What do you guys think of this idea?

I'm just so sick of people and always hearing about violence and stuff. I was just thinking maybe in May just get up and leave and tell a few people that im going on vacation or something. But I want to go somewhere far away and just grow a bunch of marijuana and basically live off the land and leave all my electronics behind so I don't have any connection. I would come back after harvest but do you think I should go through or wait and plan this out better?


Ursus marijanus
Be very careful where you choose to go, because in an out-of-the-way spot you'll be exposed to actual violence and not just hearing about it. Living off the land requires tools and equipment that are quite stealable. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
Do it, lots of research should be done if you are not an avid outdoorsman already. Scout your location, bring a firearm. Good Luck and stay dry.


Well-Known Member
Uh, what are you doing for food and water, bodily functions, etc? Keep a journal, and take a volleyball.
Gotta set up camp within walking distance from a stream at least, though not so close as to be in it's flood plain. So I would find a side of a mountain on a south facing slope obviously. Gotta get some of those water purifing tabs, something to carry and something to boil water in. Hope your a good shot, and expect to lose a bit of weight.


just do it if you think you are ready....
the people before me mentioned a whole bunch of good stuff,
i would just add;
make sure you're not just running away from stuff.
there will be problems everywhere you go.
its more about how you deal with the stress in your life, wherever it may come from, not your location.
or something like that... :bigjoint:
but thats just me.
Haha I'm not trolling. Anyways I wanted to be somewhat close to a town. I couldn't completely live of the land I would have to go to the store. And I think I will as long as everything goes alright.


Well-Known Member
Yeah OK!

Good night guys!! I've been smoking Jamaican dream all day and this is still blatently apparent. I may have one more for you guys though! It's 3:30am here so time to KO! :)
