Cops in seconds?
My ass. That is all.
i recently called the non emergency line. it was about 1 am, i walked out to have a smoke, and noticed a wreath on my front porch. i thought WTF then noticed one of my pumpkins was missing. then i looked up a noticed a couple of kids running down the road from a neighbor's place.
drunk, i decided that these no good pumpkin thieves deserved to be prosecuted for their pumpkin and wreath theft. called the non emergency line and told them what happened and where they ran off to. hung up the phone and 30 seconds later a cop car slowed down and circled back around the intersection where i described them to be. they passed by after making a loop on the road they probably went down a few minutes later.
i put out my smoke and went in, totally tripped out about what had just happened.
Range is the difference and if your throwing dishes and someone is shooting bullets? Some people buy them as investments and people with views like yours are really exponentiating the investments LOL.
you're very welcome! now that your military grade killing tools are worth more, you'll be sure to lock them up so they don't get stolen by some mentally ill dude with plans on murdering classrooms of 6 year olds.