I have several guns, purchased them legally and keep them locked up in a safe manner. I fully support the 2nd amendment because I love having guns. I don't hunt, and I rarely take them to the range, or out to my parents place in the country to shoot. I would hate for the government to come in and take my guns away from me which I paid for legally from working hard. BUT.....I do agree that we need more regulations with guns. We need to make it harder for people to purchase guns, have a more extensive background check on those purchasing them, and not just for hand guns and assault rifles. Did you know that there is no federal law that prohibits a gun dealer to sell a gun to someone who is drunk or high? The ATF just "frowns upon" those types of sales, but if someone where to sell to a person who is drunk they would face no penalty. Gun dealers are not required by the federal law to turn in their firearm inventory. Again, the ATF just recommends to gun dealers that they take an inventory once a year and turn it in on their own. The ATF does not have an actual director, which by the way, the old director was let go back during the Bush administration....sounds pretty dumb to me. The current "acting" director of the ATF is a guy from, I think, Minnesota, and he is, again I think, the attorney general up there. But, the truth of the matter is the current "acting" director of the ATF already has a full time job in either Minnesota or Wisconsin, for which he spends most of his time there and only commutes from time to time to DC to do some part time work for the ATF.
As for restricting magazine sizes I'm all for it. Why do I need more than the typical 10 shot clip? There is no reason in hell that I would need more than 10 shots in a clip. If someone breaks into my house while I'm there I definitely won't need more than 3 shots to take care of the problem, if need be. Most intruders would run at the sound of the first shot going off, and yes, I live in a very bad part of town, and yes I've had my house broken into 4 times in the past year and a half. If you can't take care of an intruder with less than 5 shots then you are obviously a horrible shot. If you are a hunter then why do you need an assault rifle? You can't use them to hunt with, atleast in the state that I live. I'm sure the deer/moose/turkey/bear/ or whatever else you hunt won't be shooting back with an uzi.
The argument that people need these assault rifles and extra large magazine capacities is so the government doesn't take over. Well, that just sounds like a bunch of ignorance to me. How the hell could the government take over? Seriously? What are they going to do, order the military to go to war with the citizens? Don't you think the people in the military has family members? The military isn't a bunch of robots and clones. They do have a mind of their own, regardless of what their superior officers may tell them, they do know what is right from wrong and would not go to war against the United States citizens. So that leaves who? O.K., I'll play your game, lets say the military does agree to go to war against us citizens. Do you really think just because you have an assault rifle, a hand gun with 30 round clips, and a trunk full of ammo is going to do anything against fighter jets, drones, high powered weapons, missles, tanks, and what ever else the military has to play with? Do you really think it would matter? Sure you may be able to fight for all of 10 minutes and say, "I stood my ground and died with dignity", sounds like a bunch of crap to me that people who think they are tough say.
Other than that, lets say the military does agree and goes to war with the citizens, they start using their high powered equipment to "defeat" us. Don't you think all those other countries out there in the world would step in and stop it? We are not the only country in the world you know. I'm sure the United States wouldn't do anything stupid like that because all it would do is destroy the entire United States and we would not be a super power anymore and that would leave us open to attacks from foreign countries, as if that would really happen either in this day and age and all the super power allies we have.
Stop being so "elementary" in thought people. England has a ban on all guns, police don't even have them. Did you know that in, it was either, 2011 or 2010, that England only had 45 gun deaths for the entire year. America has well over 10,000 a year. I'm not saying to get rid of all our guns. What I am saying is that it's not that crazy of an idea to put limitations on the magazine sizes, deeper back ground checks, a registry with everyones names, addresses, and what they purchased on file with the government. Hell, they kind of already do something similar with ballistics. Every gun I have purchased has a spent cartridge that comes with it, and they do that because why?......
I suggest people to do their homework on our current gun laws, do homework on different nations who have banned guns altogether and see what their murder rates are, I also suggest people watch a clip that John Stewart did on the ATF and our gun laws....sure I know, he has a comedy news show, but he does tell the truth on the issue.
Here are some more interesting tidbits on the ATF and gun laws in America...
"The ATF isn't allowed to inspect gun dealers for inventory more than once a year, and in reality inspections are done at an actual rate of about one every 17 years" ---fact
"The ATF only has around 2500 agents working for them"----fact Seems rather small since they control Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
"Self reporting inventories do not work since the ATF was barred from requiring gun dealers to take inventories" ---fact
Here is more on the last fact I just posted....."Ten years ago a congressman stuck an amendment into a federal spending bill that restricted the ATF's abilities to enforce gun laws. It allowed dealers to ignore police requests for assistance, it denied congress gun crime data, ended oversight of used firearm sales, it required the destruction of background check records within 24 hours. The person who was responsible for this bill was Todd Tiahrt." Now this guy is saying that the ATF should be handling this situation with gun laws, even though he just chopped their legs out from under them."
Do some fact checking on this....I dare ya.
As John Stewart said...."it's not our job at the ATF to tell you you can't sell guns to drunk people.....I will say this though, you can sell guns to drunk people, but if those drunk motherfuckers try to get in a car and drive home you take them down".