How dumb are you? They are trying to ban AR-15's, meaning ONLY government has them, giving them a huge advantage if a revolt takes place. It's how all tyranical governments start, with disarming the citizens.At no point does it take about taking away your right to arms. Tinfoil hat is strong within you.
The only source from that article that has anything to do with that article is from CNN. Please read. How about I quote from it,
Gov. Andrew Cuomo beefed up New York's gun-control laws on Tuesday by signing into law a new package of firearm and mental health regulations that mark the nation's first since last month's massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.
Cuomo, a self-described gun owner, said the December 14 tragedy spurred lawmakers to action and called it a "common sense" measure before enacting what are widely seen as America's toughest gun laws.