400w HPS Fruity Chronic Juice & Critical Kush SCRog Grow


Well-Known Member
As you guys wish ;) sorry for the pictures but the hps is going at full power.
FCJ is almost touching the screen so I think within next few days I think I'll have to start training her under the screen. Both of the plants just look so healthy nice broad green leaves and shit, it might be the soil that I'm using this time around, plus I don't know if it my imagination or my plant's really picked up after adding those two bottles of yeast mixture.

So here we go first up is the FCJ she on day 23 since breaking the ground:View attachment 2487443View attachment 2487445View attachment 2487446View attachment 2487447View attachment 2487449

And here we got CK on day 18View attachment 2487297View attachment 2487300

Hope you guys like it :weed:

Yum :weed:


Well-Known Member
i walked out of my room one day while i was working in my tent to get some water and left my tent open, fucking cat tore up 3 seedlings to the point of no return. almost killed the fucking thing.


Well-Known Member
Does dabumps stand for HPV? lol

Nah flaming pie was the name I chose due to the song "man on the flaming pie". I also wasn't making my gender known on here until recently.
Strangely enough it does. It's a real long story but it ends with me not having hpv

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Yeah my first grow the cat uprooted one of my seedlings and took a bite out of the other. The one that was bit was the plant that made it to the end. The one that was uprooted got super stressed out and grew really slow.

The uprooted one got the tip of her tap root broken, so she couldn't grow as effectively. IMG_0374.jpg

That pic is 1 month after she had been uprooted. I flipped the pot to see her root structure.


Well-Known Member
i would have killed that fucking cat if my GF wasnt right there yelling at me for booting it actoss the room. then i went after it and she got all pissed off cuz she knew its death was in the near future. glad i didnt since it was a gift for x mas to my step daughter and she owuld have been devastated. no plant is worth breaking a kids heart over lol. sounds corney but...

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
i would have killed that fucking cat if my GF wasnt right there yelling at me for booting it actoss the room. then i went after it and she got all pissed off cuz she knew its death was in the near future. glad i didnt since it was a gift for x mas to my step daughter and she owuld have been devastated. no plant is worth breaking a kids heart over lol. sounds corney but...
If the seeds were easier to come by we wouldn't get so pissed. But we have to pay 5-12 dollars a seed and wait 10-18 days to recieve them!

If only we could make the kitties understand!


Well-Known Member
i would have killed that fucking cat if my GF wasnt right there yelling at me for booting it actoss the room. then i went after it and she got all pissed off cuz she knew its death was in the near future. glad i didnt since it was a gift for x mas to my step daughter and she owuld have been devastated. no plant is worth breaking a kids heart over lol. sounds corney but...
True that buddy true that!


Active Member
Uhhh bumps I need some pics man ahhhhhhhh...... but this is where you have been and I apologize for not responding to your question but I'm here to sprinkle my special stuff on you now like you like it lol. But j/k where are some damn pics?