Black Ops 2?

OH WOW. Lol...
I never said I was a gamer? Lol! I just like to play Call of Duty every once in a while. I'm not even that good. Lol.

Either way you will think what you want and theres nothing I can do about that. However I am who I say I am.

right youre not that good but you clearly deleted a post that said "the only reason they will be mad is because ill be kicking their ass"
you have a boyfriend why do you come here acting like
"ohhh add me to xbox lawlz lyke were gunna be BEST BUDDIES" because most of these forums are male dominated, like makes no sense..

I never said I would be best buddies with anyone, however if I get invited to a game I will play. You sound ridiculous to me. I don't even talk to anyone on xbox live. I just play.
right youre not that good but you clearly deleted a post that said "the only reason they will be mad is because ill be kicking their ass"

Actually it did not say that. It said "the only reason they would be mad would be because its my fault our team lost"

By the way I'm still waiting for you to send me the link to prove I'm not who I say I am.
Actually it did not say that. It said "the only reason they would be mad would be because its my fault our team lost"

By the way I'm still waiting for you to send me the link to prove I'm not who I say I am.
just seems like running around on male dominated forums asking to play video games would see not very attached like girl. its OBVIOUS people are going to hit on you so why do you it?
just seems like running around on male dominated forums asking to play video games would see not very attached like girl. its OBVIOUS people are going to hit on you so why do you do?

What does that have do to with you at all?
and who is running around? This is the only forum I even check.

Also, so because I look the way I look I'm not allowed to join a forum?

By the way, I am flattered that you think I'm so pretty. :) (This is not sarcastic and I don't want you to take it that way, because I mean this genuinely.)
What does that have do to with you at all?
and who is running around? This is the only forum I even check.

Also, so because I look the way I look I'm not allowed to join a forum?

By the way, I am flattered that you think I'm so pretty. :) (This is not sarcastic and I don't want you to take it that way, because I mean this genuinely.)

that statement had nothing to do with me, youre allowed ot join any forum but you seem like a spammer if thats all your name brings up, so then members start PMing me about this and i have to look into the issue , im all for giving out xbox live tags but i wanna make sure people are legit, as it is a pot forum, all it takes it one bad apple, to ruin it for the rest of us ,
also no problem on the compliment you could do with a different haircolor but whatever
that statement had nothing to do with me, youre allowed ot join any forum but you seem like a spammer if thats all your name brings up, so then members start PMing me about this and i have to look into the issue , im all for giving out xbox live tags but i wanna make sure people are legit, as it is a pot forum, all it takes it one bad apple, to ruin it for the rest of us

A spammer? How?
O.o no reason to get panties all in a bunch. Your both hot, you both play video games... winner winner chicken dinner.

But don't worry sunni your still my fav...