HELP!!! My plants will be unattended for 2 weeks!


Well-Known Member
My plants are 18days old today. In three weeks i'll be going on a trip...for two weeks. That means when i leave they'll be almost 6 weeks old. I would flower by then but then i'm gone for another 2 weeks.

What should i do to keep my plants from dying? They'll be all alone for two weeks and that's a long time without water and i would have to keep the lights really high.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
My friend used a this trick for her houseplants....she put some water in a bathtub, then put a brick in the water, and set the plant container on the brick....apparently the water travels up through the brick and into the plant's roots. I've never tried it though, but she swears by it.


Well-Known Member
i have left mine for ten days an they were ok a little wilty but ok a few more days and they would prbably have died..... do you know anyone who blowes glass if so you can have then make you like a big hollow with a pointy stem that could be filled with water and poked into the soil


Well-Known Member
yeah go look in the hydro/aero part of roll it up and ask them there the pro they will give u a good drip system


Well-Known Member
and if u do try the drip system this is juss my opinion i was say get a BIG ass bucket maybe a 5 gallon water jug so that it last the whole 2 weeks

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
wow is that good for the plant to only be watered every 10-11 days?
just asking as i would think that the water would be going stagnant by then and the lack of D/O in the water would be an issue


Well-Known Member
aren't there crystals that i can put on the soil that will let out moisture? I'm thinking of getting some 2liter bottles and just poking a hole and having the top open.


Well-Known Member
kill them... you dont want to leave plants unattended for that long even if they are watered.. you dont want your land lord popping in when your gone, or the neighborhood hoodlems breaking in and blowing up your spot