Who the fuck does that?


New Member
Someone went into my back yard and took a trash bag out of my barrel. I wanna catch this fool. But the only thing I can think of is to have a motion sensored light out back i dont have, and cant afford) or keep my dog out back(which I wont). I need something to alert me if someone is in my backyard. any suggestions on how to catch this prick? It could very well be a private investigator that my moms scumbag bf knows. Could be anyone. But I wanna catchy him and detain him and call the cops. (if hes looking for shit) if hes just a bum looking for food than i dont care and I dont wanna get someone like a bum in trouble.


New Member
I know its only a trash bag...But WHY. who would go thru my trash and steal my trash bag. Looking for somehting obviously


Well-Known Member
haha! that is totally fucking random. title of thread is aptly named. bestbuy has a camera + dvr setup for like $300... get that for peace of mind

Kite High

Well-Known Member
I know its only a trash bag...But WHY. who would go thru my trash and steal my trash bag. Looking for somehting obviously
cops trying to get evidence....lowlife wanting your identity....starving homeless looking for food....crackhead looking for a dropped piece...hell lotsa reasons and people...

Booby trap the thing

and it doesn't have to hurt them...make it dump paint on them or something...then you will at least have a trail
We had the same problem for a while at my aunts house, I suggest make a trap of sorts (not a harmful one, just enough to get your dog to bark) Go buy a 10$ trash can and fill it with something loud, then either glue the top on so it cant come off or make a trip wire so it gets knocked over, set them mofos up!


Well-Known Member
Garbage can + flash device and noise maker + PC camera with motion detection software (ispy works great) = Fun!!! You'll also hear the noise maker and can heckle the person.

For a simple flash device, you'll need 1 disposable camera, a couple grams of good weed, and some spare time. Smoke the weed, disassemble the camera, connect now-accessible flash board/battery combo to garbage can, and connect the trigger to the lid. When opened it flashes. Hook up that noise device to your trash can ... (You can also make a wicked ghetto stun-gun outta a pair of those cameras.)
dig holes around the garbage can about 2 feet deep, then put in some pointed sticks with the pointed end pointing downward and diagonal. there foot and leg goes in the hole, but they will end up ripping a lot of meat off there leg trying to get it back out of the hole.......just saying......


Well-Known Member
If I could afford it I would build an outside narrow sheltered dog run around your house like a moat, so your dog has freedom to circle your house in a protected area with motion sensor spots on the yard.