had a quote for this nonsense you would have used it, but you dont.

not even a good try.

also i was shot by a negro, and he was NOT a mohammedan. if he was, then he would not have been in that bar to shoot me in the back.
you fail miserably.


New Member
if you had a quote for this nonsense you would have used it, but you dont.

not even a good try.

also i was shot by a negro, and he was NOT a mohammedan. if he was, then he would not have been in that bar to shoot me in the back.
you fail miserably.
Here's the link redneck.... - Post #288

Suck shit you were shot, with the bullshit you spout do you really wonder why? shame he didn't put one in your head!

here's one - "your air of jewish entitlement is sickening"

I also believe it's not the first time you've been shot...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Here's the link redneck.... - Post #288

Suck shit you were shot, with the bullshit you spout do you really wonder why? shame he didn't put one in your head!

here's one - "your air of jewish entitlement is sickening"

I also believe it's not the first time you've been shot...
mmmm yes. your buthurt is so great, you edit a statement to make the words mean what you desire.

here is the comment in context:

finally yes, i may judge islam based on the actions of hamas, just as you may judge christianity on the actions of westboro baptist church (as a strawman), the mormon "Negroes have no souls" bullshit (a fair point) or the catholic boy-touching scandals(trenchant and insightful observations). hamas has a great deal of support among the islamic clergy, and the population at large. this is undeniable.

claiming hitler is a representative of any religion other than marxism and nazism is a deliberate and pathetic straw man of brobdingnagian proportions. hitler created his state religion of nazism out of the wagner operas and an L Ron Hubbardesque inability to write good fiction. hitler was less of a christian than i am, and i am not a christian at all. likewise anders breivik. you might as well cite Lee Harvey Oswald as the example of the US Marine Corps, or Timothy McVeigh as the paragon of virtue for the US Army. it just doesnt work.
anyone with a functional brain can see that i said the mormons may be judged on their "negroes have no souls" BULLSHIT, and such criticism of mormonism would be a fair point, since that was their official dogma for nearly a century.

creative editing and alteration of statements is the weakest form of argument available. what's next? you gonna pull faces atr me when mommy isnt looking, or chew up half a sandwich and display the resulting mess on your tongue?

i know!! you could elevvate the debate to untold heights by repeating everything i say in an annoying tone!! you sir are a true genius!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So israel can do it, just not anyone else? And you wonder why you were shot sitting in your backyard? Fuckin imbred moron.
so israel can do WHAT?

mainlining hydraulic fluid has destroyed your brain.

also, i was shot AT while in my back yard, by a tweaker.

tweakers enjoy doing stupid shit, like popping off rounds at the neighbor kids, running really fast in a circle, and being australian.

even your insults are lackluster imprecations of the sort one might hear at a Klan rally or other places where the genetically damaged and profoundly dim witted gather.

your comments have become so incoherent i can only assume you have eluded your special needs minder.


New Member
so israel can do WHAT?

mainlining hydraulic fluid has destroyed your brain.

also, i was shot AT while in my back yard, by a tweaker.

tweakers enjoy doing stupid shit, like popping off rounds at the neighbor kids, running really fast in a circle, and being australian.

even your insults are lackluster imprecations of the sort one might hear at a Klan rally or other places where the genetically damaged and profoundly dim witted gather.

your comments have become so incoherent i can only assume you have eluded your special needs minder.
We credit the US with inventing tweakers and crack heads – you need them in your prisons. We also thoroughly discourage said crack heads from engaging in flawed discourse, awash with hubris and hypocrisy, in support of a cowardly, zionist regieme.

Your abject support for such genocidal warmongers is typical of a chicken-hawks ingrained fear of the “Big Bad Moslem” and being shot and/or shot at hasn’t helped you... What’s really telling is the lack of humanity you attribute to people of the muslim faith, especially the Palestinian people, who have suffered under the zionist occupiers.

Justify it all you want, there is no justification for repeating what’s already been done, especially, when, for 50 years you and those like you have used it to deflect legitimate criticism away from a problem that is not going away...

Anyways, I’ve got some special needs coming on and your mother has eluded me.... :hump: