Apocalyptic Blueberry

adding molasses gives the plant calcium and potassium really good for the plant and it gives it sugar and it makes the buds taste organicly delicious


Well-Known Member
adding molasses gives the plant calcium and potassium really good for the plant and it gives it sugar and it makes the buds taste organicly delicious
I will not contradict, but if it has sugar...that will provide a great medium for bacteria and other pests to develop as well...


Well-Known Member
looks good so far man but if i was you i would transplant that plant when it is biger. in to some happy frog soil or the foxfarm ocean forest because miracle grow can leave behind a nasty taste when harvest any ways i used the foxfarm soil with age old grow and age old bloom is my grow and they are looking dank check it out. View attachment 2493555

o yeah and what also helps is molasses helps the taste and it is really good for the plant i use it the hole grow cycle with great results
I had it at the beginning in MG, after I've moved it into organic plargon


Well-Known Member
Day 35 from seed for the 1st one and day 28 from seed for the 2nd one. Finally got some pics. They are well, the 2nd one is developing good as well. Yesterday I gave both water. No new issues. Thinking to start flowering soon. I know the 2nd one is still small(ish) but it's ok, if she will develop some buds, I will be happy. Tell me what do you think. For the flowering I have 2 big 15 liters pots so I will move them soon.


even if they are the same stream, the coloration is different, isn't it?


New Member
Lookin GREEN Perk! And the colors could be different with the same strain depending on the genes.
Are you impressed with the results of LST only?


Well-Known Member
Lookin GREEN Perk! And the colors could be different with the same strain depending on the genes.
Are you impressed with the results of LST only?
the LST only on the 2nd plant, is great! it was a new thing for me, only down side is that this plant was a bit retarded compared with the 1st one and it developed slower, so I am thinking that if I would have done that with a normal growing plant I would have seen even more results, overall, it's great! but still I am dreaming for my next projects to do that nice technique with the symmetry, top on the 2nd node, cut down the first 2 branches from the first node, LST the 2 tops from the 2nd node and so on until I'll have around 6 mains, that for me is amazing ! need to give it a try with the blue widow


New Member
how many main tops do you think I'll end up having from the 1st (bigger) plant?
I'll say like 25 bro! I took off a few of the weaker ones today. I'll count them up here soon and get back to ya haha!
But I also wanna cut back to the second node for the next grow to and get just a few main colas.
I've read a lot of different places that more tops isn't always better, so I'm hoping the fact that I have so many don't bite me in the ass :joint:

We'll get it right in a timely fashion tho :leaf:


New Member
how many main tops do you think I'll end up having from the 1st (bigger) plant?
You'll be able to see that soon. I can't call it. I know there are ones that my pics don't really show, even tho they're right at the top ya know?!
I'm just aiming to get them all at the same level and have no weak stems. I released my in some places to grow upwards today, but tied down in some place too.
I also pulled some flower sites thru the canopy just to get some light, while cutting off atleast 7 potential flower sites from each plant that were under then canopy, sorta shaded from light.
You'll see which tops are gonna be nice..I kept all the nice stems. Wacked the weak. still at 20+ good tops per plant.

It's getting busy too man! And I'm not even 2 whole weeks in! I'm amped to see this thing unfold man!
I feel proud haha when I'm looking at the garden! You should too from what I'm looking at yo! :joint:


Well-Known Member
how many main tops do you think I'll end up having from the 1st (bigger) plant?
Just multiply what you had times two on all the branches you topped :) + LST + an nice under cut for air and zoneing and your golden perk, i hope you have enough light for those medusas'! :) sssssssssssss.....


New Member
It won't always be two tops that come from a topping tho, and the FIM cut is IMPOSSIBLE to predict.
it just spits bud sites out!


Well-Known Member
It won't always be two tops that come from a topping tho, and the FIM cut is IMPOSSIBLE to predict.
it just spits bud sites out!
That was a pretty good guess though for how drunk i was when i wrote it last night. Felt like fear and loathing after the moon shine :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Day 36 from seed for the 1st one and day 29 for the 2nd one, I've changed them today into larger pots and enforced the LST's. The plan would be from tomorrow to change them into 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Day 36 from seed for the 1st one and day 29 for the 2nd one, I've changed them today into larger pots and enforced the LST's. The plan would be from tomorrow to change them into 12/12.
What kind of pots did you change them into perk? You dont want to wait a couple days before they get flipped to establish some new roots? Sorry, if i missed it, im behind on your thread...:(


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree with ninja if you transplanted them and just LST them i would give them another week on veg cycle to establish some roots in new soil and get used to the LST, not necessary but not having to develop roots during flower means more enrgy into the buds.


Well-Known Member
15 liters ones. I'm on a tights schedule. Until the 25 on march I hope to harvest...due to a visit I will have. That's why I am thinking to switch. With my first grow I did the same, after moving into a large pot, I've switched it to 12/12. I know that the plant is developing roots during the flowering period too, isn't it? So it will not be a problem regarding that and about the LST, it's not new LST, just the old ties, I've LSTed in the same places. So nothing to recover from. So I have around 8 weeks of flowering. I hope it's enough...


Well-Known Member
Best thing I could do is to leave them into 18/6 until Monday morning maybe and Monday to be the first day of 12/12...


Well-Known Member
Best thing I could do is to leave them into 18/6 until Monday morning maybe and Monday to be the first day of 12/12...
Ya man, they slow down on the root development later but it never stops. And at around four plus weeks of flower it seems to really bush out. I pulled out a male after replanting two days prior and it had already grown into the dirt enough that it surprised me. It shouldnt be that bad, i just usually let them recover from one thing before slamin em with somthin else you know. If you have time worries slap em i. There asap cause sometimes they run longer than you think :):)


Well-Known Member
yeah obviously if theres time restrictions then you cant, i was under the impression you had some time. you also need to remember it can take up to 2 weeks sometimes for the flower cycle to start so if you only have a window of time you need to do what you need to do.