First time I got high
So I'm 14, and I'm at a friends house...
Before this week, I thought I would die if I smoked ANYTHING, because I have asthma.
But I found a pack of cigarettes, opened, but full and unharmed on the side of the road, with the foil part still closed
Once I smoked that, and weed was offered. I was SOO ready to smoke weed
So I was at my friends house, and his mom an brother (that was the rest of the family) went to sleep.
He started looking around for something, searching in drawers, behind books, everywhere...
I asked what he was looking for and he said "My Mom's weed, it's in a little baggie"
So I started helping him look. We ended up finding it in the drawer in front of/under the computer. It was a little baggie, with about 7g of Reggie in it...He pulled out maybe .1-.2
We both tried out best to roll a joint out of it(Using Christmas bag stuffing paper that his mom had cut perfectly shaped sitting with the weed, and ended up smoking his joint which we declared was better, but still was shitty.
He had smoked before, with and without his mom. But I had never ever smoked before at all. So he told me to hold it in, and how long it was going to take and everything.
I didn't really feel anything, so we went and got a little more weed(like .3 this time), and used an Eclipse tin, gum container, with holes in strategic places, instead of a joint.
So after about 10 minutes it REALLY started to kick in
I was just laughin, and watching him play Zelda (The Twilight Princess).
He was at the part where you sumo wrestle the mayor...There are three options while fighting...It's like slap, grab, sidestep. And it's essentially rock, paper, scissors. But he didn't know that, and he kept losing the match, and once I notice it was Ro,Pa,Sc I told him " ... is paper ... is rock ... and ... is scissors."
He said "Here, you do it." So I tried, but I never play Zelda, I watched my 10-year-older-than-me step sister play when I was little, but I had never really played Zelda. So when I tried it, I lost too.
But I explained it to him again, and told him to do it.
So he did, and won.
After that we played Time Splitter, and everything seemed like it was going is slowmotion, which made me REALLY good at sniping
After that we went to sleep, because it was already pretty late when we smoked
This next story is the 2nd or 3rd time I got high...
So we smoked in the woods, before our walk to Wednesday youth group at the church
We smoked a couple bowls, and were properly toasted, so we decided to start our walk (Me and one other friend)
We were walking through the very suburby neighborhood, and as we were walking. It felt as if we were walking, but the houses were staying still. As if we had a treadmill in the middle of the street, and no matter HOW fast we ran, or how weird we jumped, there was no way to out run it. And we were both just being weird, trying to make the houses move as we walked, but the wouldn't. It felt like were weren't moving at all...
By finally we made it to the fence by a golf course we had to cross. We hopped the fence, and started walking....
All the sudden I stepped in quick sand, I was sinking. Then I realized, it was just a sand trap...
Then my friend yelled as if something crazy were happening, and I said "It's just a sand trap." So he stopped freaking out, and we laughed about it...
So we finally got tot he other side, and jumped the fence. When we jumped, I looked and the neighborhood we were in was THE SAME one as before, we never even went on the golf course...
But then I realized we HAD gone on the golf course, and this was another neighborhood, that just looked the same to me as the other one.
My friends jumped the fence right after me and was like "WHATTT?!?!"
And I told him, "It's a different neighborhood, it just looks the same."
And he says, "That's like the second time, you can read my fuckin mind
But then I told him the same things had just happened to me moments before, and we laughed.
Then we got to the church and met up with another friend. Him and the friends I had came with, noticed a jacket laying int he middle of the parking lot, and decided to go get it.
But I didn't want to walk that far. But then sitting there, it felt like it had been 10 minutes, so I went to catch up with them...
I was kinda jogging across a semi constructed new part of the church, when all the sudden I died...
In front of me was black, beside me on both sides was back, and I assumed behind me was black. But I was trapped, and didn't even have enough room to turn my body or anything...
Then I looked up
I had fallin in some kind of ditch in the construction site, that was really thin because they were probably just going to bury a pipe there or something.
But I climbed out, and met up with them...
We got the jacket went to church, and that's it...